The hardest part is actually making sure you have the same "vision" for things.
It took FI and I a long time to get the same picture. I had to give a little from what I originally wanted and so did he.
We spent many days at Michaels, Joann, and other places just trying to make sure we had a full understanding of what the other thought was good vs. cheesey; tacky vs. fun.
In the end, we've still argued about a bunch of things. FI didn't see the point in tying ribbons on the fan handles - until he saw them and loved them.
I wanted the EXACT same logo/colors on everything. FI didn't want to give people things in fushia and carribean blue. So, I gave in and did our OOT bags and contents with two logos, in a different color than everything else. And they turned out great.
So, my advice is to hear what they have to say. Show (not tell) them what you want to do (guys are very visual). And then concede a few points and win a few points. Just be sure that the battles you're picking are the important ones - because you don't want to win on putting baby's breath in the bouts, only to have to concede to having scantily clad waitresses serve flaming tequila shooters.