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Everything posted by becks

  1. Well of course it did!!! YOU work there! Congratulations!
  2. Ah... the smell of ferrets in the morning. Always makes a girl smile!
  3. Have a wonderful time! I'm sure it wil be fantastic!
  4. For those of you who haven't figured it out, I am a list maker extraordinaire. I love them... I have lots of them... I refuse to live without them. So, I'm going to whine for a moment. But I put together my list of current to-dos, and none of it is FUN!! I want to do the fun stuff, and all of this is boring, blah, etc. We're MOVING and we're getting MARRIED, this should have more fun stuff on it. I want to buy my OOT bag stuff and pick out new bed linens. I do not want to call the security company to arrange monitoring. I do not want to talk to the movers. I do not want to deal with the bank, the lawyers or any of that. Okay, I have to admit that I'm getting on a plane on Friday morning to go and finalize all of the wedding plans, and that will be TONS of fun, but I'm feeling immature and selfish and I want the fun stuff today!!!! I think I'm done with my whining. At least for a few minutes. I now return you to your normally scheduled day.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jmiranda Wow these are really really nice!! Can you please pm with templates I loved this idea and your guests will absolutely love to get these!! Beautiful job!!! Jessica thanks Jessica - you can find the templates here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16771
  6. How about a grilled zucchini? Or cauliflower in beschamel?
  7. Oh hell Maura!!!! She's in California, right? I'm going out there on June 6 - give me her address because I am totally going to go and kick her ass into next year. I'm sorry, but what a f***ing c**t! I mean seriously... who does shit like that?!?!? Except for immature, selfish, nasty, bitchy people that we don't want in our lives anyway! I hate to say it, but it's time to stop trying. You know that I, of all people, wouldn't say that unless there was absolutely and utterly no other choice. But it sounds like she's been poisoned by your mother or something. So, vent, rant and rage, and then forget it and move on. Because she's simply not worth the frustration. Hopefully someday she'll come around and figure out that she's violated the trust of someone who is wonderful and generous, but she's not going to realize that until you're not there for her. You paid for her dress, didn't you? I'd demand that she reimburse you - even if she doesn't, making the demand will make you feel better. Big hugs my dear!!! You know if I didn't have other plans, I'd be there to step in!
  8. Great find Jenny!! I wish I had a bigger budget, but with the wedding plus the house purchase, and all the nonsense that goes along with it, I've put FI and I on a spending freeze.
  9. Wow Calia. Right next door to your in laws? You are a far, far better person than I.
  10. Yay Carly!!! Have the most wonderful time! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures in becoming a MRS!!! (with pics, of course!)
  11. Hi Morgan - I'd be happy to loan you my veil. It's really, really simple - ivory with an organza border. Only thing is that you have to get it back to me ASAP so I have it for my last fitting on July 9.
  12. I really like the lace dresses, but I'm a bit predisposed that way. So, I vote for #2!
  13. I hope the surgery went exceedingly well and you're home soon!!!
  14. It sounds great! I don't know if you have a wedding website, but ours allows for a music request area (not that we are using it, but still).
  15. I made a wonderful broiled peach stuffed with chopped pistachio and biscotti bits the other night. It's light enough to go with lamb and would carry over nicely from the pomegranate/apricot you have in the main meal. For vegetables with lamb, what about a simple asparagus with chopped bell pepper?
  16. I can't find the bookmark for site we were looking at when we were contemplating towels. But we found several places that sold cute striped towels for $5 or $6 each. Try googling "cheap beach towel".
  17. I don't get it. There's something missing from this story. But I agree with Morgan. I'd be suing for not having use of the lavs during the trip.
  18. I'm not sure it has the exact same compass, but PR Compass Rose has lots to choose from. I've attached the .ttf file for you
  19. I'm so sorry!! Have you called them to see if they can rebook anything?
  20. Happy birthday ladies!!! I hope it's wonderful and filled with special surprises!!!!!
  21. YAY!!!!! Congratulations!!!! If you have to forfeit, what better reason. Babies!!!! Love 'em!!! Best wishes for a healthy and easy pregnancy!!!
  22. FI LOVES cruises. We've been on two. He prefers the smaller ships which tend to be more expensive and slightly older, but they are still such fun. Personally, I'd recommend a cruise to places that you don't necessarily want to do a lot of sightseeing. I loved our Caribbean cruise, but I didn't enjoy Italy as much because I felt like we had to get back on the boat just about the time it was getting interesting. But you'll never be short of things to do. And look for one with better food. I've never been on celebrity, carnival or holland america. But Princess was fun and if you want high-end Silver Sea has the most fantastic service and food you've ever imagined.
  23. God bless the girlfriends who actually book. And Harty, I love your posts, too. I lived in London for a while and miss it terribly. Every once in a while I find myself rolling with laughter and then wondering if anyone else really understands what you're saying. I LOVE it!!!
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