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Everything posted by becks

  1. Great list! I'm definitely going to steal it. One point to re-emphasize. Put a copy of your passport in each piece of checked luggage and leave one at home with someone you can reach (not someone who's going to your wedding). And, frankly if you can scan an image in, e-mail it to yourself at an address you can access from a web browser (not your work e-mail), If your passport gets lost or stolen, the state dept will replace it if you can provide a copy. If not, its a messy process and could delay your getting home. (on the other hand a few extra days in paradise....)
  2. I love the first one. Actually I love them both but if the green bugs you, the definitely the first. Also, check with your local tailor (or the nice lady at your dry cleaners who hems your pants). I'd bet they can stitch a row of piping or something down the edge of the zipper to conceal it a bit.
  3. Oh Maura!!! I'm so sorry. What a headache! Let me know if there's anything we can do... petition the church... take up a collection so that you can "donate" it to the church in Cabo and see if they'll reschedule (actually, that's a pretty good idea!) Keep your chin up. This will work out. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  4. My MOH is L/I. She manages just fine, and actually after several years, the problem seems to be subsiding a bit. She carries lactaid tablets, and drinks skim lactaid milk. So look into the calories there, too.
  5. Ah, guilty pleasures. I love it when I have to travel for work... because I get to pick up bridal magazines. I love them!! I haven't gotten into the TV shows yet - we don't have TIVO - probably my only saving grace!
  6. Perfect. FI will get a kick out of that!
  7. Yay!!! Congratulaitons - it must feel so REAL now. Very exciting!!!!! And really, who wants a gay man anyway? He'd dress better than you and complain that you don't keep the house clean enough. You'd tire of that after a couple weeks...
  8. Congratulations!!!! Tha's so great! I can't wait until I can really start checking things of my list!
  9. FI and I narrowed down our list to 3 - and then just e-mailed the WCs to make appointments. We were going to stay one night at each, but decided that we'd rather get a feel for our first choice hotel by staying and eating in the restaurants for two nights.
  10. I'm only having one BM (MOH), but my 5 bestest girlfriends and my sis just got starfish necklaces to wear to my wedding!!
  11. Ooh, and thinking about what FI was wearing this morning... He sang to a firemen because he's a ninja. I SOOOO love this!
  12. I danced with my science teacher because Big Bird said to he's my leader.
  13. I love the warm fuzzy here. I've never seen anything snarky or mean. And everyone is so supportive and excited for everyone else. I just don't get why people would bother to be any other way. I love my BDW family!!!! Now if I could just find a way to get you all to my wedding; Oh the fun we'd have!!!!
  14. Super fun!!! think.. think... think...
  15. Don't worry. Everything is going to be just fine. Fantastic, even. This is just normal anxiety, and it will pass. Have that glass of wine. Talk with us. Call your MOH. Call your mom. Call FI. Get the planning stuff off your desk (or kitchen table), put your feet up and take a breather. Your wedding day is going to be the envy of everyone here, so don't you worry about it for another minute.
  16. Hi All: FI and I are going down to stay at the Paradisus this weekend (leaving Saturday AM, staying thru Monday). We've got appointments with Elisa and Perla on Monday, so if you have anything you want me to check on with them let me know. There's supposed to be a large wedding there on Saturday, so I'll sneak some pics and give you guys the run-down when we get back!
  17. This is a riot. I can't figure out how to save things for some reason. Oddly, I've actually had people ask me for a signature thinking I'm Diane Lane. She didn't show up on my list...
  18. I really liked the dress in 3/4 the best - you've got GREAT shoulders/arms!
  19. I spent two weeks in Thailand a couple of years ago - it was the most amazing time ever! And if you go, stay here: Kanchanaburi hotels and resorts - River Kwai Jungle Rafts - Pictures and Facilities Absolutely mind boggling. The hotel is built on a series of rafts floating on the river - no power, but they have gas lamps at night. The whole structure is covered in orchids, there are hammocks everywhere. It is just amazing.
  20. Oooh, very nice! I wish I was further along in my planning so I could buy all the cute stuff!!!
  21. Wow. Really pushy! I can hardly imagine. Had a bit of the same fear about breaking a kid's heart this weekend. FI's niece asked what color dress she ought to be looking for - since all of the girls were supposed to match. Yikes. No flower girls in our party either....
  22. Very cute!! If you're worried about needing a heel on the beach, what about a wedge or a flip-flop with an elevated heel? They won't sink in as much, and then you get the nice calves...
  23. FI and are will be legally married here in the US first. It's absolutely a formality, but it just made sense - he was married previously and we just don't want to go thru the hassle of getting things translated, etc. We'll celebrate our anniversary on the date that we have our symbolic marriage in Mexico.
  24. Very nice! I love them. And your guests are going to be so excited to see the beach, the sun, it just looks warm!
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