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Everything posted by becks

  1. That is a riot! And yeah... something just... hmmm... but so funny!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I'll let you know about the passport covers after I hear back from Brittney (no one has asked for the 2 cloth covers yet, though, in case those are of interest). I'll check to see if there are any organza bags left. They might be gone, but I don't think so. The table runners (4) and placemats (set of 4) were $9.99 each. Those are all brand new and with the tags. So, how about $30 for them, and I'll throw in shipping for free. It's a deal! I'll PM you my info. Let me know about the passport holders. $7 each sounds more than fair. I'm probably not interested in the fabric ones. Thanks SOOOO much!!
  3. Happy birthday Karen!! I hope its super fantastic and wonderful!
  4. Love them!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Morgan you look AMAZING! Many, many congratulations!
  5. Jamie!!!! Big hugs sweetie! Everything will be fine. I promise. Your parents will be there tomorrow, and all will be well. Your daughter is on her flight, and has FI's parents for company, that that's fine, too. The BC will make for a great story. And there's a scrip waiting for you in PR. And, that just means that you've hit your three mishaps, so everything else will be smooth sailing. Chin up! We're here if you need us!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. oh, and if you are really sick like me, read 'a dirty job' and/or 'lamb' by christopher moore. in lamb, you find out why jews eat chinese food on christmas, lol. Lauren!!!! Christopher Moore is one of my very favorites. I've read EVERYTHING he's written. Lamb is my favorite. But Bloodsucking Fiends has a special place in my heart (the sequel wasn't good enough).
  7. I vote that you just kill her with that deadly cold niceness. You know. Polite. Curteous. Responsive. And absolutely no warmth. Don't ask about her weekend. Don't volunteer to do anything (but don't be bitchy if she asks something of you, just tell her that you're soooo sorry, but you're swamped). Don't tell her anything about your life, and if she walks in on another conversation, just say to whomever you're talking with that you'll talk more later. But be totally breezy and happy. It'll drive her bonkers!
  8. Oh Missy!!! I am soooo jealous! I can't wait to go back. My to do list is shrinking rapidly. My second dress fitting is tomorrow, I've got more OOT bags to iron the logo on, I have to order hats and mugs, and wrap the handles of about 50 fans, print a few more menu cards and then... pack and get married. Woo hoo! Thanks for the offer of help! I appreciate it soooo much. But I (very oddly) seem to have everything under control. I may end up giving Rachel a run for her money on the chillest bride title. Whooda thunk?
  9. Hi Tami: Depending on where things are, I'd love 10 of the starfish charms, 2 of the passport covers, 10 of the organza bags and the placemats and tablerunners! let me know how much I'll owe you... And thanks for being so incredibly generous!!
  10. Oh NO!!! Good luck with the recovery. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. And if you need any help, let me know!
  11. Hooray Jamie!!!! Congratulations! Have the most wonderful time and take lots of photos for us... you know how we are!
  12. Those are GREAT! I wish all the kids coming to mine were a little younger, because I'd love to give this to them.
  13. Woo hoo! Congratulations. We looked for AGES and I'm so glad we ended up in a newly constructed house. It's been so easy to get settled in!
  14. I love England. London is tied with Verona and Florence for my favorite places in the world (other than wherever FI is of course). Yes, it's ridiculously expensive, but if you quit converting and comparing you'll be SO much happier. (Easier said than done, I know.)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by junebride2b My biggest pet peeve is when people say look at my ring and say so how big is it?? Are you kidding?!? I LOVE it when people ask me this!! I tell them it's a size 6. (My other favorite is when they ask me if it's real.... I tell them that no, its imaginary.)
  16. I like the halter, but understand your sentiments about being busty. That being said, I LOVE!!!! the strapless.
  17. I am a long-term sufferer of UTIs. I used to get them ALL THE TIME. Some hints, (1) have her drink cranberry juice. (2) Lots and lots of water. (3) this is a last resort, and check with a doc first, but you should check to see if it's safe to use uristat on a 3-year old. It's an over-the-counter, low dose Pyridium (I think that's spelled right) which is an analgesic for the urinary tract. It doesn't cure the infection, but it will make the pain, frequent, and uncontrolled urination stop. Good luck!!
  18. Ah, Maura, you softie, you! If Mauras way of loading the font doesn't work, change the extension of the font (the stuff after the dot) to anything... ABC... whatever. Then COPY and paste (don't cut) the file somewhere (anywhere) else on your computer. then rename the file with the .ttf and move the new version into C://Windows/Fonts. I had a few that didn't play nicely, and this seemed to get the job done.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by FLgator What a cute idea! Thanks for all the input girls! Right now I am attempting the passport STD, if this fails I will definitely try one of these. Thanks! Good Luck!!! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
  20. Woo hoo!!!! Yay Morgan! Dum dum dum dah Dum dum dum dah... I'm taking very good care of Nibblet in your absence. We only had 3 boxes of Cracker Jacks for dinner last night. Can wait to hear all about it!
  21. Yay! Congratulations! I'm sure it will be everything you hoped for... and better!
  22. It really does strike me as odd that the size of the stone in a ring makes a damn bit of difference. Admitedly, My ring is big. But I BEGGED FI to get me a smaller ring - he refused and now I'm used to my ring, but it still bothers me when people comment on it's size. I actually had a total stranger say "Oh... he must really love you". As if the size of the stone is any indication of the depth of his feelings. Get a clue! I just think that not only with e-rings, but just about everything... the whole keeping up with the Joneses has gotten WAY out of hand. I saw a six-year old carrying a coach handbag the other day. What does a six-year-old need with a $150 handbag Kid needs to spend some time at Kmart.
  23. Um... hello? User error? You wear it down THERE sweetie. It's not a hat, for pete's sake! The stupid thing is that they will pay her off just to make her go away. These days, if this went all the way to trial who knows what the jury could do.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura rebecca how did getting your license go?! Easy... quick... a total non-event. But then we went to this great little pub in the new 'hood and loved it! The food was fantastic - some of the best French onion soup I've had. So, one marriage license and a new "local"! Woohoo!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Stephanie- I want your MOH dress for myself!!! LOVE IT!! I want one too!
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