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Everything posted by becks

  1. It sounds like she's not in a good place. Chances are it has absolutely nothing to do with you - it's the boyfriend, the dog, she hates her job, her neighbor is pissing her off, her mom is complaining that she doesn't see her... whatever. You and the wedding just are another little thing that she knows she ought to be paying attention to and she simply doesn't have the energy. So, don't get mad. The reality is that right now, for you, the single most important thing on the face of the planet is the wedding. But that doesn't mean anyone else sees it that way. So, take the higher road. Stop and tell her that you love her, that you get that chaos is abundant and invite her out for a non-wedding, non-reality day. Have brunch, people watch, laugh at what the 14-year olds are wearing. She probably needs someone in her life to just support her right now. The same way you want her to support you. And she'll get it. And she'll come around and you can pick out dresses and have a wonderful time and be back to the way things were. Good luck. Keep us posted.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl also, the part about having their closest loved ones there, isn't that like a kick in the shins to great aunt margaret who wanted to go but didn't think her walker would make it on the cobbly streets of mexico? Yeah, but when Great Aunt Margaret publicly announced that I was out of the will, I quit caring what she thought. And yes, I know what you mean, but my mom didn't want it to seem like we eloped, and somehow "the people we like more than you" didn't seem right either.
  3. I *heart* Maura. She's going to see if she can't save me from myself! Wedding date twins are the bestest!
  4. You can use my poem, but only if you have a picture of Nibblet in his tux on the front!
  5. Alyssa - I'm so sad for your loss! You're in my thoughts. Let us know if you need anything.
  6. Another way to tell a hard boiled egg from a raw one - when you spin it on the counter, stop it momentarily by tapping it on the top with your fingertip (like you'd try to catch a spinning coin on its edge). If it's raw, when you pull your finger away it will keep spinning (because the liquid inside keeps moving).
  7. Yay Jamie!!!!! Congratulations on a wonderful achievement!
  8. Okay, I give! I will never make it as a greeting card designer. The parents want to send announcements to people that don't live in the area and won't be able to make the AHR. Other than "we don't want our names on it" they won't give me any help with what they want the announcements to say. So, I came up with the image below (the black corners will be white), but it puts me to sleep. Anyone have any ideas how to make this tolerable? I think we'll put our website address on it at the bottom, as well.
  9. I had a roll-aboard case and a beach bag when I went in February. I'm going back down on Friday (returning Monday), so I'll let you know how it goes, as I'll have the same luggage arrangement.
  10. Oh for Pete's sake! They seriously didn't ask you if you were available? You need to kick some BM butt.
  11. becks

    Meet Zora

    awwww! What a doll!!!! I just want to give her a cuddle!!!
  12. So I went for my try on. I LOOOVE my dress! But photos were NOT an option. They don't want to clip it like they do with the samples because they don't want to risk damaging the fabric. And the length of the straps on the halter were so long that the V met about an inch below my belly button. LOL!!!! I looked like a freak. But, when we pulled it up to where is was supposed to be it was beautiful. Plus it was a 10 minute appointment in the middle of the day, so it just wasn't going to happen. But, in Glenda's words, I *heart* my dress!!!
  13. Everything looks great. Your guests are going to love their OOT bags!
  14. Yay!!!! Congratulations!! Have the most wonderful time! (take lots of pics)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I ran out of funny ferret pics a long time ago. I don't know how you keep them coming. I have an assistant who scours the web for me:
  16. Yay!!! Invites out! Mine will go sometime around the 20th!!! More importantly, did you try the dress on? And by the way... 3 months from today I'll have to start calling you MRS. Maura!!!!
  17. OMG they are soooooo adorable!!!!! That's just plain old manipulation. How do they expect you to say no when they show you a photo like that?? That's dirty pool!
  18. Holy crap! I didn't even notice! My dress is in - I'm going for my try on this afternoon (pre-fittings, just to make sure it's as expected). Then back to the Paradisus next week! Woohoo!
  19. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Lisa, Happy birthday to you!
  20. Oh Yay!!! Congratulations!!! I hope your day is super-perfect!
  21. Yay!!!! How exciting!!! One year... it will be here before you know it!
  22. Thanks Jamie! That would be great. After about 10 hours he gets bored of playing in the sock drawer. And my copy of Farley the Ferret of Farkleberry Farm is just about worn out.
  23. I actually told FI that his parents couldn't come. Because we're doing it on a weekday, and I don't want to deal with inviting my mom, and my dad and his wife. So the answer for us was to make it as low-key as we could. In NYC, it has to be witnessed by someone who has known you for at least 6 months. So one of my best girlfriends and one of FI's oldest friends will be there. Then we'll grab dinner at some pub or diner and call it a day.
  24. Oh I'm so glad it went well!!!! I'd been checking for an update. Don't you love it when the things that you think are going to be so hard turn out to be easy!!! Congrats!
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