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Everything posted by becks

  1. I think Jan 31 is fine. Some people would say more, some would say less, but in the end it's 3 months.... Rather than adding the card and explaining it all, is there any way that you could buy more of the paper on which it's being printed (and if you're printing on cardstock, see if they have a regular text weight in the same style so it's thin)? If so, I'd just print the new date, and cut it out as small as you can and glue it on over the old date. (Even better if it's on white and you can just use a regular white label) That way you don't have to explain it, etc. Good luck!
  2. I am a huge fan of the Tombo Mondo adhesive roller - you should be able to find it at Michaels. Either the permanent or the repositionable tapes are good. If you're using a velum, be sure to get velum adhesive but otherwise the Tombo works well with almost any paper.
  3. Happy birthday Erika!!!!! I hope it is wonderful!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Steve&Julia SUCCESS!!!!!! I have a wedding date and time 5pm . my day is a little brighter right now.. thanks for the support. now i do invites and wording ewwww. i wish i new a walking hallmark LOL Invites and wording will be a piece of cake!! Getting the location and such set is definitely the hardest part. Take a peek at verseit.com. They have lots and lots of ideas.
  5. Oh yay Kenya!!!!! You looked absolutely gorgeous! And SOOO happy!!! Congratulations!!!
  6. Definitely get a calling card - your local drug store or newspaper stand will likely sell them. And the pricing is different, so look at the back and get the details (bring a magnifying glass because the print is small!) Other tip - when you do call do it from a land line, not your cell phone. Sometimes the cards have a different rate if you are connecting through a cellular carrier (like 2x the price they indicate). Good luck!
  7. Gorgeous photos!!!! But what else could we expect of you!
  8. Oh, I love this thread!!! Here's my lovebug Sadie. The photo is old, but it's what I've got here. I'll find something more recent: But moooooooom! I had to tear it's stuffing out! Can't you see it was attacking me?
  9. Yay!!!! Glad to hear it! I know that there have been a bunch of brides married in PR. Check their review and planning threads until you find a good recommendation for a WC.
  10. Thanks Stacey!! I had so much fun with your passports, and I'm thrilled that your guests are loving them! You were wonderful to work with!!
  11. Depending on what you are printing on, if you use a slick paper (metallic or glossy, for example) and print it on an inkjet such that the ink stays damp, you can add your embossing powder to that. Short of that, there are lots of places online that will use custom art and turn it into a stamp - I've heard ok things about thestampmaker.com. Good luck!
  12. I checked all of my regular free sites, and couldn't find it available. You can purchase it, but I'm sure you know that. Identifont says these are similar: Hooligan Jinxed Jive Talk Twitty Bird NF Shuma Futuramano condensed Abbott Bold ITC Noovo Maybe you can find one of these?
  13. I ordered my holders from Wares Direct, it's item number AVT75524 - they were clear on both sides (not the white backing).
  14. I know you must be heartbroken to have to change your plans!!! I'm wondering if you play this differently, you can make it easier on yourselves... let everyone think that the reason you're changing your plans is because it suits you better. I got to scribbling down some notes - I didn't get it quite put together, but maybe you can use it and fill in some blanks: We thought a big wedding Was the fun thing to do But then we decided We like it, just us two So we're off on our own We're sneaking away Can't wait to tell you all about Our secret wedding day Good luck!!!
  15. How big are your inserts? Very few printers will take a sheet that is less than 3-1/4 or 3-1/2 inches on any one side. Your best option might be to take some regular pages, print a line down them as a guide and tape your inserts to them and run them through the printer. Not great, but better than crooked. Good luck!
  16. As long as there is no chance for confusion (and if FIL isn't coming, I don't see how there could be), then there's no reason you should feel compelled to use them. So, go for it - let Jim be Jim!!!
  17. I just bought the cutest pair of zebra print (with fuschia trim) peep-toe shoes from Macy's - I think they were guess. I'm definitely keeping them, but you might go see what you can find - I think they were $75, but you can usually get a coupon out of the paper.
  18. I just finished Jeffrey Archers "A Prisoner of Birth" - SOOOOOO GOOD!!!! It's very Count of Monte Cristo-esque, only modern... Now I have to read some of his other stuff!
  19. Oh wow! We haven't done this in a long time! It was from Dazed and Confused. New Question: What kind of plane is it? Oh, it's a big pretty white plane with red stripes, curtains in the windows and wheels and it looks like a big Tylenol.
  20. Seriously? You haven't spoken with her in 5 years and she wants an invite to your wedding? What planet is she from? By the way, she doesn't want to go to your wedding, she wants to go to Cabo and have you and your hubby pick up the tab for a meal or two. You are totally in the right. She's being an obnoxious woman and you should feel free to let all of your relatives know that the reason she's not invited is that she tried to set FI up with one of her skanky friends and you are no longer on speaking terms. Good grief. That woman needs a good slapping!
  21. Oh Christie! Yuck! What a terrible situation to be in! I'd suggest giving her a call, and maybe have your moms on the phone too. Who knows, she may be planning on a 15-person wedding or something, but I do think it's appropriate to have the conversation. Good luck!
  22. We used to have and to hold... I've also seen things like "Weddings happen because you've had too much to drink"
  23. Yay Kelly!!!!! Congratulations! Isn't it just the best feeling??
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