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Everything posted by becks

  1. Thanks everyone, for your kind words. The wedding was fantastic - we had so much fun. And Nathaniel is amazing. Simply, and utterly amazing. ...oh, and seriously about the nicest person in the whole world.
  2. Oh that sucks!!! Even worse that you have to wait to get it back. I have a wonderful jeweler in Little Italy who does amazing work. If you want his info, PM me. That said, where in LI are you? We've just recently moved to Manhasset.
  3. I know you're tired of me saying how fantastic Nathaniel is, but he is really amazing! I've run out of superlatives, frankly. So if you're not tired of seeing them, take a peek: Chris and Rebecca's Wedding by Nathaniel Thompson Photography Every time I see them, I'm just totally blown away. And I've watched this about 40 times today. Oh, and for the record, the TTD slideshow will be separate. Maybe he's trying to kill me by just giving me these nuggets of gloriousness, but I don't care!!! I love every single one. Well, except maybe that really bad one of my lipsynching into a water bottle, but hey... And Nathaniel...
  4. DH has the same tone. I'm not above being condescending back when I hear it (ala Him: The dishes need to be done by the time I'm home. Me: Then you better get them done before you leave, don't you think?) It's not something I'm proud of, but I certainly don't hear the tone as much. Besides, the man puts one dish in the dishwasher and thinks he deserves a medal or something.
  5. I was a PRC bride just last month! There's lots of good help to be found. Check out the main Paradisus thread (you can search for it in the upper right). So much information there! And if you've got any specific questions, just let us know!
  6. I'm not feeling particularly sweet today (), so take this with a grain of salt.... But, they've let your FI down at every turn. Regardless of the promises, I'm sure in the back of your mind you were waiting for them to leave you hanging again. So, if it were me, I'd say something snarky like "I figured all along" or something. Oh, and if you have another friend who is coming and bringing her daughter... "Oh, that's GREAT! Because I really wanted so-and-so's daughter to be my flower girl" However, this is your FI's family - so check with him first.
  7. What about a bit of history or something trivia/factoid-ish about your resort/town/area? Maybe a quote of some sort? Not particularly meaningful, but it will fill up empty space.
  8. Congratulations!!! Your dress is adorable, and you both look so happy!
  9. Shelley - I missed my deadline because I'm still waiting for the photos of my bouquet. Can I still participate? I'll get them to you as soon as I have the photo.
  10. Wow Kelly! How did I miss this thread earlier?!? I'm sorry things have been so tough lately! But, you've got a job offer, so that's a start, even if you have to use the CCs between now and then. Just don't go overboard. Can you maybe do some temp work in the interim for spending money? Keeping you in my thoughts!
  11. We did OOT bags, and then had fans on everyone's chairs at the ceremony as "favors". It was definitely more than enough.
  12. How great! I love the decorations. And it looks like you had the best time!
  13. I vote for #1 - it's your rehearsal dinner!!! Be a little dressy!!! You don't want to be out-dressed by your guests at your own rehearsal dinner.
  14. Any news?!?! You're killing us here!!! Also, where are the photos!
  15. I like them! They're festive, and they'll add a nice touch to a candle lit reception!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by EricaG Morgan & Becks - I see the starfish was supposed to make it to others as well, did it ever get there? Or will I be bride number 3? I am sooo excited about the starfish, I totally didn't know about this thread until after I started my own about the starfish! You are bride #3! I'll get it in the mail in the next week or so.
  17. Yay! It's always so nice to have someone's first name... And easier to remember, too!
  18. Yay!!! I'm so glad you made it thru the storm!!! Congratulations on your wedding day!!
  19. Do you mean that the flower is in the candle itself or that it is in the container? I've seen (and actually had them at my wedding) sunken flowers in the vase with a floating candle on the top, but never in the candle itself. I know you can put things in the gel candles, but I've never seen a floating gel candle. Can you post a photo of what you're talking about?
  20. Yay!!! New book! I'm off to find myself a copy!
  21. Yay!!! Congrats Alyssa!!! I know it will be the most wonderful time of your life! Enjoy it!
  22. These are the starfish bouquet jewels, like these: They come on a long (8"?) pin and tuck into your bouquet. Generally, I think we've seen them in blue, clear and topaz.
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