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Everything posted by becks

  1. They arrived last night. And well, there was a problem. The writing is in black... on a blue mug. I specifically told them white. The proof showed white. And the mugs are in black. You can't see the writing! And the proof was PERFECT! Frankly the mugs are perfect except for the black writing. I'm sure they will fix the problem (they aren't even open yet for me to call), but I'm running out of time and I'm grumpy about it. WHY, WHY, WHY didn't they get them right the first time!?!?!?! See - this was the proof: And this was what arrived: Ugh. I'm leaving for Mexico in 4 weeks! I don't have time for this!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by msam007562 Great tips ~ I will definitely look this up once I'm ready to purchase my hair flower!! Thanks so much =) On a side note ~ Do people actually wear flowers right on their forehead?? Those pics of that girl with basically a bouquet planted right on her forehead cracks me up!!! I saw that TOO! Totally cracked me up. I had all sorts of visions from A Midsummer's Night Dream going thru my head.
  3. My dress is really thin - just a single layer of satin with a lace overlay. I had two of my fittings with black undies and NOTHING showed, so my something blue will be a pair of pale blue nickers. Cups are great if the top of your dress is snug - meaning strapless or halter or something along those lines. If it's loose and flowy it won't work. I actually wanted to wear a halter bra, but the back of the dress is so low, and the sides are cut away so much that I couldn't find anything to work. The seamstress just laughed and told me she'd sew in cups. They work GREAT. The girls stay where they are supposed to (I even jumped a bit just to be sure). The slip issue will depend entirely on how your skirt is cut. If it's full, you'll probably be in a crinoline - a big puffy thing. If it's form fitting, you wont need anything.
  4. Just a thought, but the courthouse thing may make everyting in your lives (like name changes, insurance beneficiary changes, etc.) a whole lot easier. Plus, you don't have to get a needle stick when you get to Mexico. You can, of course do the legal thing when you get back if you don't want it to pre-date your religious ceremony.
  5. Dear Alterations Lady: See... when I said I wanted the dress to be short enough that when it's bustled I don't step on the hem, I meant ALL THE WAY AROUND, not just in the front. I understand that when I walk, it's only front to back. But I'll be dancing too. That's a pretty frequent occurance at weddings - the dancing thing. So, don't tell me it's normal for the sides to drag on the ground and that you only ever hem the front. I don't buy it. I do appreciate your willingness to do the alterations today, but your attitude was unreasonable. We both know that a fourth fitting on the 27th with a pick-up date of the 5th is not a reasonable time frame when I'M GETTING ON AN AIRPLANE ON THE 6TH. grrrr.
  6. so have bride's men! Its your wedding - do what you want. Tradition goes out the window the minute you have to present your passport.
  7. Hee! I love this thread! FI burped very loudly last night after dinner. Then got this bashful look on his face and says "good thing I'm handsome, huh?"
  8. Wow. I'm so sorry this is all hitting at once. Big hugs! We're here for you all the time! Chin up! Lots of love!
  9. I may be the only one... but I like #4. I don't care for callas, so I'm really biased. Plus, I LOVE stargazers!
  10. Well, presumably someone is throwing you the engagement party, correct? In that case, you don't have to worry because the invites will come from them. But, you should send the STDs out sooner rather than later, and if you have your date and place set, then send them now.
  11. The further south you go (Tulum, Akumal) the nicer the beaches get. If Dreams Cancun holds appeal, then what about Dreams Tulum? My TA recommended the Grand Sirenis when we were looking, I can't remember why we decided against it, but I do remember the prices being great!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura i shouldve called you the other day when i was really tweaking. you always know what to say to make me feel better! i went and got a reiki treatment last night, and have an appointment for foot reflexology tonight at 6 and a pedicure at 6 tomorrow. i am hoping all these things will relax me a little more. i am only slightly anxious about my legal day on saturday but thats because i'm responsible for picking the inlaws up from the airport, etc etc I know you're not anxious about the legal day, but it's all piling up and it's the layer upon layer that's probably making you frazzled. You should have seen me in late May - we went on a site visit on Friday, got back Monday, closed on the house on Wednesday, and moved on Thursday. I wasn't anxious about any one individual thing, but with everything going on I was craaaaaanky!
