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Everything posted by becks

  1. Oh Tami! You look so pretty! I just love (!!!!!) your dress. The detailing is amazing. You already look so good, I can't imagine what you're going to look like on the big day!!!
  2. I'm sorry you're dealing with this cr*p. Families are so odd sometimes. You'd think that people would be excited to go somewhere fabulous for your wedding. And yet... I hope it all works out, and they come and have a great time and everyone gets along famously and relationships tighten because of all this. But if they don't, be glad; because if they don't want to be there, they'll just be grumpy and miserable. Big hugs! You can always invite us! We'll be happy to come and celebrate with you!
  3. Love it! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! You are going to be so stunning! Congratulations, you must be so excited!!!!
  4. Very nice! And the sheer just makes them that much sexier.
  5. Wow! Your dress was beautiful; your photos amazing. Many, many congratulations!
  6. Wow! That is a beautiful dress. And a great story! too bad we have to wait for the pics!
  7. Oh, your ring is so Bee-yoo-tee-ful!!!! I take mine off, mostly out of habit. If I do sleep with it on, I roll the stone under to the palm of my hand - somehow I think that will save it from getting snagged.
  8. You should absolutely be able to do a custom size in MS Word, Powerpoint, etc. The only catch is that you have to use the feeder tray.
  9. We took my bestest girlfriend to dinner, and had them put a card on her dessert plate. The chef made a big question mark on the plate in rasberry sauce. It was great - I highly encourage you to involve the restaurant in the process - they love sappy stuff and really go out of the way to make it nice.
  10. Love the dress! Absolutely stunning! Personally, for the veil, I'd go for a single tier fingertip, tapered, with little or no embellishment on the veil, but with pretty detail on the edging. It will allow you to see thru the veil to the detail at the back of the dress with no distraction, and then you'll have a nice bit of detail at the edging where it just covers your tush.
  11. I saw this in a magazine on a flight from NY to LA last weekend and knew immediately that I had to share. I was laughing (silently, but with the whole shoulders shaking thing), that the woman sitting next to me must have thought I was having convulsions. So, you tell me... bride?... or pro?
  12. We're still figuring it out. Right now, I'm thinking Macy's, William Sonoma and Bed, Bath and Beyond.
  13. Nice review! We were down at the Paradisus the same weekend. We probably would have crossed paths, except that we cancelled our meeting with the WC at Dreams Cancun because they told us that the evening slot on our preferred days were all taken. Somehow getting married at noon in August in Cancun didn't seem like what we wanted to do.
  14. Yay! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Now go make nice and send us pics!
  15. There are a couple of cruise lines where the booze is included - but they are the really high end lines, like SilverSea and Regent Seven Seas (formerly Radisson). Both are great, but if you're looking for budget, this isn't the way to go. So do the prepay coupons, and buy the soda option (you pay $2 per day but get all the sodas you want) if you go with one of the lines that doesn't include sodas (Princess, etc.) And smuggle away.
  16. That is SO cute. By the way, I've made the text of all my topics into "stamps" there are a bunch of good fonts on dafont.com, including Hotel Coral Essex, Rub This!, and Artistamp Medium.
  17. Oooh. Very cute!! Oh, what I'd trade for an unlimited budget.
  18. Speaking as a huge fan of the M&M... They do pretty well in the heat. Here's what will happen: the chocolate inside will soften and the glossy part on the candy shell will get a little melty. But, thanks to the candy shell, they don't melt, per se. So all nicely contained, even if they are a bit softer when you bite into them. The glossy part is an edible wax or something - and it softens too, but not enough to cause a problem. However if you cool down the ones left over, they will stick to one another.
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