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Everything posted by becks

  1. OMG! That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. "Stop child porn" my @ss. That's not going to stop anything. That's just a stupid excuse to embarass people.
  2. Okay, here is the "Romance by Paradisus Fact Sheet" I had to break it up into 3 docs to get it to comply with the size requirements. Romance by Paradisus pt 1.pdf Romance by Paradisus pt 2.pdf Romance by Paradisus pt 3.pdf
  3. Hi ladies! FI and I are still working out the details, but hopefully all will be set this week and we'll be getting married on August 9 at the Paradisus. I'm attaching their menus that Melissa sent me last week. I've got the actual brochure as well, but it's a big file, so I'm going to have to break it up before I can attach. Banquet Kit - Romance.pdf
  4. awww, I think I luurve your doggie! That will be so cute!
  5. Neen: Did Perla or Elisa tell you what the fabric would cost? I'm totally up for splitting it with whomever would like to play...
  6. Hi Michelle - sorry I didn't mean to miss you on the possible list of people to share the curtains! I do think the lists goes back and forth between pesos and USD. I have a spa brochure that specifically states on the back that it's in pesos, so bridal styling is $885 MP, or $88.50 US, trial styling is $46 US. Mani/pedi is $49/40 US.
  7. Love it! It's beautiful. Tell your seamstress to hurry up with the alterations because the BDW ladies are DYING to see it on you!
  8. Tami - what font did you use for the luggage tags? When I open them, the font goes all wonky, so I'm thinking you've got a fabulous font I don't yet know about. Thanks!!
  9. Welcome to the forum, and congratulations! There are tons of templates and samples. Key is just to find something to use as a starting point, and then just play around with them.
  10. Hi Neen! We're stil trying to work out details to have our wedding at the Paradisus. I love (love, love, LOVE) the idea about the white fabric. FI and I are getting married in August, Melissa in November and you in January. Maybe we should split the costs and forward the curtains from one to the next...
  11. I love the idea of the shirts - except for the sizing thing. I guess you could send out a question with your RSVPs... But if the sizing is a pain, I'd go with hats - most hotels provide towels, and they are so bulky to pack and carry.
  12. I loved the second one! I took FI with me dress shopping in a fit of despair. Of course, we found the dress... So, I went back a few days later with a girlfriend (bought the dress), and then told FI that my girlfriend didn't like it. The a week or two later, went shopping for normal stuff with same girlfriend, came back and told FI that I found a dress (not that I found it that day, but just that I found one). So don't sweat that FI has seen it... just work around it.
  13. Wow, your photos are terrific! I love the little turtles!
  14. Melissa - They look fantastic! I LOVE the starfish - I can't believe it's just sandpaper!
  15. Yes, yes! Please e-mail them to me. I don't know why I can't see them, but I'm so bummed!!!
  16. So, in doing my planning for what time to have the ceremony, cocktail hour, TTD, etc., I came across this website: Location Selection for Sunrise Sunset Calendar Just pick your city (US cities are first, international are after, so just keep scrolling), pick the month and year, and voila! a calendar of sunrise, sunset, moon phases, etc. for the whole month!
  17. Hi Jennifer! I'm sorry you're dealing with this headache! I'm dealing with the same questions - to change or not, because I don't like one aspect of the hotel. My thought is this - your wedding is in April. Don't change. No matter where you go you're going to find at least one policy, situation, or something that irks you. Yes, it's $500. No one wants to pay that, and personally, I think it's intensely stupid that they would even ask. In theory, I get the idea that an outside photog would have to pay a day pass fee. But that should be all. Particularly if they are part of your guest list. My vote is that you stick it out, and fight the policy.
  18. My only thought is that if you're having it printed at Kinko's or wherever, and you have any special fonts, definitely put it in a PDF. Otherwise everything gets all ooky when it is loaded on a different computer.
  19. Thanks Katherine! You're the best!
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