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Everything posted by becks

  1. OMG. That is AWFUL! I mean, seriously... what is wrong with people?!?! I'm so sorry it was such a bad experience. It might have been tolerable if the photos had been spectacular, but crap photos, too?! Unbelievable. I commend you for taking the time to share the truth with the other brides. It's tough to say anything nasty about someone, but sheesh.
  2. Wow Jessica!!! Fabulous dress!!! I love the detail in the beading!
  3. Yay Yamille!!! Can't wait to hear and see all about it! You look so happy!
  4. Beautiful dress - and how fantastic that they'll let you switch if you don't love it!
  5. I loved Leticia - but I went down a couple of months prior and had a trial run, so I knew what to expect, and then we took 10,000 photos of the trial as a reminder. It did take some time - I scheduled an hour and it took almost twice that - without any real "fixing" to be done.
  6. I had both of my parents walk me down too. I was totally opposed to the "giving away" notion, and was going to go solo, but actually it was my step-mom who suggested that I have mom and dad do it together. I LOVED it!
  7. You've gotten some good advice from most everyone. And this is tough. It's never a good idea to look at someone's e-mail, but I understand why you did it. But honestly, if you have a hunch that someone is jerking you around, you're probably right. Be that as it may... First talk to your parents, since they know all of the stakeholders in this. Let them know what's going on and get their perspective. It's surprising how good parents often are with this stuff. Then, I'd turn the tables. I'd tell her that you had "concerns". That things are getting back to you that simply don't add up and you feel like maybe she's sharing things with people that you thought were between the two of you, and when she's doing it, she's not really telling the whole story. Tell her it's really causing you concerns - keeping you up at night, giving you cause to question your friendship, wondering if maybe you've simply grown in different directions, etc. Then see what she says. I'm betting on more lies, but let her dig her own grave. Don't stop her, don't tell her that you know the "truth". And when she's done, tell her you appreciate her comments and are going to think on it a bit. Give it a few days and see what comes back to you from friends. Chances are that she'll spin it again and not learn her lesson. At that point, you can go to her again and say, "Gee, roomie, our mutual friend just told me that you said blah-blah-blah and that was so far from the truth. I just don't know if we can remain friends if you're going to treat me this way" or whatever. Let her feel the consequences of her actions. It sounds like you've got good instincts. If the relationship is important to you and you want it to work out, give her the chance to see the error in her ways and stop her behaviors. If she doesn't, at least you tried, and you can walk away with your head up. Good luck, hon! Big hugs!
  8. I agree with the Off products - the "family" one (pink label, orange top) smells like melon and works quite well.
  9. My sis sent this to me. I just about wet my pants. Enjoy!
  10. Hi Brooke! And hi Ladies!!! I'm sorry I've not been around much. Life has been sooooo busy lately. On the planning thing, we really started working things out with Perla about 3 months prior - I knew what we wanted before then, but didn't start pushing that to her until 3 months. Plus we went down about 3 months prior. I put together a HUGE to do list with time frames and lived by it. Let me find the post - here it is! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t20049 On the invites, I assume you sent out STDs? In that case, I'd say the invites can go out 2-3 months prior, with an RSVP date 4-6 weeks before your wedding. You'll know about most well in advance, but it's surprising that you'll have a few show up randomly from people you didn't think would make it. Miss you girls!!
  11. Welcome to the forum Hanna! Picking a venue is the hardest part. We ended up making a list of the things that were most important - how long the travel is for you and family, all inclusive vs. not, how many weddings per day, etc., and narrowed it down from there. Good luck on that! The calendar is a ticker - you can google them. 7910 ticker and ticker factory are both popular sources.
  12. Hi Shannon! Welcome to the forum! We're all a bunch of photo whores around here, so YES! Post the teasers!
  13. Welcome to the forum! Picking a location is the hardest part. We finally had to get on a plane and go see the 3-4 places we were considering. I suggest a list of the things that are the very most important to you, as a starting point to narrowing it down. Good luck!
  14. Yay Jaime! I was totally the same way. All sniffly at the littlest thing. Then, about 48 hours before we left, I became "efficiency woman" (DH still calls me that when I am in that mode) - I had a list, a mission, a schedule and packing to do! There was no time for any nonsense. It was too funny. So exciting! I can't wait to see the photos!!!
  15. It will be okay - the expedite really does work, please don't panic! Just get it moving today and everything will be fine. Keep us posted!
  16. Yay!!! Congratulations!! Say hi to everyone at the Paradisus for me!
  17. I didn't have a videographer, and I so wish that I had. It was the one thing that I would have absolutely changed if I could do do it again. Of course, having Nathaniel for a photographer was so fantastic!
  18. When you download a font, you need to put it in your fonts folder. Typically the download will be in a zip file, so unzip the file, and save the .ttf file to your desktop or someplace. From there, you'll need to move it to your fonts folder (for those of you who use a mac, this won't help). Go to my computer, local disk (usually c:), windows, then Fonts. Just drag it into that folder. Note that windows won't let you take the .ttf file straight from the zip, you have to put it somewhere else first. Good luck!
  19. Hi Jessica!!! You should have sent me an e-mail! The starfish is part of the SC by the Sea font - the lowercase g, I believe.
  20. Welcome to the forum! The hardest part in this process is making a decision on where to have your wedding, and there are SO many great places in the RM to pick from. We opted for the Paradisus, but you can't go wrong!
  21. becks

    1st timer

    Welcome to the forum! We were married at the Paradisus Riviera Cancun - it was fantastic!
  22. Welcome to the forum! The hardest part is picking your location, so you're onto the fun stuff!
  23. Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll find more information here than you ever wanted, and make a few good friends in the process.
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