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Everything posted by becks

  1. I took my makeup artist with me, too. So no help there. Frankly, I'm not entirely sure they do make up at the salon. Nails and such, yes, but I don't recall seeing any makeup there. Leticia is the hair stylist, and she is great. Frankly, I would have Perla book it as soon as you know what time you're thinking about. My only concern would be if you wanted your hair done at, say, 3:00, and one of your other guests called before you and took the 3:00 appointment. I booked my August appointment in May. That was probably much farther in advance than necessary, but I was on a site visit, so why not...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan ok we will keep thinking what about switching your avatar to that random guy in the wedding pic that looked like your puffy pink ball? Okay, that was the funniest thing EVER. I'll give some thought to a new avatar.
  3. they are flourishes. If you go to MS clip art gallery (google it), and search for key words flourish, or scroll, you'll find tons of options.
  4. Oh GEEZ you guys! Log off for a little while and all of a sudden you guys are coming up with user names for me! Well... at least they aren't as bad as what some of my friends and colleagues would dream up. I'm holding out... ferret*licious just... see that's Morgan. She's the ferret queen, not me. Even if she's also Killer. So, I'm totally not creative today... but I need a user name that I can also find a new avatar for. I love my puffy pink ball, but it's time for something new...
  5. Me too!!!! I'm about 1/2 way thru India. Love it!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by kacie3344 Is it weird that I like tearjerkers? Not at all!!! Sometimes I like them, but I'm in a very contented mood lately and don't need it shaken up. I will admit that once in a blue moon, I like to read a good, old-fashioned harlequin style romance... where there's lots of thoroughly-hinted-at sex and everyone ends up happily ever after. *sigh*
  7. I had two sets of chairs. Because the beach is right where the reception area is (if you're using the terrace), it would be hard to get the chairs up off the beach and onto the terrace without it being really inconvenient. On the other hand, if you're doing your cocktail hour lounge-style on the beach, and then dinner on the terrace, you could move everyone to the loungy space while staff took the chairs up the stairs to the terrace. By the way, you can buy the bows on e-bay. If they have what you want, In the end they might be cheaper than renting. And then you could bring them back and resell them on BDW.
  8. Hee! Yay Lamb! I love Christopher Moore's stuff. Did you finish it?
  9. Yay!!! It's finally here!!! I'm so excited and happy for you! Of course... It's 1:00 AM in Hawaii right now, so you probably haven't even gone to bed yet following your night-before-the-big-day dinner. Go get some sleep woman! You're getting married later!
  10. I had a very different response than most. We sent out invites to 68 people and had 52 attend.
  11. Oh. Tearjerker. Hmmm. I'm not sure I'm up for that. Does that make me a bad book clubber?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by aimeeyonke Thanks for posting Becks! I am thrilled at the thought of getting to do another DIY wedding project, even though it seems like I just got my STDs out. [ok lets be honest-- there are still some sitting next to me that need to get mailed, lol] but I did have a quick question for you. From the instructions you posted it seemed like you printed these yourself, and I was wondering how many you made, and about how much ink it took. I'm worried about bringing this to a copy place, because I didn't have the best of luck with the staff, and this would be much more complicated with cardstock and regular weight paper, and everything being double sided. buuut, on the other hand I am going to have to print about 100 of these babies, and that is sounding like a lotta ink. thanks!!! Hi Aimee: I printed mine on the color laser printer at the office. I printed 60 of them, and didn't have to change the cartridge out. But then, I think the color laser cartriges are good for about 5,000 sheets. One thought would be to strip the background color out and either go with a white background or actually print them on colored paper or patterned paper. That will save a ton of ink. Let me know if that helps!
