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Everything posted by becks

  1. That is a great idea!!! I love the "bride" and "groom" signs!
  2. I like the idea of the pink flowers - but they need to be a different shade than the icing or it might look contrived. Personally, I'd go for a brighter pink.
  3. Have to concur - without BC to alter your cycle, it's just gonna happen. But, call your OB/GYN and see if she's got any ideas.
  4. Unbelievable! Protesting her funeral? Seriously? Leave her and her poor family alone!!! Jessica - you be very very careful.
  5. Wow! That is a gorgeous dress! And such a steal at that price. You will be absolutely stunning!!!
  6. I think it's a great idea. The velum overlay with the text would be really pretty, although slightly more formal. If you're doing STD postcards, be sure to leave room to print the addresses (been there... made that error).
  7. I think they look GREAT! With a little bit of fancy font, and the typos above fixed, I think they'll be fantastic! Also, if you're printing on tan, what about using a nice chocolate brown instead of the black? I don't know what your wedding colors are, but you might also think of incorporating one of those into the "shadow" under the flourish. Note though, that printing on tan you'll have to run a few test copies to make sure the colors look the way you want.
  8. Lots and lots of big hugs. I wish we could all be there in person to distract you and make you feel better. We all want the best for you and your family. I hope this all works out on its own and your mom stops to really understand what's going on. The fact that you've told her you don't want the felon at your wedding should speak volumes to her, and maybe she'll give it more thought. In the meantime, vent, fume, or just ask us to share stupid stories to keep your mind off things. We're here, whenever you need us!
  9. Those are so great!!! And by the way, a little bit of velcro tape on the pen and board and you've got that part solved, too!
  10. I used to be a financial advisor (consultant) for corporations in distress or bankruptcy. Loved it, but the travel - 4.5 years on the road, meaning I spent 4-5 nights a week in hotels. That got a bit old, so when my firm went thru a re-alignment of practices a year or so ago, I took on a resource management role - meaning I assemble the teams we send to our clients, make sure people are developing professionally and like that. It's not the same level of challenge as being a consultant, but I like it!
  11. 1- Name as it appears on birth certificate: Rebecca Marie A. 2- Date of birth: 9-11-70 (yes, I know, please DON'T say it. It was my birthday first) 3- Do you have any siblings? Older sis, younger bro 4- Color hair: dark blonde 5- Color eyes: brown 6- Nationality: French, Italian, Scotch, Irish 7- Size shoe: 7 8- Favorite color: Pink, or occasionally red 9- Favorite article of cothing: My fuzzy pink bathrobe. Could wear it all day. 10- Favorite book: The Lamb - Christopher Moore 11- Favorite food: Gimme a good lasagne 12- Future childs name: Nary an idea. I can tell you it won't be named after any living relatives (that's a story for another day). 13- What are your parent/s names: John and Geri 14- Who was your first crush: Sean Cassidy. Love me some Hardy boys (TV). 15- Who was the first boy to break your heart: I remember the feelings, but I don't remember the name. Guess it wasn't really that broken, then, was it. 16- Favorite vacation: Thailand with Liz and Tracey. 17- If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be? I would kill for perfect skin! 18- Have you ever had plastic surgery? Closest I've come is having a couple of moles removed - by a plastic surgeon. 19- How tall are you? 5'3" 20- Favorite celebrity: Why hello there, Mr. Clooney...
  12. I think it's fine. Particularly if you send out an STD just before or right after the wedding. That way, any of the skeptics know that its not some last-minute gift grab sort of event that you decided on just because you didn't have that many people at your wedding.
  13. Okay, while I have no idea who she is, I do have to wonder about all the writhing about in the sand. It sort of made her look like she was itchy in uncomfortable places, ahem. And please, someone, give the girl a sandwich! No one's hip bones should poke out that much. She probably starved herself for a week before filming!
  14. Ugh. I'm so sorry you're going thru this. Personally, it sounds like this may be one of those things you're just going to have to suck up. But, I'd lay some ground rules - and be firm. Like (a) they throw it, they pay for it; ( short and sweet - a 2-hour cocktail party on a Sunday afternoon; © low key - not at the four seasons ball room, etc. and (d) ONLY one event - have it be fairly close to the wedding date (within a few months), so that it can't be done again tastefully. Just my two cents.
  15. I think the idea of having everyone back to the room is a great idea. Or hire a waiter for a couple of hours and have him run back and forth to the lobby bar while you guys hang out on the beach or by the pool.
  16. If you want to float the silk flowers you might try coating the underside with parafin wax - just melt a block (check the grocery store in the sugar/flour aisle - it will be with the canning stuff) in an old can set in a pot of boiling water. I think once you get the flower "waterproofed" it should float. Plus, the wax is also lighter than water, so that should help too.
  17. I think its a great idea. And you can just tell all his buddies that their jealousy is blatantly obvious and they can just shove off.
  18. Your photos are amazing. Everything is amazing! Many, many congratulations!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus im not really sure but junior member sounds AWWFFFULLYYY close to junior mints and we all know how tasty those are Dear Lord: there are days when I just search Jean-Marcus' posts to give myself a little lift. Be good to him. We need him!
  20. That's too funny! Yes, they are cheap - either because they are regifting, or because they can only be bothered to spend $7 on a bottle. Seriously? The stuff I cook with costs more than that. But no, you're not allowed to be bothered by it. Its the thought that counts. You can always do what I do and the next time they invite you for dinner, just bring it along...
  21. This was too funny - and they had so many people in on it! I'm amazed they could pull it off. YouTube - Kyle Kendrick traded to Japan
  22. Yay!!! I'm so glad you found the one! Can't see it very well in the photo, but it looks pretty! And I'm sure you are just smashing in it!
  23. Daaaaang! I remember reading about people getting dinged with huge bills when the I phone first came out, but never anyone I knew. I'm so glad it all got worked out!
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