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Everything posted by becks

  1. ooh. programs! Fun! I'd give you some advice on the draping of the lazo... but I don't even know what that is!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek and how awesome was the lady that sat near you on the train, that was too funny!!! lets see the bands... Quote: Originally Posted by Maura rebecca your TA is a bitch!!!!!! you should write up a nasty review of her. and LOL about the lady on the train hahahahahhahahahahahaha I love the lady on the train. I should invite her to the wedding. I bet she can keep FMIL away from me on the wedding day! No one would ever find my TA, so no point in a nasty review. And while I'm sure that she thought she had everything under control. And when she FINALLY decided to double check things she realized that there were problems. But I shouldn't have to wait 4 months for her to check things! Bleh! happy thoughts.... happy thoughts.... No pics of the rings yet - they were both custom-made and I haven't seen them yet. Not that FI's is very interesting, it's just a band. He'll never wear it (hates rings) but I wanted him to have one anyway. I can't wait to see mine!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy BECKS - I love them. I had bought something for people to wear around their neck from OT, but my FI said it looks like a vibrator - so needless to say, I'll be sending those one's back - ha ha. I opened up your template, but it was completely blank...just showing the outline of 8 squares...is that correct, or should I be seeing something on the ppt? I am not a good DIY person (though i am trying to become one), so i need all the help I can get - ha ha. Thank you Yes, it's just the measured rectangles that fit into the holders. I didn't want people to feel like they were stuck with my design. If you like it (or want something similar the tree came straight off of MS clip art gallery. And it's just a question of laying out text boxes and images where you think they look good.
  4. Excuse me one moment.... AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg gggggggggghhhhhhhh! Um. Hang on..... That's a little better. So... last week I called my TA to make final payment and she says she's sending a new spreadsheet. Totally wrong. Wrong room types. Wrong travel dates. Wrong names. Wrong just about every f-ing thing!!!! So we worked on it. In the last two weeks I have gotten (no joke) 11different iterations of this stupid spreadsheet - three of them in the last 24 hours. And... somewhere in there she changes the rates on MY room. They went up almost 200 per night!! She says that she'd booked the wrong room type and they got it sorted and the rate now reflects the right room type. I chewed her up one side and down the other. I actually called her irresponsible, incompetent and deceitful. Not all in the same sentence, mind you, but nevertheless. She blames the whole thing on a communication problem between the wholesaler and the hotel. And when I told her that a good travel agent would have stepped in and sorted all of this out on their own without me having to deal with it all she says... well, the wholesaler... or well, the hotel. But it's all sorted now. And two weeks later we've made final payment. And I'm only going to walk out of my office and kill 3 people instead of the original 17 I'd planned on. I'm feeling much better, thanks! In other news... I picked up my wedding dress yesterday. I took it home on the train with me. Fun story. When I got on the train, I hung it up and the woman sitting behind asked if it was my wedding dress and we chatted for a minute. A few minutes later a man walked by and asked if he could have the seat. Before I could even respond the woman behind me says "are you f*ing blind? Can't you see that's her wedding dress? find another seat!" Hysterical!!! oooh and we pick up our wedding bands tonight. Ahhh... checklist is getting shorter.
  5. I think (THINK) that the $15 per bag only applies to domestic travel, meaning that if you go to Mexico or somewhere, your bags (not sure what the limit is) are not subject to the $15 per bag surcharge.
  6. My very favorite is a David Bruce Pinot Noir. I buy cases of it every time my local shop has a special. It's a terrible habit, but someone needs to do it...
  7. Thanks Mod Squad! (hee) I've been wondering the status of things, too. Good to know we're all keeping an eye on it!
  8. Oh!!! She's soooooo adorable!!! And how awesome is it that she poses for photos?!?!
  9. Yaaaayyyy!!!! Oh how fabulous!!! Many, many congratulations!
  10. OMG Morgan!!! Your photos are amazing! I love the photos with you and the girls! Love the one of the three of you on the beach with your sunglasses on! And obviously the ones with you and Mike.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen5372 You know what I think is the coolest-the fact you have everything perfectly coordinated! Its those little details that are incredibly impressive. Sure I made a welcome brochure and stuff-but nothing compared to yours!!! If i was at your wedding Id be blown away as I am sure yours guests will! Did you use photoshop? Aw shucks... thanks!!! No photoshop for me. I'm a powerpoint girl. Absolutely everything was done in powerpoint. Too many years doing presentations for clients, I guess.
  12. Jenny!!!! They look fantastic! Well done! And next time, call... I'm only next door (so to speak)... I'll come help. Been there with the passports... done that... have the papercuts to prove it!
  13. My recommendation is to scan your documents in (you can do this at Kinko's if you don't have or know someone that has a scanner) and e-mail the documents to her. That way you know she's the recipient.
  14. I like the idea of replicating your DW cake! Of course, I also like cake #2.... I'm no help at all!!!
  15. I used to have the memory foam, but it was just too warm for me in the summer. So now we have a feather bed with a down top. It's cooler because air circulates better. It's not the same, but it's definitely comfy!