  13. Nervous? No. But the selfish, spoiled, single girl in me keeps thinking that this marriage thing is really going to put a damper on her social life. Don't worry about the RSVP list!! Yes, you'll have to shake a bunch of strangers' hands and kiss a bunch of relatives that you'd really rather not. But as soon as that's over, it will just be you and your friends. All the others are there to see your and Jose's parents. And frankly THEY will be the center of attention. Seriously, I've heard this from everyone whose had a bigger wedding. Shake hands, kiss cheeks and then its you and your hubby and your buddies having a night out. Plus, I think you'll feel much better after this weekend - the pressure is off and you can just have fun. If your anxiety is really that bad, you might try bringing some aromatherapy oils or sachets with you - lavender and chamomile do wonders to soothe fragile nerves.
  14. I really like them. The only thing I might suggest is personalizing each one with their names. Like "Bob, We would be honored..." And I love the photo!
  15. Stephanie is wonderful. She was very helpful when I was trying to figure out my DJ. I love the fact that everyone here just goes out of their way. I don't know what I'd do without all you fabulous ladies!
  16. Maura!!!! One month from today!!! Woohoo! So excited! I really don't have a whole lot left to do. We're in the process of confirming all of our travel stuff, I have to add two pages of guest info to our welcome books. My last fitting is today, we've booked our legal day on 8/1. We still need to pick up rings, but other than that, we're set!
  17. Oriental trading, asian ideas and a few others have raffia fans. Just google it and it will come up.
  18. I have a good friend in the same boat. She's super sweet, smart, gorgeous... And she's been dating a married man for about 2 years now. He's told her several times that he's getting a divorce, etc., but he's not. And even if he did, he wouldn't marry my friend. And she is so desperate to settle down and have kids, she hangs in with him thru all this s**t that he puts her thru. They've broken up at least 5 times that I know of. And I thought (sigh) that she was finally moving on, but now it looks like she's caving. I want to hit her over the head with a bat! He's SO bad for her. And in point of fact, he's preventing her from finding a relationship that will give her what she really wants. It makes me so sad. Worst part is that she's destroyed her personal life to accomodate him. She'll sit at home and wait for him rather than going out with friends. She cuts off people that he doesn't like. Terrible stuff.... I have no idea how to get her to move on. And it breaks my heart.
  19. Hi Ladies! For what it's worth, my TA is booking all of our rooms thru a wholesaler. The room block that the Paradisus offered me directly was actually more expensive than using a wholesaler. Also, booking a "block" does not mean that they are in close proximity. It just guarantees a rate and a number of rooms. They could be spread out all over the place. And actually, most of the block contracts state that within X number of weeks (usually 6- any rooms not booked can be given away, so you're not even guaranteed the rooms if they haven't been paid in advance. Personally, I would find a TA that will work with each of your guests individually and doesn't require a block or more than just a deposit.
  20. I have an appointment at the Laura Mercier counter at Nordy's on the 19th. I'm excited!!
  21. I've actually signed up for Kodak Gallery. For a $25 one-year price you can upload and download all the photos you want in hi res, which is important to me. I'll give instructions in my welcome booklets so my guests can upload, too. For me, it was worth it, although I have no idea what the quality of their photobooks is.
  22. whatever happens, it's not going to go well. Your mother shouldn't have had her on the list in the first place. But since she was, it's your mom's job to handle it. There's no nice way to tell her that she's invited but not welcome. And if you do, the relationship will likely be at an end. You can try the "scaled back" wedding story, but if she finds out that's not true, you're back to where you started.
  23. You look fantastic Jamie! And I have no idea why you don't think they are sexy!
  24. I think Jamie (jamisoncollette) had a few that she didn't need (like 19); I have 3 spares. let me know if you want them.
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