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Everything posted by becks

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura i just found out that joses sister was planning on doing our ceremony programs without telling me -- all because it was a ploy for her to spend time with this guy she was seeing who was the manager of a stationery store who dumped her last week. when i told her i already had purchased special paper for the programs that match my invitations, she was like "noooooooooooooo" --um hello, how could she even do my programs without asking me if she has no idea the order of the ceremony and the readings we've chosen... Um... huh? We seriously have good FSIL stories. So, I'm looking at what's left on my to do list: Purchase bags and filler for OOT bags Print transfers for OOT bags Design and print hang tags for ceremony fans (ala Tami's) Wrap handles of fans and attach hang tags Work with Maura to design announcements Buy FI's shoes and shirt Have a makeup session at Mac (or wherever) Purchase our wedding bands Buy a guest book Arrange transfers to/from the hotel for us and guests Send out pre-travel packs to guests Have legal ceremony Make up seating charts Make an appointment for my final hair cut & color Design and print paper stuff - escort cards, menus, welcome letter And that's about it! Woohoo! Two months and four days!!!
  2. Oh my dear lord. I cannot even imagine what you are feeling and going thru. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I sincerely hope (but strongly doubt) that your sister did this out of genuine, open concern for your daughter and not out of some spiteful, nasty desire to do you and your family any harm. Take Maria's advice and document everything. Keep your lawyer on speed dial. Stay strong. Keep us posted.
  3. Oh you guys are the best! I love my dress even more now! You make a good day even better! Verse 2 (sing along, you know the tune): BDW Is so cool hmm hmm hmm you girls rule
  4. Had my first fitting today! And the rain let up long enough that I took my veil. I love *heart* love my dress!!! I don't even care that I had to have the straps narrowed and it's going to cost me a small fortune. sing with me, ladies: Love my dress. Love my dress. Hmm hmm hmm. Love my dress. And because I know you like to see, here you are! Front: Other front: Back (bustled): Detail of the lace:
  5. Well, crap! I just realized that I don't have my camera with me! I've been meaning to post photos of my invites that I finally put in the mail. I guess the cell phone will have to do. I'll see if I can't find a plastic bag somewhere.
  6. I'm a big fan of Maggianos! They have large, family-style portions of really yummy Italian food, and they are quite affordable. I know there's one in Vegas, although I've never been to the Vegas restaurant. Every one of their restaurants I've been to has a private dining room.
  7. A scoring blade makes a dent in the page so that it folds nicely and in a straight line. I used mine on the ticket jackets primarily. (Plus the center fold of my passport STDs). I found it much easier to work with a scoring blade than a ruler or a bone folder.
  8. Hi Ladies!!! I have my first dress fitting today, and I am SOOOOO excited!! Here's the thing: the salon has told be to bring my undergarments, shoes and veil. However, it is POURING RAIN today. I get the shoes and undergarments, but do I really have to bring my veil? The shop is a good 10 minute walk from my office, and I dont want it getting wet. I could take a cab, but it will take me that long just to find one. Thoughts? Suggestions?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG Holy crap I wish I was going to your wedding!!! Hey, come join the fun. You can be part of the BDW "no-shenanigans" enforcement squad! Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek How do you get engaged someone that's married? Very strange. ... How did you find out? I have no idea. But strange she is! FSIL told other FSIL (the one I adore) who shared the news. FSIL #1 (our resident wacko) still hasn't told us. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Oh my, it is getting good! Next she is going be with child. Ooooh that would be good! But, she's post-menopausal so that won't be happening. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I was thinking next would be she wants a Betsy FSIL style double ceremony Morgan, I think you're hilarious and I love you to pieces, but that isn't funny. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel ...your FSIL is CRAZY!! Divorce isn't that hard- especially if both parties agree. Fill out the damn paperwork already before you put another rock on your finger. I don't think you can wear two?!! Oh yeah. Crazy. As in certifiable. And believe me, she'd wear two if she could. But apparently boyfriend didn't get her a ring, some sort of silver bracelet. Um... Seriously, I couldn't write this s**t if I tried! Fortunately, I just find the whole thing very, very funny. But I am looking for volunteers for the No Shenanigans Enforcement Squad. I may have to make Betsy the head enforcer.
