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Everything posted by becks

  1. Oh Kat!! That totally stinks. And I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I don't know what I would have done if my sis wasn't coming, so I can't imagine how sad you are. It will all work out in the end. Maybe talk to you sister and schedule a packing party the day before you're supposed to leave or something so she feels more involved? Good luck. Keep your chin up.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR Soooo... after all my nerves etc .etc. the light was crappy, it was overcast and the plan was to use her huge bay windows in her studio upstairs.. SO WE RESCHEDULED! Urghhh now I have to wait until July 15! Missy!!! You big TEASE! I was so looking forward to your review and hearing how it went. I'm sorry that it was delayed, though. But I'm sure you'll be happier with the better light.
  3. Congratulations!!! I hope your day is everything you hoped it could be!!
  4. OMG Austin's room is so cute!!! Please! Bore us! As if! We voyeurs need this stuff!
  5. Oh no Nikki! I am SO SO sorry to hear this! I'd see if you can't reschedule your photo shoot. You won't be comfy and it will come thru in the photos. Good luck. Keep us posted!
  6. I have a general rule of thumb: If I have to ask if something is appropriate, then it is not. But, that being said, I have no idea what the protocol is in the nursing world. Personally, though, if I want to be received as a professional, I will dress the part.
  7. Oh no! Big hugs. I wish it were easier for you! I think we've all dealt with a bit of "surprise" from our hotels and as a result wanted to switch hotels, or just strangle someone. I know I did. But in the end, you picked Azul because you like the hotel and what they offer, and you want your guests to experience that. Chin up, it will work out. I'd go back to Fabio and tell him that you he told you the decorations were included and tell him that he will have to live up to his promises. Copy the hotel manager on the e-mail as well. Good luck. Keep us posted.
  8. Copy editing is a whole lot more costly than transcribing. - plus you don't want to have him mad at you for missing something. Personally, I would write exactly what he has on the page, then send it back to him for editing. Then make the changes to the word doc you already prepped and charge him the same $1.50 per page, again.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca becks--- I cant believe I didnt see yours before i did mine... i made 25. i dont remember how long it took me... but it felt like forever! maybe it was bc i used 110lb cardstock... crappy idea. Oh no! Too bad. But I used 110# for everything because I think it looks and feels so nice.
  10. thanks Jenny!!! It looks so much better! I just use the tools in photobucket. For the most part it works pretty well, the details are trickier - hence the reason I couldn't get the while line. But Jenny did! Woohoo!
  11. If you don't like those, you could make your own - use a candy mold and a hard-candy/lolipop recipie.
  12. Congrats! And welcome to the Paradisus party! You're going to love it, they are so great!
  13. Love those. Everything but my earrings, indeed!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by msasfraz they look really nice... did you do your template in publisher or powerpoint? which did you find easier...... I use powerpoint. I've been a consultant for 10 years and we use powerpoint for all of our client presentations. I'm continually suprised by what I can do with it. I've never used publisher, so wouldn't even know where to begin.
  15. Yay Ann!! I'm so glad you and Gwen are home safe and sound! We can't wait to hear the stories and see pics of Gwen in her room!
  16. Silly Jack! You don't eat flowers... you eat shoes! I'm so sorry to hear about your frames. That totally sucks! Some people are SUCH a-holes.
  17. Brilliant Abbie!! Thanks sooo much!
  18. We missed you, my dear!!! Your photos are truly breathtaking, and it sounds like it was absolutely wonderful! Yay!!!
  19. OMG those are SOOOOO cute!!
  20. Congratulations Christine!!!!! And welcome Ainsleigh! We're so excited to have you as part of the extended family!!!
  21. Congratulations Jamie!!!! I hope your day is even more wonderful than you imagined! Can't wait to hear all about it.
  22. Yay!!!! Welcome home!! And congratulations on your dually deserved title of MRS!!!!! We missed you terribly, though and are so happy to have you back. Nibblet and I had lots of fun in your absence. He only got into trouble two or three times... a day!
  23. Okay, so my creativity is... not so creative today. We've purchased these great card key/tip money holders that have a ziplock-type seal on them so nothing falls out. We also have wrist coils for the girls and caribinier clips for the guys. But the wording is very meh. It currently reads: "I take you to carry my key and tip money for wetter ro for drier, for soused or for sober, in heat and humidity until I depart." Anyone have any ideas how to make it snappier? FI thinks it's cute but I'm not satisfied. TIA!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek this thread has very good directions on how to do the folder: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14528 I was just going to suggest these. They are really easy. I did 40 of these and it took me less than an hour to print, fold, cut and glue. Let me know if you need any help.
  25. Oh, I'm sorry. I take the subways all the time and there is NO amount of money for which I would give birth on a subway platform. They are dirty, smelly, rat- and god-knows-what else infested places. I don't even think I'd stand on a platform barefooted for $10 million. You could add all the zeroes you can think of to that number and there would still be no way I'd give birth there.
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