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Everything posted by becks

  1. I wore LM at my wedding. It was great! It was hot, humid... and my make up stayed perfect - even thru the dancing! I got the oil-free foundation primer and the loose powder. Made a big difference!
  2. I think it's a nice idea, but swim suits are SOOO personal. I don't think I'd ever try to buy one for someone else. Could you get them a gift cert for one, instead?
  3. Happy birthday Amy!!! I hope it's wonderful!!!
  4. I simply had to post a thread about Nathaniel. He is, in a word, amazing. We got back from the wedding two days ago and it's all I can do not to spend every minute of my day looking at the sneek peek photos he posted on his blog (Nathaniel Thompson's Blog) (For the record, I do not look that good. In fact, if it wasn't for the dress and the veil, I wouldn't even be sure who the bride in those pictures is.) Nathaniel is such a great guy! He fit into our group like he'd known us for years which made everyone so comfortable around him that I'm sure everyone will look amazing. He rigged a quick slide show during the reception that nearly brought the party to a halt as everyone oohed and ahhed over his photos. And if you knew the crowd, you'd understand just how impossible that is to do. So, if anyone is contemplating taking a photographer with them (a great idea to begin with), I can't recommend Nathaniel enough. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have, or give you more details if you'd like them. Feel free to PM me!!
  5. Maura!!!! I hope your day was as fabulous as mine! Can't wait to share stories!
  6. Okay, so my mommy is visiting from 9/10 to 9/15 so that weekend is out. Other than that, I'm game!
  7. I LOVED it!!! I loved the story, I loved the imagery, all of it. I cried like a baby, too. My best friend's parents are from China - she's a bit disconnected from the really Chinese side of the culture, but she says that the different areas really had different traditions, processes, etc. The stories of the footbindings - especially the breaking just about had me sick, though.
  8. If you want to see if you can recolor the clip art, put it in powerpoint, right click the image and hit "ungroup" over and over until it's no longer an option. Then all of the components of your clip art should be separate and you can recolor them one at a time. It may take some time, but once it's done, just regroup them and you'll be set.
  9. I'm just now back from my wedding at the Paradisus Riviera Cancun. We used Carlos as our DJ and he was absolutely STELLAR!!! I can not recommend him enough. Not only is he a great DJ, but he's also a really, really nice guy. He made our reception. No two ways about it. No one else could have done it as well. If you can hire him, do so. He is SOOOOOO great!!!
  10. Oooh! Me too! Me too! As long as it's not too far. I'm not so good with geography around here, yet.
  11. Hi Ladies!!!!! I'm back! It was wonderful! I'll do a full review eventually, but some highlights: Best parts: Leticia, at the salon did an amazing job on my hair. I want to have her do it every day. Bring her photos and sit back. Wow. I also loved having my makeup artist there. She was GREAT. And made my mom look like a million bucks, too. Carlos from Mannia - I can't say enough. AMAZING. If you have any doubts about your DJ, cancel them and get Carlos. Totally wow. The special stuff we asked him to do was perfect. Timing was perfect. And he MADE the party. Plus, he gave me copies of all the special mixes, etc. that he did. In all seriousness, if I ever have need of a DJ again, I will be flying him up here. Nathaniel Thompson, photographer extraordinaire. You may have seen some of the sneak peek photos he posted on his blog. For the record - I don't look that good, and I'm not that photogenic. He is fantastic! Plus, he is about the nicest guy you've ever met and was a great addition to the party. His assistant Norm was just as great, and Norm's wife was such a hoot we dragged her into the party too! We're talking about a reunion tour and we're going to be planning it around Nathaniel's schedule, just to make sure he's there. And this time we're going to make him bring his family, too! Worst parts: We had some bumps with the hotel - at one point I just about lost it. 1) We were promised (in writing, and then confirmed again verbally two days before we left) that all of our guests would be in the same building, they had all the room configurations, special needs etc. When we arrived on Wednesday, it was a catastrophe - people scattered; families of 4 in a king bedded room with no pull-out sofa, etc. We spent nearly 4 hours on the day we arrived trying to sort the mess out. In the end, only some was resolved - there will be quite a bit more work on this front - refunds will be issued. 