Quote: Originally Posted by zorlack76 FYI,a day pass for my photographer. I guess that is kind of an even trade. But included in the email she sent me, she asked me to send her the date of my wedding again because she forgot it. She said she has so many weddings that she just cant keep track. OMG...if they gave my date to someone else Im gonna throw a shit fit!!! I talked to her on the phone a few weeks ago and she said she wrote it down in her calander so no one else can take my time slot. Hmm...now Im starting to get worried. For whatever it is worth I got the same question from Gaby a few weeks ago and our wedding is in less then 2 weeks now. I think they are just totally overwhelmed. I wouldnt be too worried about it. Try to remember they are dealing with a ton of emails/phone calls etc. I know it is not ideal for us but I think in the long run it will be worth it.