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Everything posted by lucy106

  1. Thank you all for the great words!! You all are right, as usual!!! But damn that chocolate addiction!! Ha!!!
  2. Hey all!! Since my career as a police officer has ended I am taking on a new endeavor. I am diving right into the world of party favors!!! I really love this prodcut line and hope you will too!! Thanks for having me as a "newbie" vendor! Take care!
  3. Welcome Cindy! You have hit the jackpot finding BDW!!
  4. I agree getting in touch with a travel agent is your first step. You may want to think about also if you want more kid friendly, all inclusive or not, or maybe try to narrow down location like Mexico or Carribean. But I am sure our BDW TAs will be of a ton more help! Good luck!
  5. Yari that sounds like an awesome time!! That limo sounds totally fab!! Yeah for awesome friends!
  6. Hey ladies!! Can you believe how close we are? Everyone is doing fittings and showers and are I say...last minute details!! WOW!!! Very cool!! Just wanted to take a minute to tell you guys how much you all have meant to me and I cant wait to hear the reviews and see the pics of our very upcoming weddings.
  7. Jackie, you have to do what makes you happy so I am glad to read you are excited about this adventure. Good luck and let us know if we can help! and your dress sounds gorgeous!
  8. to feel beautiful on your wedding day when you know you are overweight? I was suppose to lose a ton of weight. Life got in the way, I am retiring on Tuesday from my job as a police officer as I can not return to work because of my back issues. I am in extreme pain daily and can not work out because of my back. All this has caused extreme depression hence my abscense from BDW lately. So...I stress eat and have not lost much weight at all. Just about 12lbs. I really need to lose another 20 to feel great but its not going to happen. I told my FI/DH that I wanted to call it all off as we are legally married anyway (had to for insurance purposes in Aug 0. He wont have any part of that. I am worried and depressed that I will feel awful about myself not only that day but when I look back at pictures. Anyone go through this?
  9. I am working on printing our welcome brochures right now. I think they look good but I may need a heavier paper. Got two more RSVPs so that leaves 5 people overdue. Dont really understand what is so hard especially since there were STDs in January and all. Geesh people!! Your to do lists kill me ladies!! I think I need to make one up. The list seems short in my head but I think when I write it out it may look ugly!! Uh oh!!
  10. That looks amazing on you!! So gorgeous and some hot cleavage, you go girl!
  11. OMG that is totally crazy!! As mentioned before at least all are safe and you have eachother. Good for you guys for waiting until everyone you wanted to be there could be.
  12. Congratulations on your new addition!! He is adorable!! and the big sister is awesome too!!
  13. You guys rock!! Danielle, those brochures are amazing!! Erica, the fondit shells frickin rule!! and your ring is gorgeous!!! Celina, check out our tickers, uh oh getting close!!!!! I miss you guys but basically I am in a mental funk right now and can barely motivate myself to get out of bed to go to work. I have 9 more days at the police dept and then I will really have my head straight up my butt for a few days. Hope to check in more tomorrow night!!! Take care guys!!
  14. Celina I dont think your hair looks orange either. I think it looks great sweetie!! and what the hell...oily M&Ms?? Yikes!!! Good to hear they had great customer service. Holy crap Michelle, a dress fitting. Yikes! The thought of that is crazy!! Very exciting and pics pics pics next time!! Yeah!!!! Havent heard anything yet on the job I am hoping early next week. Thanks for all of your support. I am working on placecards and favor tags this weekend. My favors (the pizza cutters) arrived, they rule!!!!! Happy labor day all!!!
  15. Lisa, I am so sorry to read about Jayson's dad. Life is just not fair. I think he would really appreciate any way he could be involved still. What a kick in the butt!! I am so sorry!! Tara, I love your placecards, very cool!! Erica, holy hannah!! My goodness, you go girl, great BDs!!! I got my snotty bride hankerchief for my FMIL, I will have to take pics of it. Turned out toally cute. It is a custom replica of my dress. My interview went really well and I should hear something in the next few days they said.
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