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Everything posted by becks

  1. Wow Maura!!!! You look AMAZING!!! 13 days, my twin, 13 days!!!! (Ack! Yay! Ack! Yay!)
  2. Yay!!!! Congrats Kat!!! I'm so very, very happy for you! Where are the photos of the necklace
  3. Thanks for all the nominations, ladies. I'm actually a little choked up. Must be a pre-wedding raging emotion thing (um... PWS?) My noms are: BTB: Harty - she's always in good form! MOTM: Abbie. How could I not??
  4. Happy AHR Erin! I hope it's wonderful!
  5. Abbie!!!! Your photos are amazing! And YOU?!?!?! I've said it before but TOTALLY GORGEOUS!!! I love the one up agains the rocks!
  6. To me, it sounds like you'd rather not have her there. If that's really the case, tell her that. It can be done nicely, but it needs to be done. Tell her straight out that her comments and advice, while well intentioned are negative and hurtful and you don't want to hear anything negative in the days preceeding or following your wedding. Also tell her that her behavior after she's had a few is abrasive and confrontational, and that you are concerned that at an all inclusive resort, she's going to be tempted and do something to embarass herself in front of your guests. Are there others (siblings, your dad, aunts, uncles, etc - NOT YOUR FI) that you can enlist to help deliver the weight of this message? That may also make the message more meaningful. Worst case, even if she does come, maybe she'll think twice about things and stick with sodas... I wish you the best of luck and will keep my fingers crossed for you!!
  7. Martha: Congratulations!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day, that everything is perfect, and this is the start of happily ever after!
  8. Happiest of birthdays Jen!!!! I hope it's wonderful and the birthday fairy brings you lots of pretty stuff!
  9. Happy, happy legal day! I hope it's wonderful!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese I'll stick to the rules as hard as it is but my BDW crush is (drum roll please): Rebecca "Becks"...I believe we joined around the same time and she's always been super helpful and nice. She rocks and I can't wait to meet her in person one of these days!! Awww, Jess... you're better than I deserve, and I love you too, sweetie! And seriously... we need to get that drinks date set up!!!
  11. Mo: If it makes you feel any better, one of my BFFs went thru the same thing - she didn't to the IV stuff, but same diagnosis, etc. And her child is the sweetest, most well behaved, most beautiful little girl you can even imagine and I love her to pieces!!! Here she is:
  12. Oh Marie! I am so, so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine how you're feeling. I wish I was there to give you a hug and buy you a big glass of wine. Don't worry about the people you're afraid you've offended. They all know that you're hurting and will forgive you. That's just what friends do. Big hugs, and lots of love.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Mine really aren't sexy because I did them by myself. While I adore my husband, his 6'5", 375lb body is not the standard sexy man body. When he lays on me, I kinda disappear... Oooh! Me too! Isn't that the bestest feeling in the whole world?!?!
  14. Take a good look at the Paradisus. I'm obviously biased because I'm getting married there in just over two weeks. However, the beach wedding site is around a bend from where the chairs are set up, and they only do one wedding per day. The WC is outstanding. It is a bit pricier than some of the other options in the area. You'll never get total privacy - all the beaches in Mexico are public, so people may walk by. But at least they won't be lathering on the Ban de Soleil while you're exchanging vows.
  15. My best guess is that if you had them designed and printed commercially, you'd be looking at $5-$10 per booklet. If it's just the printing, then closer to $2 - $4 each.
  16. Geez Morgan!!! Don't make Nathaniel all nervous! He doesn't need to know everything... ignorance is bliss! Oh well. He's got a plane ticket already. We'll corrupt him a bit and it will be great!
  17. We originally orderd style 599. But when they did our reprints, they were out of stock so we went with another one - DM49 I actually like DM 49 better because it's a little wider at the base and therefore more stable.
  18. Thanks for posting this. Very, very helpful.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR I am not sure about the one month before thing - that's the first I've heard of that.... FI and I are going down at the end of August and that is something that I have on my list in terms of things to ask about.. In terms of flowers... they seem expensive. I have been emailing her pics of stuff that I want - for example a callalilly bouquet would run me about $120 - so it would totally be worth it to do silk. I think that is what becks is doing... I'm looking for the stuff I have on flowers... you can pretty much do anything you want. If you find a photo and send it to Perla, she can get you a price. For me, I went with a silk bouquet and real lillies around the bamboo gazebo (not the bundles in the corners, but actually wrapped around and up the poles). The bouquet I wanted was $100 (the free one is white roses, which just aren't me), and the bouquet I got from Angels was... $100. So it was a toss-up. I figured I'd go with silk because that way I could keep it forever. I found the files. I have two other bouquet pictures, but they are too big to post. This one isn't bad, though. Amenities List - 2008.pdf
  20. Pull up a chair... this could take a while, and I'm just tapping one thread (these are particularly funny taken out of context): No Ferrets? Now who is going to carry my ring down the aisle if I can't take my pet ferret? I've already bought his tux! Yep, I'm creepy. (this is one of my personal favorites!) Oh don't worry. She won't be wearing her cheerleading outfit to the wedding. HAAAAA! ferret power! Ewww that's not nibblet! That's charlie after one of his many wild nights of drinking & prostitutes. I don't even want to know what happened to his tushie. Wow the crazy ferret thread will never die! I don't think we'll ever run out of ferret material. he is so sneaky with the cracker jacks! I blame becks. She is the one that got him hooked. If you leave $25 bucks under your pillow she delivers you a sack of weed? I love the ferret thread... Almost as much as I love Morgan!
  21. None for us, either. It just didn't seem to suit us. Besides... My 5 BFFs are there, plus my sis, sis-in-law (bro's wife), FI's two sisters... I mean, really, how would I pick? Because it would have been my 5BFFs, but then how would my sister feel, etc., etc., etc....
  22. Everything looks great!! You must be so excited!!
  23. If you're using a cutterpede or another type of paper cutter, many of them (at least the rotary/wheel types) have a perforating blade. I went this route and it was really very easy - plus, perfectly straight lines!
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