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Everything posted by becks

  1. I think you're on the right track. Talk about the AHR, etc. And when the day comes that you have to explain to her why she isn't invited - and it will - that message should be conveyed by FI and not you. His call; his message to deliver. Don't get involved in that. If she's not a particularly nice person, you don't want her wrath aimed at you. Good luck!
  2. Dear TA: You suck. You've sucked from day one and I should have fired your @ss. But I didn't. I spent all day yesterday straightening out your messes, which you've told me no less than 10 times were all squared away. If they were all squared away, then tell me, EXACTLY, why in god's name I would have put my nephews in the room with FI and I on OUR WEDDING NIGHT You're stupid, you suck and I am so happy that I will never, ever have to deal with you again after next week. I may be a bridezilla, but at least I can sort out a room reservation. B***H. love, me.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura rebecca - 1) thank you for emailing me those docs - i got swamped the day you sent them and yesterday and didnt get a chance to thank you 2) are you kidding about your TA? why the F would she put your nephews in your room with you?!?!??!?!??! this woman is gonna get it bad!!! she shoulda realized who she was dealing with! All is squared away with the rooms. I just worked with the WC at the hotel and cut the TA out altogether. I'll call her in a little while and let her know that I've once again handled her job for her. Seriously!!! The woman is worthless. I could have done this better and more easily by myself.
  4. Congratulations! I hope your day is wonderful and perfect! Enjoy Fiji - I'm sure it will be absolutely amazing!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by mexicanbridewithquestions Becks I see that you're wedding is in 10 days! From all the research you've done I am sure it will go off without a hitch. Can't wait to see pics and the review Holy moley!!! I can't believe how quickly it's come. Legal day is Friday, and I leave in a week for Mexico. I spent about an hour on the phone with Perla yesterday getting rooms straightened out, finalizing things, etc. She is SOOOO great to work with! Have no fears ladies, we are in exceptionally good hands. I also spoke breifly with the new assistant, who I believe is Daniella. She seemed very nice, and knew all the details of the wedding. Pretty impressive, actually.
  6. I love them! Everyone is right - they are more of a gunmetal color. The darker and more color-swirled (if that makes sense) black pearls are makes them more expensive. They also have some gorgeous ones in a pale purpley-red that they call wine pearls.
  7. There's a whole thread about waxing on here somewhere. At the end of the day, you pretty much just have to suck it up. And don't do it when AF is in town.
  8. Happy Birthday Morgan!!!! I hope it's wonderful and fabulous and everything you ever hoped for! Nibblet and I baked you a cake... Nibblet wanted to get creative... (sorry)
  9. I just got a call from my WC - she was in the process of assigning rooms to my guests and she doesn't understand why my nephews are in the room with Chris and I. MY TA SCREWED UP THE RESERVATIONS - AGAIN!!! I am seriously about to go all bridezilla on her a$$!!!! As soon as I get the reservation list from the WC, my TA and I are going to have it out - and I'm going to enjoy it. A LOT. Who the f needs this. I'm leaving in a week!!!!!
  10. Look! It's Pierre - Nibblet's french cousin. He came for the wedding and stayed for 2 months! And, yes, another reason why Jean Marcus isn't allowed to babysit Nibblet. He always sucks him up into the vacuum!
  11. Edna!!! That's great news! I'm so very happy for you! Congratulatioins!!
  12. DU-AAAAAM!!!! Be sure to have the ambulance guys nearby when you give Ryan these - he's going to need that defibrulator thingy!!!
  13. Loved it!!! And the funny thing was that my favorite part was actually hearing your voice!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild For anyone interested in participating this is the current selection I'm about 2/3 of the way thru it. SO good!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by 403citygirl oh my gosh, girls.. it's next week!!!! I have most things set aside but not physically packed into the suitcase yet. I'm thinking of bringing the wedding gown in a garment bag as a carry on.. I don't want to risk losing it or getting it wrinkled too badly in a suitcase full of stuff. We're going to buy travel insurance on Friday, then we leave on Sunday!! Definitely carry your dress on. Do NOT risk it getting lost. It's just not worth it. I saw a show on the travel channel this last weekend - there's a store where they buy lost luggage from the airlines (stuff that's 180 days old or something) and resell it. They had several huge racks of wedding dresses. Can you imagine if you saw yours on this show??
  16. Don't worry. Just keep a piece of paper in your handbag at all times and write stuff down as it comes to you. You'll be just fine!
  17. I have 65 (it might by 66-67, I think they gave me a few extra) blue travel mugs with a Riviera Maya Logo on them that we won't be using. These are the mis-printed ones, with black lettering instead of white. Each mug is in an individual white cardboard box. I paid $6.75 each, will sell for $4.00 each or $250 for all of them, plus shipping. PM me if you are interested. Here's the basic mug:
  18. Yikes! What a mess! I don't have any words of wisdom, but I'd suggest taking everything you put together to calculate numbers and sitting down with them face to face (if possible). This has gone on for far, far too long.
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