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Everything posted by becks

  1. I loved my legal day. It was fun, it was personal, and it wasn't about a big to do. I wore flip flops and DH was in shorts. I wouldn't have changed it for anything.
  2. Awwww.... thanks so much everyone!! It was a great day! We met with the town clerk and she was fantastic - I feel like she's family. She did a great job. Both DH and I got a little weepy. It was a beautiful day, so we married in the gazebo across from town hall. After we took our witnesses and had a fantastic lunch on the deck of a local restaurant. And because I know you immediately skipped over everything I've just written looking for the pics, here you are:
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by sdbtrflygrl Wow that is a lot of choices! I can't wait to see your pictures when you get back. Have a great wedding! I may have been exaggerating a bit - but they seriously have about 100 different types of table linens, about 15 standard centerpieces/vases and so forth. They can come up with just about any look you want.
  4. Yay Miss!!!!! Congratulations!!!! It's so great having a house! And yes, the closing right before you get married sucks. A lot. We did it 2.5 months prior and it was stressful. My sincere recommendation is that you find a good friend or relative that can't make it to the wedding and have them supervise movers coming in and packing everything up. At the new place, have one box of "Day 1 Essentials" 2 place settings, one pan, dish soap, etc. Have your friend or the movers get that unpacked, and get your bed set up. That way, you can come back from your DW/Honeymoon and your new hubby can carry you right over the threshold and into your new house.
  5. I have to concur with the others. If he feels this strongly, let him win this battle. It's not worth the stress and strain. No, your vision won't be just as you thought, but I think it's worth it to let your FI feel like he's part of these decisions. Funny thing is, I kept telling my FI that he didn't need to wear a tie. And he insisted! Whodathunk?!
  6. congratulations!!! And TOTALLY deserving!!!
  7. Oh yay!!! Good luck! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  8. I finished it last night. Be sure you have some kleenex when you get to the last 20 pages or so, ladies. So, so good!!!
  9. Hey ladies: I just wanted to make sure you're aware that if you're thinking about the "look" they have 10,000 different styles of table linens, centerpieces, etc. FI and I are still wavering on ours, so Perla is going to set them up so that we can see them when we arrive.
  10. Not that it has any bearing on things next year, but, for the regular (non Royal Service) rooms: for a single, my guests are paying $250 per night. for a double room it is $325 (total for 2).
  11. Once upon a time, in a place not-so-far away, lived a beautiful woman known to all as Lady Maura. She was fair, generous in spirit, kind hearted and above all really freaking cool. Lady Maura was a longstanding lady in the Court of BDW. She was revered by all for her ability to turn a phrase (ahem), provide solid advice and curse like a sailor. One day, a newcomer arrived at the Court, a commoner known simply as Becks. Not long after her appearance at the Court, Lady Maura identified a small coincidence between herself and Becks: a wedding date, common to both of them. Lady Maura took it upon herself to send a message to becks; a precarious gesture, perhaps, given Becks’ status as a lowly and worthless noob (no offense, anyone). A chance journey to the village where Lady Maura did live, allowed the two maidens to meet. Libations (a whole lot of them) were shared, and a friendship was formed. Over the course of several months, Lady Maura and Becks shared stories of their planning and the events of their lives. And through their interactions the maidens discovered that not only did they share a common wedding date; they also shared the same departure-for-Mexico date, the same bridal shower date, and the same florist (thanks Angel!). It was truly a predestined friendship. (Because otherwise it is just a bit creepy.) And so it was that on the 10th day prior to their shared wedding date, Becks went to the Court of BDW to present a gift to Lady Maura. The gift was a poem: Love ya Maura!!! 10 days to go!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan don't worry rebecca. I haven't forgotten about the dance mix And I see Nibblet is being his usual helpful self:
  13. Dear Yari's Road-Hog: F off! You and everyone like you sucks. You're a prick, and you know what they say about those... If you don't have one, be one. Love, BDW
  14. I love #3, but I am not sure it's the right style for your dress. I tend to avoid round chandelier earrings because I think they make my face look wide. So, I'm going with #1. I think the colored stones will be really special. How are you wearing your hair? I know I should know this, but my brain isn't working....
  15. What about a nice steak salad? Barbeque a steak the night before (med rare works great), then day of slice it thin and toss it with simple field greens, and some chopped tomato. When you get to the park, add a bit of balsamic vinagrette. And a good dessert always makes things special - a cheesecake with fresh strawberries or some apple pie, maybe? At the stadium, they don't care what you're drinking as long as it's not in the original container. Champagne in plastic party cups would also make things nice!
  16. I don't usually remember my dreams. Which allows me to say things like "but I'm sure I've dreamt about each of you" and "In my dream, I'm sure we tied up your mother-in-law and made her watch non-stop re-runs of Leave It to Beaver for 3 days!" Don't ask... I'm pre-wedding... and I'm getting punchy.
  17. Okay, that is totally random, but oh so very cool!!!!! Can't wait to go home and tell FI that the other brides are dreaming about me!
  18. I'm back on the 13th. I'll be sure to at least post a few tidbits. In other news... I may have to take back the nasty things I've said about my TA. She just told me that she's gotten us upgraded to the "ambassador suite" - about 2x the size of a regular room, with dining room, 2 bathrooms, etc., etc. And I was so enjoying being ticked off at her!!
  19. Thanks Michele! Definitely more excited for Mexico. The legal thing is a formality, really. Fanny: with regard to pricing. We priced things out as (a) part of a package and ( totally customized. For us, we have a lot of customized stuff. In the packages, the wish was the cheapest by about $1000. But when we did everything ala carte, we actually found that it saved us another $250 or so - because we weren't using the bouquet or bout, we had an open bar so no need for separate champagne, etc., etc. The WCs will work with you to figure out how best to customize everything and then to price everything to give you the best deal they can. They are great that way.
  20. How did I miss this last week? Well... other than my complete state of oblivion. Congratulations! Danielle's work is so great. I'm sure she's going to be fabulous!
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