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Everything posted by becks

  1. Yay! So my project from the weekend was to make luggage tags for my confirmed guests. Total cost for supplies was $30. I purchased badge holders and luggage straps from Amazon. (I like going thru Amazon as I feel I have some recourse should anything go wrong with the small vendors.) There are several sellers that offer both - you save on shipping that way. I used the following two products: 1. Advantus 75451 Proximity Badge Holders - Vertical, 2-3/8x3-3/8, clear. They come 50 to a pack. 2. Sparco Plastic Straps for Luggage Tags - SPR01160. They come 100 to a box. I found 4 sellers that sold both, and with shipping here was the cost: 1. Plex Supply - $28.82 2. Shoplet - $29.45 3. My Office Source - $30.53 4. The Factory Depot - $33.19 You have to do some poking around to find them - but if you use the searches "Proximity Badge Holder" (be sure to buy the verticals ones) and "Plastic Straps for Luggage Tags", you'll find the products, then just click the "12 available new/used from..." link and it will bring you to the sellers. Here are what the straps and holders look like empty: And here are the inserts I made - I just used leftover cardstock from my boarding passes: front: Back: I found that running a letter opener across the holders made it much easier to put the inserts in without bending the corners. I've included the template for the inserts. I left the goofy "luggage tag" around the outside edge because it's FI's favorite part - it's in the Maiandra GD font, and the little trees are in Tropicana BV. If you don't have both they are on DaFont.com, but they will help you see better. Print them double sided - at least on my printer, they line up perfectly. Enjoy! PS - if you did the math, then you recognize that I've got a bunch of the loops leftover - for the sake of my late RSVP-ers, assume I've got 30. If you want them, they are yours for the cost of shipping. PM me if you want them.
  2. Ooh! I want to play: Some of my faves: 1. Chocolat (I loves me some Johnny Depp) 2. Dangerous Beauty - set in Venice during the time of the courtesans. Scenery is great, and that includes Rufus Sewell 3. Amelie - if you don't mind subtitles, this move is SOO adorable! 4. Moonstruck - Cher and Nicholas Cage... LOVE the ending!
  3. Fantastic! Let me know, because I haven't tried any of the other products, but I love what I've used! I'm wondering how their foundation holds up to photography...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK But if they dont offer me any kind of pay, I shouldn't take the job right? Thanks!!!!!!!! :) Hi Jenny! Here's my two cents, and do with it what you will. Yes, the mortgage industry is very tight right now. People's commission-based income has plummeted in the last several years - not so much because the bosses aren't paying, but that there are so few new loans out there. That being said, I would be surprised if coming in young and without a book of business/existing clients they would put you on a straight commission. You will more than likely have a base salary that will just barely keep you in PB&J and cover your rent. Everything else will be commission based. So, if you sell mortgages, you make money. If you don't... I hope you really like PB&J. If they offered me a straight commission job, no, I wouldn't take it. They have to be willing to make the investment in you to train you properly and see that you can feed yourself and keep a roof over your head while you develop a client base. After all - you're taking the risk that their brand is going to be good enough to allow you to make the contacts that will let you develop clients. Hope that helps! and GOOD LUCK!!!
  5. If you don't want a private dinner, but are happy in a regular restaurant with other hotel guests, then you shouldn't have a problem. The only possible issue is the size of your party - if the resort is REALLY crowded, they may not give you your first choice of restaurant, or may ask you to limit your dinner choices to one appetizer, one soup and two entrees. We encountered this a bit. But, I think you'll find that it won't really be a problem.
  6. I LOVE No. 7 products!!! I stumbled across them when I was living in London and I was SO happy to find them when they came across. I think you can also get them at CVS (but I may be confused). The Restore and Renew Serum is fantastic - it's got a pro-retinol product in it, plus it's hypoallergenic. I have fairly sensitive skin and have no problem with it. Also, the Time Resisting Day and Night eye combo. One half is a daytime gel, the other half is a night cream. I also use both their Perfect Light loose and pressed powders - seriously the best I've ever encountered.
  7. I finished the book approximately 7 hours after I started it (a delayed flight helped!). Totally loved it!!! I didn't find anything in it to be offensive, there were some more graphic descriptions, but nothing that I thought required a warning. But, if you're more sensitive to something than am I, then, yes, maybe... Can't wait to discuss!! I *heart* rosie.
