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Everything posted by ticia277

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Not to sound dumb or anything, but what is "hand cancelling"? I think I'm going to order me some nice stamps for the invites as well bc my post office did not have any pretty stamps at all! It's when they hand stamp the envelope to cancel the reuse of the postage stamp. It's supposed to avoid having them ran through the machine which can cause damage if you have a detail oriented invitation (ribbons, starfish, crystals etc.).
  2. I walked up to the post office. The lady said they only do one hand cancel per customer, per day... shucks. I think she was lying because I heard differently a few months ago. Anyway, she did say that it will cost $.75 to mail each invitation and they will not go through the machine at all. They will put them separetely with the Parcel mail. So that's good news. I'm a little shocked at the stamp price, but I expected it to be slightly higher since the envelopes contain the invite, and two inserts. She tried to get me to buy the stamps, but they were ugly, so I'm going to the web to see if I can find pretty stamps.
  3. Well ladies. I finished all of the invitations last night and they are ready to go. I'm gong to the post office this morning to inquire about hand cancelling them. I would hate for them to be ruined by going through the machines. I'll ba back with an update a little later.
  4. I too though that payig for dinner at an AI was ridiculous. But then I thought about it and it kinda makes sense. When you have a private reception, you actually get your 'own' space for your party. They also provide your event with your own servers and open bar and bartender. They are taking staff away from the other guests just to attend to your needs, set up and clean up for your event, so it makes some sense. Now, what I can't understand is why each menu has a different price.
  5. I love the monogrammed toppers. I ordered my letter from Ebay for about $10 with shipping. I purchased the crystals for $16 and the glue was $2. If you have the time and a little bit of patience, you can make this on your own and save TONS of $.
  6. I voted for # 1. I like the bling in it and it's similar to the eternity ring you want. I really don't see the point in getting 2 separate wedding bands, so I chose #1. It will also be nice to upgrade and get the eternity ring for a special anniversary.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Myda77 They look beautiful. Did you do them all in MS word or did you use a specific software? I am considering making my own invites but I have no idea where to start. I considered purchasing software, but if you did them in MS word I will definitely have to try that instead. I do all of my DIY typesetting in MS Publisher. It's much user friendly and I can edit & crop my images right there.
  8. These are called bouquet jewels. I made mine. I only use genuine swarvoski crystals, so they were a bit more than quoted above. They're fairly simple to make. I also used crystal headpins, to give an extra sparkle at the top.
  9. Whew, I forgot about this thread. Thanks for all the compliments. I made the sample all by my lonesome and their 100% DIY, no template. I started cutting and prepping my papers this week, so I can hopefully put them all together by mid-March.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese I'm glad I read this thread....although I am very sad that its happening to you....I hope the resort can work to make you happy & give you the original time instead of giving you grief. Reading this made me pick up the phone & call my resort bc today my TA called me and said the she spoke with the WC and she has the wrong date for my wedding!!!! The WC had the original date I had wanted but I cancelled that date and booked a different one...I have about 3-4 different emails with the WC confirming this change. Sure enough I called the resort and WC acted like she didn't know which day I wanted...wtf? Now, I'm getting scared. Dreams had the wrong date for the wedding? I booked my wedding directly with the hotel through their coordinator, Grisel, and I tell you I'm printing ALL of my emails and confirmations from her. Because I will FLIP if I get there and there is a mixup.
  11. Very interesting article. This is why it's VERY importatnt to investigate and get lots of answers in writing before confirming / booking your wedding in another country.
  12. Ilike the fact that it's versatile and can be worn in many styles. That way they'll definately put it to use after the wedding. Ver nice.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Claire Very, very nice! Elegant and professional looking. I like your color scheme too. Where did you buy the metallic green lined envelopes? Thanks ! I liked the envelope myself.
  14. That is a BEAUTIFUL down! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Wow! These invites are SO beautiful!!!! Very well done! Are you getting married on the 6th now? Your info says the 7th. Either way, gorgeous invites! Our wedding is still on the 7th. We're having a Welcome gathering for our guests the night before the wedding.
  16. Thanks ladies. I order my cardstock from Hobby Lobby and the actual paper for the invitation text is Stardream Metallic. It was HARD work because I'm so indecisive. I can;t tell you how many times I've chaged the look. But I'm loving the way these turned out. I wanted pocketfolds at first and even made a DIY pocketfold, but decided against it.
  17. Here's a mockup of the final design for my invitations. It took lots of trial and error and me changing my mind, but I'm FINALLY pleased with the look of this design.
  18. Nice dress. I think a single layer cathedral veil will look stunniong with it.
  19. I got my glass stones from Walmart. They were around $2 each pack. They have LOTS of colors.
  20. They're not supposed to charge a membership fee. I haven't received a bill - and I BETTER NOT!
  21. I am having my wedding at Dreams PC. If you purchase a private reception (cocktail or full dinner) the open bar is included.
  22. Beautiful clutch. I'm still debating if I will purchase one
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Hi Ticia, If you dont mind me asking, who did you book as a photographer? Are you flying someone to Punta Cana or is it a resort photographer? I also a Punta Cana bride and am still searching for a photographer. TIA I booked Misti Abner. She's located in TN and I'm flying her in for the wedding. She's really nice and her prices are reasonable. She was referred to me by another bride on the knot. Here's her website Expressions By Misti - Professional Photography - Nashville, TN
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