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Everything posted by becks

  1. I'd say send them. I know you're not planing the wedding yet, but clearly you have a date - so simply telling your guests doesn't break your rules, but does help them start with their planning/saving.
  2. If that doesn't work, try putting it into a full page document and using columns set to the correct size of your paper.
  3. Hi Ladies: Went dress shopping today... I've found two that I really like, but I can't decide. So, what do you think? I have a picture of one on me, but the other I only have the ad copy. The first one (the longer one) will be cut to a tea length. The clips weren't particularly helpful so its a bit formless. I have no idea what designer it is... one of those shops where they take all the tags off and code the dress. Makes it tough to price compare... Here's dress #1 and the back Here's dress #2 - Its an Alfred Angelo. I really do like it - gives me a great figure. So ladies, help me here... I just can't decide!!!
  4. Yay Maura! LOVE the dress! LOVE it. Congratulations on a beautiful dress, and a great price!
  5. Its and easy answer. Go with option #3. The others aren't viable, you've already discussed the dilemma with your old friend. Call her and ask her. She'll be thrilled and it will be an opportunity to really reconnect and establish those old bonds.
  6. To me, I guess it depends on what you want. If the DJ would simply stand there and play music, then I say use the iPod. Either way, you're really picking out the music (or the general feel of it), and if the DJ isn't going to add anything then why spend the extra $$. That being said, if you don't know exactly what music you want, or don't want to have to fuss with the iPod/timing/song order/etc. Then the DJ does add some extra value. Just my two cents.
  7. I'm dealing with the same things... I don't really like the idea of having my dad walk me down the aisle. We're close, and I love him to pieces, but... There's this part of me that despises the symbol of being given away. I am a grown woman and besides, I am not something that can be "given" away. My mom (divorced from my dad) had a bit of a freak-out when I told her I didn't really want my dad to walk me down, as did my MOH. Maybe I'm being stubborn, but I just don't want to do it.
  8. Gorgeous dress. (Yes, we all want more pics.) I've been keeping a page with shoes that I've seen on Zappos and elsewhere, probably not quite what you want as I'm doing the beach thing (and therefore no heel), but nevertheless... shoes.doc
  9. I guess I've been pretty lucky - only one real comment, which just made me laugh... FMIL says "dear, I know it's FI's second wedding, but it's your first. You can have it anywhere you want." My response was "and that is exactly what I'm doing." God bless friends, loved ones and family who get that it is what I want. And god bless a small guest list, too.
  10. Those are great! And I've said it before, but your logo is wonderful!
  11. I love them - I agree with Christine that your parents names look a bit off center. Also - LOVE!!!!! that you indicated the number of seats you had for them - no unexpected guests. Absoulutely BRILLIANT!!!
  12. I vote for a postcard, too. For one thing, its less hassle for your guests - don't have to put it in an envelope, get a papercut on their tongue licking it, etc. And its easier for you - you don't have to open envelopes, you just flip it over. And besides, its a DW - how perfect is the postcard-style RSVP?
  13. What a great idea! Personally, I'd go with the picture and/or embossed image or sticker. My great aunt raised peacocks, and the prettier feathers are the big ones. The little ones just don't have the same oomph. Also, sometimes they have a funny odor, even when you get them from a costume shop or something.
  14. Really, its about what is in your budget - you can find some really nice things for $3-$5 (bottle stoppers, small picture frams), or you can go extravagant and spend $50. Don't forget that the classic, traditional favor was a little bag of jordan almonds (and that didn't include a gift certificate for the dentist when you broke your tooth on them). So spend what you want.
  15. They are fine to work with, and totally legit. One of the jewelers we talked about actually suggested buying our stone from them because they have so much inventory. And I know that loose stones are returnable (don't know about rings), so if you don't like it, back it goes.
  16. I love them! They are really so nice. But I think Morgan has some good ideas if you haven't ordered them. But I really do like them as they are.
  17. Dear Dad: I love you. But just because I don't want to invite YOUR wife's daughter to MY (let me repeat that MY!) wedding does not make me a bad person. We're only inviting 40 people. I know she's part of your family. But she is not part of mine. And by the way, it MY wedding. It is not your family vacation, it is not even my family's vacation. It is MY WEDDING!!! I will not concede. So shut up about it already!
  18. Congratulations! Maggie looked so great! Can't wait for more pics!
  19. Target! Saw these the other day and thought they were SO cute. And $10??!! Hollywould Monroe Satin Clutch - Pink : Target
  20. Welcome, and congratulations. I'm sure you'll find all kinds of good info here!
  21. Welcome, and congratulations. I'm sure you'll find all kinds of good info here!
  22. Welcome, and congratulations. I'm sure you'll find all kinds of good info here!
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