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Everything posted by becks

  1. I used to be involved with a tutoring/mentoring program for underprivileged kids. That was pretty great. Then my life got busy, and I was travelling for work ALL the time and I had to give it up. I still miss it. While you run into a few rotten kids, most of them are absolutely stellar. I got a note from one of the kids a few years ago telling me that he'd finished high school and was enrolling in community college. He may have been the first in his family to finish high school, and was definitely the first to do any college. I was SO proud!! I'm thinking that after the wedding, when things settle down, I'm going to get involved with some adult literacy programs.
  2. Yay!!!! Looks like SO much fun!!
  3. Very, very cool!!! Your mom is so great! Yay mom! Now hurry up with those photos!
  4. Oh wow Sarah. I... I simply don't know what to say. And for me to be speechless is unheard of. I simply cannot imagine why your sister would choose to do this. The damage it is going to cause in her future life is likely to be immense. I can only pray to whatever higher beings will listen that she isn't and doesn't get pregnant. She will come to her senses and hopefully will be able to walk away without having to bring a child into consideration. I'm sure your family is absolutely beside themselves. I can't even imagine. My little brother got married at 20 and, save for the child his ex-wife was carrying at the time, it was without a doubt the single biggest mistake of his life. The repercussions of that are still very real and very serious. You're in my thoughts and prayers, as are your sister and your family.
  5. becks


    Hi Carly: I just put a CD with a bunch of Italian music in the mail to you. You should have it Saturday or Monday. Sooooo excited for you!
  6. I know there are a bunch of references to Mannia Cancun in several threads, but I thought I'd start a thread specific to Mannia and Carlos Martinez, the general director. Basic information: Mannia Cancun is a private DJ that serves Cancun and the Riviera Maya. Starting rates for 5 hours of service including lighting and a wireless microphone (as of 4/24/08 ) are $750 USD. He also has a lighted dance floor and cold fireworks available for an additional cost. His web site is: MANNIA - Audio, Video e Iluminación Profesional His e-mail address is: [email protected] or [email protected] The attached file contains a preliminary list of music that he provides when people inquire about his services. I know several brides have booked him for their weddings, myself included. I do not know of anyone who has actually had him for their wedding, but I'm hoping they'll chime in. LISTA DE MUSICA EN INGLES.xls
  7. Let me start a thread - I know there is quite a bit of information on them, but I'm not sure anyone using them has had their wedding yet. If it makes you feel any better, one of the photographers - I can't remember if it's Elizabeth Medina or if it's Claudia Rodriguez was the person that orignally turned the BDW brides onto Mannia.
  8. becks


    Yay!!! So exciting!!! 23 days... wow! And then the calm... mmmmmmm. I'm so jealous!!!
  9. I am so sorry Yari! My heart is breaking. Such a horrible, inexplicable thing.
  10. Okay, but wait, I understand that the sex of a child is dependent upon whether the chromasome the MAN's sperm is carrying is an X or Y chromasome. Women only have Xs, so therefore how does this work? Does eating a higher calorie diet somehow make a woman's ovum more likely to accept a Y chromasome carrying sperm? Do we have any geneticists in the house?? Anyone??
  11. I don't know, but I haven't asked. If I were to wager a guess, it would be because swank probably pays a higher fee to the hotel in order to be their exclusive vendor. I'm just guessing, but from what I've seen on other posts, that appears to be a driving force in these situations (not that I'm cynical or jaded or anything).
  12. For what it's worth, Carlos at Mannia told me that they used to be the DJ service provider at the Paradisus in 2005 and 2006. So if Victor is telling you that the Paradisus doesn't know Mannia, someone is lying.... Here's his note: "... i called Elisa from Paradisus and she saids that she has no problem for us to work at the Paradisus , we use to be their Dj provider during 2005 and 2006 untill they get a contract with Swank,so they know the way that we work , in all those years the hotel did not get any damage because of us , but well , the thing here is that now i have to talk with the person on charge of SWANK , and everything depends of what we talk , i will call him during the day , wish me luck..." I am very curious to see what SWANK comes back with price-wise.
  13. I think Lauren has it right. If anyone - even one person - has booked, you cannot change your plans without looking ill mannered. On the other hand, if no one has booked and you can get info out ASAP (like tonight), then you're probably okay - still not great - but okay.
  14. What about a wedge? They will give you some height without sinking into the sand - may be something like these: or these?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan It's all photoshopped. Just someone trying to ruin his reputation. While I don't think it was a role playing thing, I do wonder if Jumbo has some cross-dressing tendencies:
  16. Hi Carly - I have a TON of Italian music too. Like Maura, I lived there for quite a while. Let me know what type of music you want (traditional, pop, rock, love songs, etc.) and PM me an e-mail address and I'll get you some selections as well. I just checked my iTunes - I've got over 1,000 songs in italian. I'm pretty sure I can get you some that will suit your purposes!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan hampsters! Everyone, I'd like you to meet Nibblet's hampster... Jumbo: This photo was taken last New Year's Eve. Nibblet's and Jumbo threw quite the shin dig. This was actually the event where Ester wore her ever-so-elegant gown.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan She ate her bouquet She isn't still dating that skater punk is she? She's not dating him any more. Turns out he had 74,326 baby bunnies with his ex-bunny loves and she couldn't take it. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan geez bunnies in outfits are much harder to find then ferrets. I know!!! Makes the storytelling difficult! We may have to expand our thread to include another type of beastie. Guinea pigs, anyone??
  19. Oh Sarah!!! I'm soooooo sorry that you have to go through all of this. It's just not reasonable and your FMIL is just being petty - plain and simple. "Teach you a lesson" my a$$!!!!! For Pete's sake - if they don't tell you you're over budget, how the HELL are you supposed to know? Particularly if it was their job to keep track of the $$ being spent. I don't know if you have the means to accomodate it, but find another venue. Use a friend's house. Or call the VFW hall (they are usually pretty affordable), or something. If you can't find another venue, and you still want to have it at the FIL's house, my suggestion is to arrange with a couple of friends to come to the AHR a little late carrying all the stuff you bought for the candy buffet and loudly proclaim, right in front of your FMIL, "we know how much you wanted a candy buffet, so we got you one as a gift!" What's she gonna do then?? That's right... helloooooo candy buffet!
  20. A friend is thinking of wearing this dress. Pretty dress... but I'm seeing the model asking the photog if he wouldn't mind fetching the piece of something that just fell down her cleavage... by accident... riiiiight.
  21. Heidi your photos are gorgeous!!!! I love the one of you smiling with your mout open - you look like the happiest person EVER!!!! Can't wait for more!
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