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Everything posted by becks

  1. Woo hoo!!! And Mannia provides lighting which would have cost you another $600 with Swank. Seriously.... On another front, I've got an appointment at the spa for a trial run hair styling when we go down next month, so I'll be sure to let you know how we do. I want an updo (because of the wind and so forth), so I'll be bringing down a bunch of photos and sharing them with the stylist. I'll make FI take pics of how it turns out so I can share.
  2. Here's a photo of Snuffles' friend Ester (get it? Ester Bunny?) in a dress by the same designer... soooo elegant! And here's her tiara - I think a starfish would look simply smashing right in the middle of it!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Will princess Snuffles be attending your wedding? Wouldn't she look lovely in a small rabbit version of your dress? With her own bouquet & tiny starfish. I can pass on Nibblet's starfish to her. I actually have a lovely shantung silk strapless number being made for Snuffles - in a nice shade of mauve. She would LOVE to borrow Nibblet's starfish, but we'll have to mount it in her tiara... she ate her bouquet.
  4. I wuv yew Sawa. Wewl yew share some fodos wif da gurls?
  5. Sarah - I'm sorry I missed so much of things yesterday but I just couldn't get on BDW. Sounds like things are calm right now - at least on the surface. Others have said it and it does look a whole lot like a power play. And unfortunately, those aren't easy to deal with. Stand your ground, but don't challenge her - that will only make things worse. Tell her what you want, tell her again, and tell her a third time. Eventually she'll see that she doesn't get to rule the roost and she'll back off. Let us know what's happening, and what we can do to make you feel better! Lotsa love!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Is your rabbit getting jelouse? Does your rabbit want an outfit? Woo hoo!!! New thread name: The rabbit thread formerly known as the ferret thread formerly known.... This is my (pretend) rabbit, snuffles, herein known as princess snuffles:
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by PenMarie somethign about ferrets and clothes don't quite go together for me.. I'm sorry, how can you read this thread and possibly think that!!! Personally, I've discovered that ferrets and clothing are about the funniest D**N thing to ever grace my world!!!! Of course, I openly admit to having a severely skewed sense of humor. I mean, c'mon... how can you not giggle at this: (is this nibblet in drag)
  8. I was going to do exactly what Maura's doing. The tone of your note is too submissive/self-deprecating. I'll let Maura re-write as she's far better with the wordsmithing than I. But be assertive - this is still your party, this is still your bill. I know it's her house, but jeez!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR On the DJ front - apparently Mannia has a website - here's the link! MANNIA - Audio, Video e Iluminación Profesional Excellent news - when we booked him the site was either down or in process - but his old address didn't have the .mx suffix so maybe this is new. FI was looking for something like this!
  10. I agree with what everyone has said here. It's your day, your guests are being inappropriate with their requests. They probably don't realize that there is a cost per person, but even then it's inappropriate. I had this problem with some of my mom's family inviting extras to my shower (being hosted by someone they had never met). I had my mom call them - it's just not appropriate. You might do the same - it's unreasonable of them to expect you to host total strangers at your wedding when those strangers were not the "and guest" invitees.
  11. YAY!!! Jose gets extra gold stars today!!!!
  12. This is one of the reasons I SO prefer the phone. Call her and tell her that you're really in love with the idea, and you've already got it all set and ready to go. Then emphasize that it's important to you. She'll get it. If she wants to add a coffee bar, let her (at her expense).
  13. Heidi - which mug did you end up buying? I'm wondering if the paint sticks better to some than to others.
  14. Abbie!!!!!!!! Your niece is such a cutie-patootie!!!!! I get to see Maura next week, too! Yippee!
  15. Happy Wedding Day!!!! I'm sure it will be wonderful!!!! Many congratulations!!
  16. Sorry I'm a little late! I hope you had a fantastic birthday!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl wow rebecca! does it come with a butler for the butlers pantry? now THAT would be fantastic! Actually Abbie, it does!!! And his name is Chris.
  18. Hi Maura! You've also got a hair flower, right? If that's the case, I'd go for the less is more approach - #2 or #5. But if not, I like #1 and #3 best
  19. I'm so sorry Michelle! Wish we could all give you a big hug.
  20. A few more pics, and the floorplan (for those of you who are floorplan junkies like me): Another of the front: The kitchen: The first floor plan: The second floor plan: All the others are really just wood floors, or white walls, so this will have to hold you for now! Yippee!
  21. I like dress #1 better, but you're smiling a whole lot more in dress #2.
  22. Everything looks great! It's going to be so pretty in the pictures!!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa wait, what state is this house in? it is really nice!!! Thanks - its in Manhasset, NY (on Long Island) Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes It looks gorgeous! Cant wait to see the inside. :~) Are you going to try and close on the house an move before the wedding? Believe it or not, yes. The funniest part (ok - funny for those of you who are familiar with the NYC area) is that the house is on Long Island, about 20 minutes from LaGuardia or JFK, but our flights for both the wedding and the honeymoon are out of Newark (flying Continental), so it's going to take us about an hour and a half to get to the airport now! Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR Congrats Becks! What a stunning house - Can FI and I move in? Of course!!! We can have all the Paradisus brides move in!! Quote: Originally Posted by sodria This house looks beautiful! Tell us all about it, do you have pictures of the inside? Good luck! I'll see what I can find for inside photos - it's new and unoccupied, so other than floors and ceilings, there's not a whole lot to see. But I'll work on it.
  24. Yay LeShay!!! Have the most wonderful time. Be sure to stop long enough to really, really enjoy it! Can't wait to hear the details, we know it will be fabulous!!!
  25. They look great!!! Everyone will be so excited to receive them!
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