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Everything posted by lucy106

  1. I know I just saw on one of those wedding shows on WE TV that they reccommend waiting until after the meal is over to start dancing. They said that dancing in between meals interrupts the meal and makes it less fluid. But if you dont care about that then I would give 15-20 minutes for each course to be eaten. IMO anything over 10 minutes in between courses may seem like too long.
  2. Holy crap you look awesome! Rock on girl! Those kick butt! Congrats you rule! Hot hot hot!!
  3. That is very romantic! Thats great you can remember that time so often, must put a smile on your face a lot. Congratulations!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SIMBASIM When was the site re-designed? It was about a month ago, give or take! Its a lot more informative now!
  5. Congratulations and welcome back! Everything sounds fabulous!!
  6. Oh good to know! We stayed at New York New York and loved it but the Signature sounds like a place to try for sure!
  7. Our guys are wearing pants, but thats in November. Since sounds pretty casual I think some nice khaki shorts are just fine! Your siggy pic is hilarious!! Do we want to know how he got an earphone piece stuck in his ear?
  8. That was going to be my suggestion, I am looking on the internet for a remedy but so far nada.
  9. Can u call the place who did the threading? Maybe they would have a remedy.
  10. Welcome Sacha! Your pics look fabulous! Glad to have you here!
  11. Welcome to the forum! Congratulations!! Happy planning!
  12. Conratulations! There is so much awesome DC info here! and info of all types too!! Welcome!
  13. Congratulations to jnowlan! Cant wait to get details and see pics!
  14. That is so beautiful! What a great story! Is your FI home yet? If not I hope he comes home soon, thank him for serving our country! Congratulations on your engagement!
  15. lucy106


    Glad you found us! You will find a ton of info here!
  16. I sold a dress on www.idobutidontnow.com once, it was free to post at the time, dont know if it still is but I had tried ebay twice with no luck then my dress sold on that site in a matter of weeks. Unfortunatley I doubt you will get retail price for it.
  17. Oh fun, better get thinking on this one!
  18. Those are awesome! I love your wording "out to sea" "it's a shore thing" very cool!! Congrats an awesome invites!
  19. Congratulations! Cant wait to see your pics! Glad you sound so happy!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by BCBride26 Thanks Everyone!! And LUCY yes please, if you happen to be taking lots of pictures and happen to get a picture of the Gazeno and Caribe Grill that would be FABULOUS! Ok Gazebo and Caribe Grill pics it is (and many more of course)
  21. I love that story! and as a Cubs fan I know you got lucky they pulled out the win for the first game. Congrats!
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