  13. Mine gave me several options: A french bustle where the fabric is buttoned up underneath, creating a drapey, pillowy look. It's a gorgeous look, but, with my slim-profile dress it made my butt look enormous, so that was out. The three button, where the fabric is just lifted straight up and buttoned once at your tailbone, and once each just below each butt-cheek. Very pretty as well, but it was too much for my little dress. In the end I went with a single point bustle. I just had one button that sat right at my tailbone. I thought it worked great with my dress. Only thing was that they had to take some fabric out of the side hem of the dress to get it short enough that the sides didn't drag on the ground when it was bustled (a three-button would have taken care of this without the scissors). It didn't shorten the dress, but rather than having a big circle of fabric for my train, it was more of an oval. I'll see if I can find a photo or two. Okay, I don't have a good one with my train down, but here are a couple of shots of it bustled: (sorry, this one is dark, but maybe you can see) from the side:
  14. Hi Ladies: I don't know how to say this and not sound unkind, so if I do, I hope you'll forgive me. The reason that I and other brides post their templates is specifically so that we do not have to e-mail them to people who want them. As you can see from the posts above, lots of people have asked me to e-mail them the templates. I also usually get at least 1-2 requests PMd to me every day, for this or one of the other templates I've posted. The forum is as amazing as it is because people take the time to share and participate. If that weren't the case, you'd never have an answer to your question, and you'd never see any of the amazing ideas that are posted all over the forum. The forum is intended to be a community, not a database of templates. So, bookmark the templates you want to download. Then stick around and play with us for a while. Get to know us - this is an amazing group of women and men. We're fun! So share your thoughts, tell us what's going on, ask questions. Pretty soon, you'll have more points than you know what to do with, even after you've downloaded every template that you want. I hope you'll understand why I don't e-mail my templates, and don't think I'm a big old meanie. Rebecca
  15. Great photos Jackie!!! I love the ones on the horses - absolutely beautiful!!!
  16. I'm pretty familiar with Florence. I spent quite a bit of time there when I was living in Siena and I've got friends all over. I'm not sure quite where you're looking, or what you're looking for... but if you want to share some of what you're looking at, I'll let you know my thoughts on the area.
  17. Do a test run. And put them in a dilute solution of abou 2/3 water 1/3 bleach - or even less. If they have any sheen to them, the bleach will eat that away, but it may lighten them a bit.
  18. I used Carlos at my wedding on August 9. He is FANTASTIC! A delight to work with, follows must play and must not play lists to a tee, and if you just want to have him put stuff together for you, he's great at that too. (We told him oldies-style vocalists, ala Sinatra, etc., for our cocktail hour and he came up with an amazing play list - even made me a copy!) There are things that I would change about my wedding if I would do it over again. But Carlos is definitely on the "do again" list. Except maybe for longer... If you have specific questions, feel free to PM me.
  19. If you get the red light when you go thru customs, they will open the boxes. And, more than likely, they will open all of them. Do yourself a favor and save the wrapping until you arrive. Just enlist the help of friends and it will be a quick process.
  20. Oh Kelly!!!! Your poor FI! I've never had them, but I've held people's hands when they've suffered thru them. He has all of my sympathy and then some. Once this is over, check with a nutritionist - ususally there's something in the diet that can be altered to reduce the chance of a recurrance. You can also check - depending on what his are (specifically), sometimes they can use ultrasound (I think it's ultrasound) to break them up.
  21. It is considered an extreme faux pas for ANYONE to wear white (or ivory, cream or champagne) to a wedding unless specifically asked to do so by the bride. PERIOD. This is a non-negotiable point. Tell her to keep looking. Tell her to wear the white outfit to your rehearsal or welcome dinner. But it is just bad, bad taste to even think about wearing white to a wedding. (unless you're the bride of course).
  22. Oh yay!!!! Congratulations (belatedly)!!! I hope it was absolutely wonderful and perfect!
  23. Oh how scary!!!! I'm so glad you guys were okay! I'd heard on the news that they weren't letting people in the water, but I didn't realize that they had also had to go in and get people out. I'm SO glad you guys are okay!!!
  24. Yay!!!!! Congratulations!!! The house is SOOOO cute! Um, you are inviting ALL of us for the housewarming, right?!?
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