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Everything posted by becks

  1. Wow Alyssa. Just as expected, you are a BEAUTIFUL bride. Sounds like the wedding was great, even if things didn't come off just as you'd planned. Congratulations on being a MRS!!!
  2. I'm not sure what "not white" is - does Ivory or Champagne count? If you look at some of the destination wedding dresses, they tend to have less "stuff" to them. Mine was very basic in shape and the fabric had some beading to it. I loved it!
  3. I had a great knee length dress I wore for our welcome dinner. What do you think of this: Everyone loved it, and it was very comfy. It was a Dessy bridesmaid dress, style 2053, comes in about 50 different colors, mine was Palomino: Dessy Bridesmaid Style 2053: The Dessy Group
  4. Summer: Sitting by the pool with a bev!
  5. Fabulous!!!!! I loved your review, and the photo of your bouquet - love the starfish!
  6. Congratulations on the new gig, Steph! I'm sure you will do fabulously!
  7. Love the pictures! The iguana was hysterical! Sorry that not all went as easily as you would have liked, but it makes for fun stories in hindsight.
  8. Headache: Got I love the smell of lavender with rosemary...
  9. amazing places: That italian place on 56th
  10. Aww, gee. Thanks everyone! Mommy is in town, so we're all having dinner tonight and one of my favorite steak places. I'm already planning to overindulge!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Case*a*licious Fun: Happy Hour Happy hour: The sangria they served at the wedding
  12. If she is still invited, which I am assuming she is because you didn't say otherwise, I would play innocent. Some people actually ask if there is a color theme, or a color they should/shouldn't wear without thinking anything about the bridal party. So, play innocent/naive and just say something along the lines of "you can wear any color you want" or "whatever you want is fine, generally we think most of our guests will be in sundresses/cocktail dresses (whatever)." When you tell her that, if her point was to figure out if she was going to be a member of the brial party, she'll know and you'll not have to tell her she's not part of the team. However, if you point is to have a conversation about the hurt she's caused, that's an entirely different discussion.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by nicoleandscott massive amounts of laundry piled in my closet Love the smell of fresh laundry
  14. I know it's totally dependent on forum resources, and appropriateness, especially as those with fewer points won't be as readily able to get in on the action, but... We could have such fun with this!
  15. do you have a copy of the forms you signed when you paid the deposit? If you do, then make them give you what you were promised. It's that simple. If you don't, but you have the e-mails to back it up, it's just as good. On this one, I wouldn't budge. If they gave your date and time away, then I'd tell them that they have to fix it with the other couple - NOT YOU. Do you have a lawyer in the family or a close friend who is a lawyer? Might not hurt to brief them on the situation and then have them queued up to talk to the resort. The point here is not "friends" it's they PROMISED you something, you PAID to secure that very thing, and now they're saying oops. Your response should be firm. You get what you were promised, or all hell will break loose. And from this point forward, EVERYTHING goes in writing. Even if you have a conversation with them, take notes, type them up and send it to them to confirm that your understanding of all of the items discussed was correct. Good luck. Let us know how we can help.
  16. Oh Kim! I am so sorry for your loss! My heart is just breaking for you. Please let me know if you need anything.
  17. I don't think I know what it is, but here are a few that are similar Copper Alt Caps Exper - but the capitals are a bit more curliqued in this one Helinda Rook - not quite as curliqued Palace Script - again, not as curliqued SplendidOrnamentry Young Love ES I think all of those are on dafont.com, so take a peek and see what you think.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan haha I love Monica Swave. now I'm really curious what it is. I always read it as Monica's Wave too. Yeah, there was a thread where we learned it's "yadi" & I always read it as "yar ie" mine is "marghen" just kidding, but that's a funny way that mike likes to say my name. marghen. I LOOOOOOVE that! Okay, so back to Yari... I get that I got the consonant wrong. what about the vowel? Is is Yah-dee or Yay-dee? Now I'm going to have to stalk this thread until she clears it up.
  19. Okay... I miss Alyssa. She always has these great little surveys... But I got to thinking the other day, there are all these fantastic people, and I assume I know how they pronounce their user names... but maybe I don't. I mean, I always assumed that Yari was Yahr-ee (like jar). But maybe it's Yay-ree. And Monicaswave... always assumed it was Monica's Wave; but maybe it's really Monica Swave... or Monica Swav-ay. Me? I'm just becks. Like the beer. So, c'mon. How do you pronounce yours?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsRust These are so wonderful! I know you have to watch this over and over! How did your dress hold up after being in the sand and ocean...did it wash out well? The dress came out great - it was actually cleaner (dirt-wise) after the ocean than it was the night before. And while it was pretty sandy, I just rinsed it out in the shower (I actually just got in wearing it), hung it up on the balcony and it was dry that night.
  21. Oh yuck Martha!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Do you have somewhere to go if you have to evacuate?
  22. Lofa is my fave. Can't say about the cute. But if anyone else votes for Tom Brady (even though he's injured and probably needs the sympathy), I might throw up in my mouth a little. And if I were to play, I'd be the cornerback or the strong safety. This assumes, however, that I could put on about 75 pounds of pure muscle. Otherwise I'd have to play kicker.
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