  10. I just bought mine last friday from Japanese Kimono, Chinese Paper Lanterns, Chopsticks, Chinese Dresses I probably have a couple more than I'll need though, how many are you looking for?
  11. That is just so weird! Not to mention an insult to the intellect of every bride on this forum. Ah well, makes for good stories! Thanks for taking care of us Tammy!
  12. I'm so glad that you all like my STDs. This thread is really quite old (January 2008 ), and the STDs were mailed several months ago. For anyone who wants the templates, they are posted in this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16771 If you have any questions or need any help, I'm delighted to assist - just PM me!! In the meantime, can one of the fabulous mods close this thread?
  13. Hi Jenny! They fit perfectly (snugly) in a standard 4-Bar envelope, which is 3 5/8 x 5 1/8.
  14. Hi Jenny! If you're working from my templates, then with the exception of the first page, they should all be upright. Also, the signature page is just a text box, so you can copy it to a blank powerpoint, rotate it so that it is easier to work with and then copy it, paste it into the passport and rotate it back to vertical. One alternative, if you're working on a desktop (I don't think you can do it on a laptop) is to change the screen setup to rotate the image. Of course, everything else will be sideways, but the powerpoint will be upright. If you need help, let me know.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan She's just a nibblet groupie. I'm a little dissapointed to see Mike didn't keep a better eye on him. I said no beer. I can't trust him with anyone else. Wait... What?!?! When you say anyone, you mean anyone BUT ME, right? I mean, what with the sign you made for my guest bedroom door (you know the room with the drawer full of socks?) I assume you actually trusted me with Nibblet It's not like I've ever gotten him drunk, introduced him to ferret prostitutes, or used him as a christmas tree topper, like some others who will remain nameless And I'll only remind you of the "other" incident with Jean-Marcus
  16. Happy Birthday! I hope it's wonderful!!
  17. Woo hoo! Yay for Oscar! He's such a good boy! (and apparently likes pretty jewelry)
  18. We recently bought the same set. So far (just a few days) I love them. But, being who I am, I did a TON of research and this set was among the highest rated by consumer reports for the front-loading machines. I REALLY wanted the front loader because of the energy efficiency, and because they are so much more gentle on your clothing. I haven't yet used the steam feature, but I'm looking forward to it!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan You spoil him. And then I have to be the bad guy. It's not fair! He only sees me as a source of sticky, sweet treats and socks. You he loves. Remember the photo I sent you of Nibblet after I told him you were going to be gone for a week? Look how sad and teary-eyed he is:
  20. Lizz - you are wonderful and a great example of the reason we all love BDW so much!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan he is so sneaky with the cracker jacks! I blame becks. She is the one that got him hooked. Oh sure... blame me. You feed him all that yucky natural ferret food And then you blame me for giving him a few bites of cracker jacks. It makes him SO happy! Plus, he LOVES the toy surprises:
  22. Yay!!! Congratulations! Such exciting news! The t-shirts are ADORABLE!
  23. So, for those of you who haven't seen the pre-story of my wacky FSIL (who's married) bringing her boyfriend to the wedding, you can catch up here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21196 But now, the saga continues. Apparently FSIL and boyfriend are now engaged! Which, yay! I hope she's going to be enormously happy! But... um... yeah... she's married. And to the best of the family's knowledge hasn't begun her divorce proceedings. Hmmmm. Can you say "cart before the horse"? (I knew you could). I sincerely hope she tells the family long, long before we leave for Mexico. I can't imagine she'd even think about making the announcement during the wedding festivities, but who knows. I'll have to have a few people on alert to shut her up if anything looks like it's going awry. She did tell the FILs that she was planning on bringing boyfriend with her to the wedding, and that went over like a lead balloon. Apparently FMIL (who is a very straightlaced Italian catholic) called her a few choice names (that rhyme with door). This one is going to be even better. Woo hoo! Free fireworks!
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