  16. Very cool! And the price for the dives is great! I'm so glad you found someone!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by hanna This is really awesome! I love the spanish translations you hope they won't use... hilarious! My FI will love that. Do you have your Riviera Maya logo available? I love that font It's pretty simple. The sun is from MS Clipart Gallery, and the font is Passions Conflict (or something like that) - you can download it from specialtyfonts.com Quote: Originally Posted by Maura adorable! i love them. if i werent so effing lazy, i'd make ones as nice as yours LOL. yeah i still gotta figure out what to do for mine... im thinking something that involves getting the supplies for free from work! Um... yeah. I'd never do that. Hee. Quote: Originally Posted by tchuchuca Can anyone donate some points to me? I love this idea and can't wait to see the templates! I'm going to stick my neck out a bit here and let you know that asking for points is bad form. I'm sure others will back me up here. The forum works because we all share and participate - it's a community, not a database. Get involved... send welcome notes to the newbie posts if you can't figure out what else to do. You'll have more points than you know what to do with in no time. Stick around and play with us for a while. We're lots of fun. I promise!
  18. If you've got two envelopes (and interior and exterior) normally the outside one is just addressed to your friend. And then the inside one would be addressed "Bob Smith and Guest" or "Bob Smith and Susie Jones" or (even easier) "Bob and Susie". If, however, you only have one envelope, I think you need to get the last names.
  19. Your books look great! So much content!! Just some thoughts: Quote: Originally Posted by BandE2008 Page Five More Travel Information Pre-Travel Ideas: -Call your credit card companies and banks to inform them you will be in Mexico so they don’t freeze your account due to “suspicious activity”. -Don’t forget you need a passport to travel to Mexico. -Some people may choose to leave behind their security digits from banking cards, 1-800-numbers, and photocopies of passport with someone they trust in(add a space here)case they lose these items I'd end your sentence there - no need to make people nervous about having things stolen.or have them stolen. -Get immunizations if you do not have them. I'd change this too. Something like, "While no immunizations are required for travel to Mexico, if you wish to have them..." or "While not required, check with your doctor to see if he or she recommends any immunizations" Again - don't make people nervous. Plus, hep shots are really not fun. Most cities have “travel clinics” or you can visit your family doctor to ask for these. Most common immunization for travel to Mexico would be Hepatitis A and B. Arriving in Mexico: ... Transport between the airport and resort should be arranged before you leave for your vacation. For guests traveling from Canada, doing the one week All Inclusive, your transportation is included. When you leave the front of the airport you will see several vans/busses, and they will have the different hotel names on them. Look for the El Dorado Royale transportation vehicle, or ask for help on where to go. For guests traveling from the US, you need to arrange for your transportation. You have the option of taxi or bus. Please speak to your travel agent about arranging for this before flying. The resort is approximately 30 is this minutes or miles?from the airport. Packing List/Ideas:-Wedding attire – “beach casual”. By this we mean, please no swimsuits! Suits jackets are not required -Water shoes. (the beach may be rocky) -Beach attire including swimsuits and cover ups, hats, sunglasses, and perhaps a beach bag if needed -Shoes: flip-flops for the beach, walking shoes for any activities your partake in, closed toe (men)/dress shoes (women) for evening dinners -Clothes you would regularly wear in warmer weather. Average High: 84° F / 28° C -Lightweight jackets or cover-ups – it can get cold at night or rain! Average Low: 71° F / 21° C -Camera, batteries and/or chargers -Limit your expensive items such as jewelry. As with any foreign destination, things can get stolen -You know the rest! -Don’t forget your sunscreen!  You might also suggest bug spray Hope that's helpful!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jamaicabride09 Becks, thanks for the link to the thread and for the link to the website. I am going to check out both of them right now! Also, thanks for the directions on the palm fans. Did you start the ribbon at the top of the handle or the bottom of the handle? I am so DIY challenged... I started the ribbon at the top - mine are looped around where the handle meets the fan (through the fan part). So I did that first - sort of thru, once around and back thru, if that makes sense. And then I used a glue dot to attach the ribbon under the "once around" so it wasn't visible. Then I tightened up the loose end and wrapped the loop. Hope that helps!
  21. Oh, I totally want to go!!!
  22. I had a bit of the same problem. FIs parents really want to come, but there is no way in h**l they are coming because my parents live across the country and it makes no sense to fly them all the way out here for a 10 minute signing of paperwork. And I've been very explicit with FI's parent - my parents aren't coming and therefore you can't either. I've also been very clear that if they are going to raise a stink about it, then we won't do the legal thing until sometime after we're back from Mexico. So keep that in your back pocket. Now they are wanting to take us to dinner that night to celebrate. My response to that was "there's nothing to celebrate... unless you also celebrate things like renewing your driver's license." Just make it seem so totally insignificant that any bit of carrying on makes them look dumb. It will work... eventually. But make sure FI is either conveying or fully backing up that message.
  23. Are you kidding? They are at home, snuggling like good newlyweds, looking at their photos and laughing because they know we're DYING for the details!!!
  24. Congratulations!!!! I am SO happy for you! That cake is a riot. BTW - it looks like most of the chromes are Xs. I take it you're after a girl?
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