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Everything posted by becks

  1. Holy S**T. You've got to be kidding. That is so totally appalling I can't even begin to tell you. On the other hand, you can bet that everyone at your wedding will be tearing her to shreds the next day for wearing a wedding dress to your wedding. And your FI's family will know because your family will be talking about it. What a C-U-Next-Tuesday! Seriously... uninvite her. (or give one of your girlfriends a nice big glass of red wine to have an "accident" with before you walk down the aisle... all over her dress!)
  2. No promises but I'll do my best to be there!
  3. I got mine from Staples. Frankly, if you're not using colored (meaning you're using white or cream), then it's SOOOOO much cheaper to buy it at a regular place.
  4. It might be there under a different name, but you'll have to hunt it down. Have you tried identifont.com? If you type in the name of the font you like, it will list several others that are similar. For example, it says that similar fonts to Cocktail Shaker are: Banana Cocktail Script Espectro Starlight Hotel None of these look particularly like it, but there may be other names. Other sites with free fonts include urbanfonts.com (you have to specifically select the free ones), webpagepublicity.com/free-fonts.html (searchable only alphabetically) and 1001fonts.com. One that I did see that was sort of close was called Quiggly Wiggly.
  5. We used the boarding passes for invites and with the graphics, it looked better to have his name first. So that's what we did. Do what you want. It's your wedding.
  6. If your dress fits properly, and you get the right undergarments, you won't have any problems. It's not so much the weight of the dress itself, as the weight of your boobs that it's supporting. I don't know how busty (hee, that word cracks me up), but I"m not small. And I was totally comfy in my halter. It hooked in the back. Some tips: if it hooks, don't make it hook so tight that it tugs at your neck. Keep it comfortably loose. If you're standing on the alterations platform and you can feel the pressure of the halter on your neck as you turn your head from side to side, it's probably too tight. When you get alterations done, you put the dress on, position it around and then they pin it. It's not going to sit just like that for the duration of your wedding day. It's going to slide and shift, so if it's tight now, it will be really tight while you're dancing the night away. Technically speaking, the halter (the part that goes around your neck) is NOT supposed to hold your boobs up. That is the purpose of the bodice. If you have to, consider having your seamstress put some boning and semi-rigid cups in your dress. You have a mermaid style so those alterations will be in keeping with your dress. Alternatively, get a good bra with a small halter strap that can hide under the halter of your dress. Or even have the seamstress put a strap on the cups in your dress. Good luck!
  7. It seems to me that people have every right to TRAVEL with anyone they want. However, if they choose to TRAVEL with someone who was not invited, not appreciated, etc., then you have every right to let that individual know that for whatever (politically correct) reason, you will not be able to accomodate them at the WEDDING. Plain and simple, a lot of people will look at the trip to whatever beautiful destination you choose to get married as a vacation. You can't change that perspective and you'll drive yourself insane if you try. So, control what is reasonable: YOUR WEDDING; and let them do what they want with their vacation. And honestly... if you tell someone that they are welcome to travel with their cousin with the body odor and flatulence problem, but that because of budget constraints you simply won't be able to accomodate them at the wedding events, chances are that they will decide not to bring the cousin. Oh, and if they suggest that they foot the bill to have the cousin attend your wedding events, tell them that you appreciate the gesture but don't want to open that can of worms because god knows who your mother/FMIL/sister/MOH/etc., will want to bring.
  8. I guess the better question is how important is it TO YOU to have your parents at your DW (or to FI to have his parents there). Are they simply not able to make the date, so you could move it? Can they not fly? Are they simply unwilling or uninterested in making the trip? For us, there was no question that we wanted our parents there. And we (a) paid for their flights and rooms, ( scheduled the date to accomodate them. Now, if someone had said, "Oh gee, that's nice but I'd rather stay home and watch baseball" we'd probably have changed our minds about how critical it was to have them there.
  9. If you really want to use Word, I'd put two big lines across the page - one vertical and one horizontal - and format them so that they are in front of the text (so they don't move around), and then use columns. That way you'll know where your "boxes" are. You can format your columns (set spacing, width, etc) by going to Format, Columns. To format the page margins, go to File, Page Setup and then select your margin size. Personally, I find working in powerpoint much easier when I'm doing layouts. Just note that a standard page in Powerpoint is 7.5 x 10 and you'll need to adjust it (File, Page Setup) to get an 8.5x11. Good luck!