  8. That is just gross. What the F is his problem I hate it when people are mean out of spite. We should come up with some way to let him know that we appreciate his a**hole-ness. Like order some gay porn magazine and have it sent to his house. What a total JERK!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura come on lazy bones!!!! take some pics and while youre at it, walk around the house and snap a few and email them to me! LOL Yup. That's me. Okay, okay... I can only take photos of the bouquet because Honey is still sleeping and the bout and hair flowers are in the room with him. This one shows the detail of the jasmine blossoms - same as my hair flowers (and I LOVE that she incorporated them):
  10. Yay! Many, many congratulations!!! Can't wait for the pics!
  11. Yay Morgan! I've been away from a computer for a while, but I just love your pics! I couldn't be happier for you! Many, many congratulations!!!!
  12. Yay!!! I love them!!! Nibblet looks so handsome! And you made a GORGEOUS bride!!! Many, many congratulations Morgan. I'm so happy for you!
  13. You will have a great time!!! Personally, I recommend that you pack a package of baby wipes. They aren't as good as a shower, but they work in a pinch and get rid of the stinky, dusty. You'll have such wonderful memories!
  14. I'm sorry. I just saw the redneck seafood platter and almost fell out of my chair laughing! I'm seriously thinking that I'll serve that to the kids at my welcome dinner - they will LOVE it!
  15. Benadryl, cortizone and ice are your best bets. Just be careful with the cortizone because it will dry your skin out terribly if you use it too much. You can also try an oatmeal bath - aveeno makes a nice one. Of course, the mess it makes of the tub is disgusting, but it really does soothe.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan You are just trying to find ways to use the unicorn I'm married! I'm taking a brief moment while we digest our belly full of fajitas & take a seista to post some pictures. I'm uploading them right now. Woo hoo!!! Pics! Hurry! Wanna see!!!
  17. We haven't seen Betsy for quite a while... fingers crossed that all is well! ... and that she shoved her SIL in a puddle!
  18. So, I took Alyssa's advice - sort of. The logo wouldn't work on the blue background because the font was blue. And when I inverted it to white is lost a lot. Sooo. I took the initials off of #1 and put the logo below it. FI loves it. But now, rather than print the whole menu, he wants them to be used as both a menu and placecard with each one personalized for the meals everyone requested. Which, ugh, more work, but fine - if it saves me having to explain to Aunt Millie that she requested the steak and it's not possible to switch to the lamb, so be it. So, this is what the new one will look like: Any thoughts?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Morgan and Rebecca just went Ferret on poor Sarah. She didn't even know what was going on. I reccommend an hour or so to read through it because it will suck you in once you start! Happy reading... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19493 Ah yes! Quite possibly the single greatest hijacking in BDW history! So good, we actually had to change the name of the thread! (Still can't believe how I introed that banana picture. SO naughty! Hee.)
  20. Some of these are naughty, but funny! "Confucius say don't drink and park - accidents cause people" "Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff" "Crowded elevator always smell different to midget" Confucius say, Man who walk through airport door sideways going to Bangkok. Man who run in front of car get tired. Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night
  21. YAY!!!! Congratulations ladies! A well deserved promotion(?)!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura rebecca did your flowers come yet? i dont remember seeing photos of the arrived product Oh yes! They arrived a couple of weeks ago. FI was so funny about it - they arrived on a Saturday when we had a bunch of furniture and such being delivered. I put them in a glass on the counter and he walked in and asked who had sent flowers. He was so shocked when he realized that they were (a) my bouquet and ( fake. Angel included a bout for him - he wasn't planning on wearing one, but he's thinking about it now. I'll take some pics over the weekend - the hair flowers are perfect for what I want. Little tiny jasmine blossoms that I can tuck here and there. Love them! And, yes, the reason I didn't post pics yet is because I'm lazy and haven't taken any.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan ahhh, I'm tearing up again. I just reread it uninterupted by e. coli stink. what is the flowers picture? Yay!!! I'm so glad you like it!! It was great fun to do for you. I can see the rose picture, are you still unable? If so, it's here: http://i.pbase.com/u41/gkp/upload/26...ndtherose3.jpg I"m supposed to be at a networking event (boo!), but I found an unattended computer and thought I'd check to see if you had seen it. YAY! And, many, many congratulations!
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