2) We were supposed to have 5 tables of 10 reserved for dinner on Thursday. We arrived to find that we had 4 tables of 12, and in people's efforts to sit with friends and family, we took over a fifth table. Perla let me know that the fifth table was reserved for another group and that those seated at the table had to move. When I asked her to let them know she told me that it would be better coming from me. WTF?!?! Of course the other group never showed and the fifth table remained empty. Grrrrr. 3) On friday at the welcome dinner, I realized that after my entree had been served, eaten and cleared that about 1/2 of our guests hadn't even been served their meals yet. I had to hunt people down to get an answer - the waiters all looked at me with blank expressions, the captain of the restaurant didn't give me a straight answer. So, I had Perla, Orfanel and the director of food and beverage gathered and used my scary voice to let them know that I was done listening to excuses and that if ANYTHING went wrong the day of the wedding they would lose their jobs. All that being said, the wedding was PERFECT. And I can't say that enough. I don't know where the disconnects happened, but for the wedding, they got it 100% right. I'm not quite sure what my advice is with regard to the hiccups. I thought I'd triple checked the rooms, but clearly a fourth run was needed. On that front, we'll see what happens with refunds. The Thursday thing... I think the lesson was learned. On Friday, my advice is to insist that SOMEONE be there throughout your event to make sure things are running smoothly. I think the problem was in the absence of an authority, servers or whomever weren't paying attention and got sloppy.
  12. Okay ladies - I'm off!!! I'll be back on Wednesday with a few pics and stories!!!
  13. I can give you the name of my jeweler - he's in Little Italy here in New York. Did an AMAZING job with my rings, and at a very good price!
  14. Happy legal day Stephanie!!!! I hope it's wonderful!
  15. Likewise - I'm on a plane tomorrow morning!!!! Woohoo! I'm packed and ready to go except for a few odds and ends. For anyone whose departures I miss, I wish you all the best, safe travels and lots and lots of love!
  16. Yay Glenda!!! Happy, happy birthday!!!!! Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday dear Glenda... Happy birthday to you!
  17. Dear FSIL: Kiss my a**. You're a snotty bitch and I don't like your 'tude. You want to know why your hotel payment came to almost $900? Because when we told you we were going to pay for 3 nights hotel, we were quite clear that it was 3 nights hotel FOR FAMILY. Your decision to bring an uninvited guest and not even discuss it with us but to just send your flight info which included him doesn't mean we're going to pay for his stay, too. So, yeah. 3 nights of his stay plus the fourth night. We're paying for you and your daughter for 3 f-ing nights. I think that's pretty damn generous considering what a PITA you are. And by the way $810 is not "almost $900". And one more thing? I'm leaving for Mexico in 2 days. Do you really think I have time for this right now?! Why don't you just stay home.
  18. My beloved bro called last night to tell me that SIL is expecting! Woo hoo! And they make such cuh-yooot babies!!! He wanted me to know before the DW because SIL won't be drinking and looks a little pudgy, and he didn't want the news distracting from the wedding (which I thought was very thoughtful). Baby is due in March! I'm so excited! This now makes 12 nieces and nephews (7 are mine, 3 are FIs, 2 are step-sis')! I've got a whole football team, plus a replacement player!!! So... how many nieces and nephews do you have??
  19. Maura!!!! You've always been about 100x more organized than I've been. Everything looks amazing! It's going to be absolutely amazing.
  20. I love (love! love! love!) the shoes. But they aren't the best with the dress - stylistically they don't mesh as well as I'd like them to. I think the fuchsia heels would be perfect!
  21. I think most people assume that they will be invited "and guest". If you're not doing that be very up front about it with the people you are inviting so there are no hurt feelings or missed expectations from them. But note, you are asking people to travel quite a long way and pay a good sum to attend, so you may end up with extras there - they may not be going to the wedding events, but you can bet they'll be in the area. Once they get that message, the tissue girlfriends won't be sharing stories of what they will (or won't! Ha!) be wearing to your wedding.
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