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Everything posted by becks

  1. Take a look at the size in the properties feature. Our round ones were a teeny bit under 2" in diameter - so that we could use a 2" round punch to cut them. If things look proportional to you, then copy the image and save it as a .gif file. That way you can resize it to your hearts content and the proportions won't change. Hope that helps!
  2. For quizzes we had a very ridiculous spanish translation quiz. And the fourth answer to all of the questions was "I'd like a margarita, please".
  3. I have 12 tags and 20 loops. Does that help?
  4. You definitely need the brush for the under eye concealer. You cant get it on thinly enough with a finger or a sponge. Also, if you can get the brightening powder that goes with it, it's amazing.
  5. Check out ingreetings.com - and search for "tote" in their search feature. We used their large boat bags at $3.85 each and they are FANTASTIC!
  6. I was going to mimic Erin's thoughts. Typically the free package is for a small group (4-8 people) so the cake won't be big enough for a larger group. And the free bouquet and bout at my resort were plain white roses. On the other hand, your hotel can certainly set up a dessert and champagne or dessert and cocktail hour for you at a relatively reasonable rate. Hope that helps!
  7. Hi Fanny: It sounds like maybe they've changed things a bit. The sodas and waters thing... I never heard a word about it. Have you gotten the most updated banquet menus from Perla? I'd be interested to see the differences between what those have and what I received back in February. I just looked at what I have and none of my menus mention the open bar, but I know they are included. Of the items she suggested (food), the ham and asparagus and the cactus and crab were tasty, and we included them in our menus. I didn't try the cheese puffs or the tuna. One thing I will suggest is that we had an antipasta tray with salamis and cheese. It was too hot to have it. Things got soft - not melty, just soft. If I were to do it again, I'd either have them set it on an ice tray to keep it super cold, or I'd not serve it.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by amdecker I love the idea of the pre-travel kit. When did you give that to your guests? Before or after the invites? Or after they RSVPed? Thank you so much for taking the time to post everything! I sent them about 3 weeks before the wedding to those who can RSVP'd and booked. At the wedding, I was teased mercilessly for sending people so much information ("another mailing from Rebecca?!?"). I loved it! And I'm so glad you guys can make use of this stuff! I had such fun putting it together - now I just don't know what to do with my free time. I'm going to have to start a business on the side helping you guys with your weddings!
  9. Tammmmmmyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! Okay, wow, your photos are fantastic! And holy moley he is SOOOOO cute! When I finally get a puppy, promise me you'll come take photos??
  10. I like the idea of a CD, especially if your hotel has CD players in the rooms - not so great if they don't. Beach bags are great, too. Almost all my guests used theirs daily. One thing that was a big help was that I'd put little hang tags with guests names (printed on cardstock) on the bags - that was actually for me so I knew how many of which items went into each bag. But in the end, it ended up being enormously helpful because the guests could tell them apart! We got cute canvas totes for about $4 each (the 19x14x5 boat bags from here: Online ordering wholesale canvas tote bags) and put an iron on transfer, which cost another $1 or so. The were great!!!