  10. I just checked and I don't have them. I'm sure you checked dafont.com, but just in case you didn't....
  11. Wow Erin!!!!! Great list! I just read through it and the only thing I could think of that you missed (but not really) is, if you're staying at an AI, whether or not you're satisfied with their included wine/alcohol. The champagne at our resort was really bleh... we actually thought about brining in a couple of cases. But they added some melon liquor to it and it ended up being really tasty.
  12. I had a one point bustle and had no problems at all. My dress was fairly light, though. But saftey pins and a sewing kit are an absolute MUST on your packing list. It may not be you who needs them (my sis popped a strap on her bathing suit), but it's far better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.
  13. Italy is GREAT! I lived there for a while. And you can find and do whatever you want, so that's all you have to do. It's a great choice for a honeymoon. RE: a cruise around Italy... Cruises are great because you can see a lot of places and things and you don't have to repack your bags. However, most of the cruises have "all aboard" around 6:00 PM, every night so that they can move to the next port. No Italian town comes to life until 7:00PM at the earliest. So if you really want to experience Italy, a cruise ship won't give you much opportunity. But it's certainly easier. My very favorite places in Italy (in no particular order) are Florence, Siena, Verona, Capri, Orvieto, the Cinque Terre and Taormina (Sicily). Rome is great, but is soooo big. Milan has never been my favorite. So, decide what you want to do - sightsee and visit historical stuff (in which case Florence, Venice, Rome), sit on the beach (Cinque Terre, Portofino/Santa Margherita, Amalfi Coast/Capri, Rimini), see the smaller towns (Verona, Orvieto, Lucca). I can give you some great restaurant and hotel suggestions in pretty much any of the towns I've mentioned.
  14. You look fantastic - your eyes really pop and will look great in the photos. And your hair is gorgeous!
  15. Congratulations Kelly!!! Now on to Mexico!
  16. Been there, done this... Here's what I discovered when we did our booking. Air Tahiti Nui is an American partner. So, American only gets allocated a few seats on ATN for use with American points. If ATN says they only get one seat, then there is absolutely NOTHING American can do about it. You might call ATN directly and see what they can do - sometimes partnered airlines will allow you to transfer your miles to their reward system and then you'll have access to the seats that their reward fliers hav - but it's very rarely a 1-for-1 exchange. Alternatively, can you push your honeymoon back? We booked our tickets almost a year in advance (actually prior to booking our DW) - the further out you can book your honeymoon, the better chance you'll have of getting 2 seats. We ended up using my Continental OnePass rewards to book on Air France (business class - 2 seats, no problems), which had the HUMUNGOUS benefit of no customs line - virtually everyone on the flight was European and had a different customs line than the Americans did. On the other hand, everyone we talked to who flew ATN had a massive wait in customs because everyone their flight was American. Good luck with your search!
  17. Congratulations!!! It's such a great feeling to have it all set and settled. The location and date are definitely the worst part - now it's just a bit old list of to dos!
  18. Lots of girls have had them custom made - there's a website that people rave about. I know Maura and Ann both used them. Very affordable! I just can't find the website! Ugh. Check Maura and Ann's planning threads, I'm sure it's in there.
  19. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss! Lots of the ladies here have lost a loved one during their engagements and planning. Take some time to grieve. That's the best advice I can give you. Big hugs!
  20. Depends where you go and what you want. We did our legal ceremony in our very small town, and the town clerk married us in the gazebo in the park across from town hall. It was a beautiful ceremony, and the clerk did an amazing job. We did exchange rings, and wore them to our celebratory lunch after and then took them off until our DW. We each brought a friend to serve as witness. Other places, especially in larger towns and cities, can be a lot less personal. Call your local officiant (town clerk, judge, etc.) and see what their usual protocol is. Good luck!
  21. Love your dress! Watters does such nice work. I loved mine! By the way, did you buy from RK Bridal? The shop looks sooooo familiar. I purchased my dress there - the alterations people are fantastic.
  22. Hi Ladies! Kelly - I think that my hair was around $80, but no one else had their hair done, so I'm not sure about BMs. Yamille - We did a snorkeling tour - arranged it through the hotel with their on site operator, which was great because they picked us up at the beach. We had 30 people, and paid $20 per person all-in (boat, bracelet/pass for the national park usage (the ocean), mask, fins, snorkel, floatation device and guide). It was about 1.5 hours. BE WARNED - they tell you to wear a t-shirt and no sunscreen (it destroys the reef). They even said no to biodegradable sunscreen. Wear long shorts - literally everyone who went burned the backs of their legs.
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