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Everything posted by becks

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson A friend of mine from highschool used to take in foster ferrets when she lived in the city. She had a DW and at her AHR a guy dressed as a big giant ferret stopped into to say congrats and to thank them for being great foster ferret parents!!!! I totally forgot about that. That is hysterical! Surely there's a photo!
  2. Our original list was 50 - we ended up inviting 70 and got 55. Of the original 50, 45 are coming.
  3. The hardest part is actually making sure you have the same "vision" for things. It took FI and I a long time to get the same picture. I had to give a little from what I originally wanted and so did he. We spent many days at Michaels, Joann, and other places just trying to make sure we had a full understanding of what the other thought was good vs. cheesey; tacky vs. fun. In the end, we've still argued about a bunch of things. FI didn't see the point in tying ribbons on the fan handles - until he saw them and loved them. I wanted the EXACT same logo/colors on everything. FI didn't want to give people things in fushia and carribean blue. So, I gave in and did our OOT bags and contents with two logos, in a different color than everything else. And they turned out great. So, my advice is to hear what they have to say. Show (not tell) them what you want to do (guys are very visual). And then concede a few points and win a few points. Just be sure that the battles you're picking are the important ones - because you don't want to win on putting baby's breath in the bouts, only to have to concede to having scantily clad waitresses serve flaming tequila shooters.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Don't worry Rebecca, I'm sure I have more wrinkles and gray hair than you do! I will even bet money I have more gray! Only because I color my hair!
  5. My FI's shirt is stark white under a beige linen suit. My dress is ivory.
  6. Many of the hotels have a dive shop or a dive shop kiosk on site. Can you call the concierge directly and have them connect you to their dive shop? Of note, most of the diving/snorkeling in Baja is done near La Paz, which is a bit of a hike.
  7. OMG! I am the oldest bride on BDW!! I got engaged at 37. Me, and my wrinkles.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Rebecca those are so funny! where did you find them? One of my girlfriends sent them to me. Bless her!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Beach_Bride_09 What a great idea! It's always a pain carrying your room key - especially when you're swimsuit bound!!! How much were the holders, if you don't mind me asking. I don't honestly remember how much they were - I bought them several months ago. I would guess that they were around $15-20 for 50 of them, possibly less.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Beach_Bride_09 Wow! Thest passports looks amazing! You did an incredible job. What size of paper did you print them on? Did you buy the paper from a store like 'Michael's?' They are stunning! They are on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. The covers are cardstock, and the inside pages are just regular paper. All from Staples or something like that.
  11. I've actually seen this done with clear plastic dishes. A big clear bowl, and a clear plastic vase or carafe thing with a hole melted in the bottom. The vase was filled with floral beads and the pump was used to push water up and out the top of the vase, catching in the bowl. It was pretty cool.
  12. Jamie you look amazing! And the photo is amazing! Can't wait for more!
  13. Wow Abbie! Everything looks great! We're all so excited for your big day(s)!!!
  14. I hope these are big enough to read! For the FIs/DHs For the brides and wives:
  15. Another thing off my list! Woohoo! We made these as room key/tip holders. The pouches are zip-lock style badge holders, so nothing would fall out(do a google search for "Advantus Resealable Badge Holder"). The insert is regular paper folded in half at the bottom, and I stuck it to the inside edge of the badge with the mini glue dots so that it's easy to put things between the two sheets of paper (to hide the contents). The wrist strap with whistle and the clip come from oriental trading. I've attached the template for the inserts.
  16. Personally, whenever I use labels, I print one out on regular paper and hold it up against the label/insert and look at a light thru it to figure out where it's off. They are NEVER just right. You should be able to move text in the table (the inserts will be laid out as a table in word, I'm guessing) by shifting the margins or by changing the indents (go to table properties and in table, change the indent, or go to cell, and click options and set the cell margins to a new width. Good luck!
  17. Congratulations! I hope your day is absolutely wonderful! Can't wait to hear all about it.
  18. Jamie! You look beautiful and SO happy! Congratulations!!! And welcome home!
  19. Ladies: A friend brought me 10 hand fans and suggested that I bring them to mexico for the wedding. But I've already got 60 raffia fans ready to go so I don't need them. I'd hate for them to go to waste, and am happy to send them to someone for the price of postage. There are 10 in total. One is plain (white) and the others are in one of five designs. PM me if you'd like them. The five designs Detail on one of the designs: size:
  20. Okay, it sounds weird, but white vinegar. It's a little stinky but it helps. Mix it 50/50 with water and put it in a spray bottle, hop in the shower and knock yourself out. Also, take a benadryl. It's histamines that make sunburn so painful, so an antihistamine is great. Side benefit (for me anyway) is that benadryl knocks me out cold. If you don't have any benadryl, take a sleepy (as in not non-drowsy) cold medicine. They have anti-histamines in them too.
  21. I like it. But I like turtles. If FI doesn't like it, keep looking for another photo of a sea turtle that he does like.
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