  11. I wore a halter for my wedding and opted for a bracelet and earrings. I thought adding a necklace made it too busy/fussy. If you do want a necklace, I'd do a drop of some variety. Love the shoes and the dress. For your hair - are you wearing a veil? What sort of feel are you looking for overall? If you want traditional elegant, I like the smooth updo. If you want something a bit more relaxed, go with a curly updo. If you want totally romantic (and because it will be cooler in January you don't have to worry so much about getting your hair off your neck), wear it down and flowy or half-up. I am a big fan of little flowers tucked in here and there.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR I would resend it. This has happened to me on numerous occasions and I just forward the original email to her and say "not sure if you have had a chance to look at this yet." Sometimes it's just that she is waiting back on pricing for certain things (and I don't know what specifically you've asked!) If you want specific prices on stuff let me know! I was going to say the same thing. Just ping her again. And I've got prices, too, if you're looking for something that Missy doesn't have. And for those of you who are trying to figure out packages, one piece of advice that Missy and I can both give you because we've been thru it: If the package you are considering is not EXACTLY what you want (other than head count), you are probably better customizing your own package than trying to modify an existing package. I know that for us, it saved us quite a bit (in excess of $1000) going totally customized rather than modifying any of the other packages. I promise to get my review posted soon - I'm still trying to work thru some of the hiccups we had and don't want to post my review until that's done and resolved. I will say, though, that the wedding was PERFECT! And if you're trying to decide on food, and have specific questions we had a whole bunch of different appetizers off of different banquet menus and I can give you my thoughts on anything we had (and some that we didn't - because we tried sooo much). You don't have to go with a fixed banquet menu, either. You can pick and choose. Oh. And get the tres leches cake. Don't question it, just do. It's amazing. And their pastry chef is incredible! We brought down a photo of a cake and they replicated it. I'm still waiting on my photos, but wow was it pretty!!! Which reminds me... I need to send Nathaniel a note about my photos. I'm DYING to see them!!
  13. Too cute!!! Whenever DH does something like that I just look at him and tell him he's lucky he's so handsome.
  14. Are you hiring a bus or something to transport people? If that's the case, I'd strongly suggest that you recruit your biggest party-goers; dancers to make sure to keep the energy up on the ride back. Also at the restaurant, you could find a way after dinner to get a party atmosphere going. Also, I'd suggest no dessert at the restaurant - if you don't serve dessert, and announce that it's back at the villa people who might be disinclined to party will go for the dessert and stay for the party.
  15. I'm glad to hear that you've decided to continue on with the DW! I had some momentary thoughts of changing mine, too. I am SO glad I didn't. It was everything I thought it would be, and more. Your parents will find a way. Have faith. Keep an eye on the airfares, and buy when they go down. Hawaii is tough, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
  16. Hysterical! I love that you ended up in the fountain! Um... and where was my invite!!!!
  17. So, basically this thing is just like a diaphragm, except that instead of keeping stuff out, it keeps it in? Interesting. I had a diaphragm for a while after undergrad but holy hell did I get UTIs! Seriously, it was like if my boyfriend even looked at me I got the itchy tingle. Ugh. Sorry. TMI. But I wonder if the cups have the same problem, especially if they can be worn during... um... activities. And on that front, guys can feel a diaphragm, too. I wouldn't be too concerned. I don't know if I'm wiling to go this green. I use OB tampons, so no applicator. That might have to be enough for now. The thought of another UTI makes me cringe.
  18. I totally concur with Alyssa. (Seems like I always do!) Use your monogram! Don't let a bunch of up tight people tell you you can't do things the way you want to because it's "improper etiquette". Puh-leeeze.
  19. So far, the best thing we have gotten was an ice cream maker - I use it all the time. And it's so nice to have fresh ice cream that you know doesn't have any artificial stuff in it. Not that the artificial stuff has ever stopped me before, but now I can claim to have fewer bouts of guilt when I indulge myself. Oh - and it has a recipie for pina coladas that I'm dying to try!
  20. They look great - but as other said, cut it as close as you can to the printing. Also, cut it between things - so the space beside the flower where there's not lettering - cut that down too. But it looks great otherwise!
  21. Good thread! So a few things I've learned: * The only votes that count are yours and FI's. * Feel free to tell anyone who might benefit from the information that the only votes that count are yours and FI's * On the day of, be prepared to be flexible - something will go wrong, but there will be a "work-around" for it. Just go with it. * Give yourself an extra 45 minutes to get ready. * If there's a problem, switch good cop/bad cop roles with FI. When you go from being the calm and flexible one to SCARY-BRIDE-TO-BE, people pay attention. * Once you get to your venue, delegate EVERYTHING. Your only role is to relax, be beautiful and smile.
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