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Everything posted by becks

  1. I want to join the FCC! Moooo! You'd see me and reject me from the FCC. But I want to be a part! I have 7 pounds to go, and I just CANNOT get any of them off! But, the key to my first 7 pounds was edamame. The frozen kind in the shell. Rinse them and microwave them for a minute or a minute and a half. High in fiber, a bit of protien, low carbs, low fat. And - this was the key for me - you eat them with your hands. The activity alone satisfied a lot of that "hand-to-mouth" thing that just kills me. Can't wait to try the salsa with the veggies!! I don't suppose swapping the salsa for guacamole counts?
  2. Wow! Congratulations - it sounds like it was fantastic!!! Do you have photos you can share? (you know how we are...)
  3. Yay! Congratulations - you must be so excited! I can't wait until I'm in your shoes. Hopefully soon!
  4. Warning: Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy An Ode to BDW Why oh Why do I love this forum so much? Oh it must be because we all have such strong feelings about everything! I consider you my friends, family, and I have never even met ONE of you! Maybe its just me But I love BDW OH and I have had about 4 glasses of wine. The End An Ode to Betsy Dearest Betsy, we love love you, too And when FSIL makes you feel blue We'll step to defend your wedding day The only thing we hope and pray Is that you keep posting after your wine Your ode to BDW is just so fine! (Okay, that was really lame... I should have had a drink first.) Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
  5. Yay Jenn!!! I was certified in college and I hardly dive anymore, but I love it and do it every chance I get. Well every chance I get where the water is above 70 degrees, anyway! Congratulations on your cert!!!!
  6. I love the siggys! I just wish I had something finalized so I could do more with mine!!
  7. becks


    Welcome to the forum! Let us know how we can be of help.
  8. Congratulations, and welcome to the forum!
  9. Great story! Many, many congratulations! Now... let's see the pics!
  10. The picture itself may be behind something which is preventing you from clicking on it. Click on any drawing item (box, other picture, etc.) and when the frame of that item is composed of dots rather than slashes, you should be able to hit your tab button to scroll thru all the items until you get to your picture.
  11. A #10 envelope is the standard business envelope, and are probably the most common sized envelope out there. So, envelopments.com, paper-source.com, or any stationery store will have them.
  12. Your ring is gorgeous. Personally, I second the vote for a plain platinum band - the same width as your E-ring.
  13. The invites are gorgeous. Mexican? Not so much... but who cares? You love them... we've endorsed your decision. Go for it! And I'd say to send them out in early March - with the rsvp via e-mail or phone. No need to do snail mail RSVPs. Just love them! Now... will someone tell me why I can't see the images Jean-Marcus posts? I can see his photo in the siggy, just not the images
  14. I'm up for any and all! I spaced and missed cupid, and I hadn't found you all for elf... so, leprechaun, bunny, fool... And I think $20 for the limit is good - but we have to make people stick to it so no one feels pressured.
  15. Okay, it's not exactly a secret, because I'll tell anyone who will listen, but I'm at the point with this planning thing that I really just want someone to come in, tell me what hotel I'm going to be married at, what day to be there, what I'll be wearing, eating, listening to, etc.! And, I am completely and utterly astounded that those of you who managed to get through all of this and marry the loves of your lives did NOT end up in an insane asylum. Oh, and I love you all, because without you, that's exactly where I'd be.
  16. I don't think you need to include the time, and worst case, you could just say something like "beach reception that evening".
  17. Here are the fan program templates that I got from Aylee. Personally, I've decided that they're too much work for me - that, and I don't really need a program, per se, so I'm going with the rafia ones.
  18. My very favorite pesto recipe (please forgive the grams, it's just how I cook): 150g fresh basil leaves 50g grated (not shreded) pecorino cheese 50g grated parmesan cheese 3 cloves garlic 90g olive oil 1/2 tsp salt 100g pinenuts 10 walnut halves 100g green beans (ends snipped) 4 potatoes, peeled and cubed Put the basil, a bit of the oil, garlic, salt, pinenuts and walnuts in a food processor and blend, slowly incorporate the cheeses and more of the oil until all of the cheese is in - you may not need all the oil. This will be more of a paste than a sauce. Cook whatever type of pasta you want, with the potatoes. Add the green beans about 4-6 minutes before the pasta is totally cooked, depending on how crunchy you want them. Toss the pasta with the pesto, to coat, then put a big spoonful of the pesto on top. You can put the pesto in the frige in a ziploc bag (NO AIR) for 3-4 days - it will discolor a bit, and you can also freeze it for a month or so.
  19. Oh no!!! I'm so sorry to hear that you're going thru this. I'm dealing with a whole lot of crap, too, but nothing like this! I feel just awful for you. I'll cross my fingers it will all work out. Personally, though, if you have ANYTHING indicating you sent payment, I'd go back and make them reschedule you for the 4:00. This is SO not your responsibility!
  20. This is tough - I'm having the same situation with regard to my step-sister. Dad wants her there, I have no relationship with her whatsoever, save a meal each year during the Xmas holidays. (Dad has only been married to step-mom for 5 years, and I live on the other side of the country.) In the end, I'll proably send her the invite just to keep the peace, but I don't want her there, and I'm going to resent being pushed to invite someone I didn't want to invite. To me, that is the killer - everytime I see her there, I'm going to get a little ticked off. The things we do to keep the ones we love happy...
  21. You're right - it's gone! I can't find it either. I hope it wasn't eaten in the maintenance last week...
  22. Welcome to the forum. Your sister is lucky to have you.
  23. Welcome, and congratulations!
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