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Everything posted by becks

  1. I would have absolutely added a videographer. And if there were $$ leftover, I would have added more DJ time and partied into the night. To give up, I would have to go with the snorkel tour we arranged. It was great fun, but only about 1/2 the people went (and DH didn't!).
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by BirminghamBride2010 Hi Rebecca, So what do I need to do get a free monongram. I love free stuff!! Jennifer Click on the link to my website (in my siggy), take a look at my standard monograms and send me an e-mail (there's a link in the Contact Us page) and let me know what you're looking for, colors, names, dates, etc. Thanks!
  3. Thanks ladies! I had so much fun doing them, and I'm so so happy you like them! Anyone else need a monogram? Just let me know!
  4. Everything looks fantastic! You've done a wonderful job! I can't wait to see it al lin photos!
  5. I ordered mine from there (the boat bags) and loved them - great quality, great price. Very quick.
  6. I say go for it. My FI was a bit opposed to the notion, but now that he's seen the photos he wished we'd done more. The photos will be amazing. I get that your mom is a bit shocked. But, really, what are you going to do with the dress? Save it for your daughter? Really? Would you have worn your mother's dress? And let's be honest - my dress came out cleaner after my TTD than it was before hand. And saltwater isn't bad for fabrics. You're just going to put it in a box and stare at it for the next 50 years... so stare at it and remember how much fun your TTD was, and how amazing it looked in the photos.
  7. Wait... what? I was seriously expecting a "just kidding" at the bottom of your post. She WHAT? And your FI did NOTHING? First, you need to have a heart to heart with him. He needs to squash this behavior now or your FMIL is going to think she can run every detail of your life. Right down to the kind of dish soap you use and which hand you wear your watch on. This needs to stop, it needs to stop now and your FI has to be the one to tell her to back off. With regard to your FBIL's gf, unless you really want her as part of your wedding party, have a heart to heart with her. Tell her that you care for her, that you enjoy spending time with her but that your heart was set on having your very dearest and oldest friends/sister/whomever as your wedding party and that your FMIL was out of line setting such expectations. To make your point, remind FBIL's gf that if it had been a sincere request, don't you think you would have made it yourself. Then give her some other task - guest book, usher, program distributor... whatever. As for the dress, again, tell her that she is welcome to wear it, but that if it isn't just what she wants, she shouldn't feel obliged. But get your FI to be a man and stand up to his mommy - or you will suffer FOREVER. Believe me... I know aaaaaaallllll about this one.
  8. I just posted a few more monograms on my website. I love this one the most. Kristin and Samuel were just names I pulled out of thin air. I would LOVE to make this one up for someone here. I just think it's so fun!
  9. Okay... I confess that once upon a time I locked my keys in the car... While the engine was running. Yup. Brainiac here. It was an older model Honda, and when you wanted to lock the doors, you had to hold open the inside handle to flip the lever - it was actually designed so that people didn't inadvertenly lock themselves out of the car. Anyway, long story short: I was putting a letter in the mailbox, got out of the car (engine running), and had gotten so used to getting out, opening the handle locking the door and, etc., that I did it as I got out to put the letter in the box. Fortunately, a friend had a spare key and was able to get it to me in about 30 minutes. But yeah... soooooo dumb.
  10. I had quite a bit of cleave on my wedding day - and I'm not big on sharing/displaying. But I loved loved loved my dress and wasn't about to pass up the dress I wanted. If you want to see pics, go to Chris and Rebecca's Wedding by Nathaniel Thompson Photography. You can see what I was showing and see how you feel about it. Your seamstress will definitely make you feel comfortable. Just share your concerns. But get the dress you love - you're only going to do this once!
  11. Welcome to the forum Kris! There are so many great ideas and information here. I started really going with my planning in March for an August wedding and I had plenty of time to put all the pieces in place, I'm sure you'll find the same. Take a peek around, let us know how we can help. We're so happy to have you here!
  12. becks


    Hi Heather! Welcome to the forum! There's tons of great information here, and some really fantastic people, too. Let us know how we can help!
  13. becks

    Newbie here!!

    Welcome to the forum Shanon! Are you and Brian formally engaged, or still in the "discussion" phase? My hubby and I actually booked our honeymoon - of course we called it "the vacation" before we were engaged. There's tons of great info here - and wonderful people, too! Take a peek around, we're happy to have you!
  14. Welcome to the forum Jacqueline! You're definitely in the right place - there is tons of amazing information and so many fantastic people. Let us know how we can help!
  15. becks


    Welcome to the forum! There is so much great information and so many wonderful people here. Take a look at the Domincan Republic sub-group - I'm sure there's more information there than you probably want, so you should find everything you need.
  16. becks


    Welcome to the forum! There's tons of information and lots of really helpful people here, so I'm sure you'll find more info than you imagined. Where are you thinking in Mexico? We were married in the riviera Maya and LOVED it.
  17. Hi Ladies - one thing to be aware of on the travel insurance and weather issues: When I looked into it - and I looked at just about every possible type of travel insurance you could get - it only covers weather related issues in the event that airports or your hotel is CLOSED. Meaning you can't get there. If you can get there, you are expected to go, and the insurance won't kick in. I had 2 travel agents look into this - no insurance will cover YOUR decision not to travel because of the risk of bad weather. So, it's not a back up plan unless the resort or the hotel closes. I hope that makes sense. It doesn't mean it's not worth it, but I just want you to know what it all really means.
  18. Thanks ladies! I've got a bunch of new monograms I need to put up on the site. But I'm having so much fun designing. I've just done a french-door design save the date - I've got to get pictures so I can share with you all.
  19. Wow! That's enough drama for a whole year, let alone a couple of weeks. I'm glad you're seeing the humor in all of it! Let's hope that's the end of the madness.
  20. Thanks ladies! I'm so glad you're finding it helpful.
  21. Bumbles? Cute! I likey! Was there a reason for the change, or did you just decide you wanted something different?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by scottgm2 you did a great job, are the tags easy to find. I don't have a dollarama either I bought everything through Amazon - the information is all in the first post. It worked really well for me. Good luck!
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