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Everything posted by lucy106

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by endlesslove I don't even want to know why the pricing for 2010 is going ot be. We're only booking her for 3 hours, but the price just jumps so much more each year. I guess i can't complain too much, photography is one of the most important things ot me. Maybe you could start a photography fund and put money in it monthly?
  2. That is awesome!! That will be perfect to have a friend and someone who knows you and what you like there to do your hair and make up for your special day.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyN Thanks for all the info ladies! I just emailed Dreams today for a quote. Do any of you have site pictures?? There is an entire thread with DC pics but I cant find it for the life of me, I will keep trying. Anyone else find it?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson The other night I got called in to do a night shift with my Mom, so we took my dress and my daughters dress and started on some beading. That was one thing when we got the dresses from ebay is that they both came with beading on the front, Hailey's came with a little bit of beading on the back and mine had none. The beading isn't really that difficult actually, and Mom made me a deal, she will do the beading on my dress and I have to do Hailey's. I think that is fair. We each only used one thread during the night, but I was able to get the center of 3 flowers done. Seriously..you are doing your own beading? WOW you are amazing! That is awesome!
  5. Welcome!! This forum will help you with more then you could ever imagine!
  6. Welcome Roselle!! Dont worry with the help of BDW your stress will not be as bad!!! This forum rocks!
  7. Well I have been doing well but tonight the girls and I are going out for my weakness..... Mexican food!!! Uh oh!!! Margaritas!! Guacamole and chip!!! (guac not too bad but the chips). Ahhhh I cant not eat or drink that stuff!!
  8. Erica, I am glad you realize its their fault. That can be tough to do but they are the ones who have put it all off. It is so crazy how quickly these things fill up. Celina, sorry your MOH doesnt know her lack of commitment sucks!!! I mean is she clueless or do you think maybe jealous?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Well bummer I am really trully am sorry Is there something else that you go do, like investigation or something? I cant do anything as a sworn officer and honestly I think it would be too tough mentally to try to get into something like loss prevention or something related. So I am looking at it as a new beginning and going to take on a new challenge.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Ok that was dumb thats not what its called..... Its something about just temporarily being disabled. Not dumb...the things that are making me "disabled" for this line of work are not going to change like the fact that I have 6 screws in my back and 2 missing discs. But if it was something that could change then I could do temporary disability
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy What's the latest? Any word from work as far as time off? I have filed for disability through my police pension and that should go through my middle of September as far as time off for my wedding goes it shouldnt be an issue now. Bad news is now I am leaving the career I love...
  12. Ahhh you guys are so sweet!! Not a problem at all!!! Glad I can help out here and there!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette We just had a baby shower at work, and I passed up cake. Woohoo!! Great job!! Wow we have a lot of participants again!! I hope everyone continues on (including myself). I am actually down this weigh in from the last week of BL2 so I great start. Lets kick fats' ass everyone!!
  14. Welcome to the forum! Love the username, may I ask why you chose that? Made me laugh immediately!
  15. I would imagine the difference is just an inflation kind of thing. I still think she is totally reasonable.
  16. lucy106


    Welcome Lindsay! Happy planning!
  17. Welcome Lea!! I am sure you will find the perfect spot for your wedding!
  18. Congratulations! Glad you are happy!! Now where are the pics Missy?!?
  19. I agree, the OOT bags are like the favors. So I vote not tacky at all.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride89 Thanks to both of you, I just don't understand why its so hard to find a TA in IL..lol I sapose I will have to go out of state. But how will that work, will it be all on the phone and e-mail? Yep all of our communication was email with maybe 1 or 2 phone calls. No problems at all.
  21. Added my username, great idea! July 2008 Deitra & John Bell - July 19, 2008 ANA (tlomlad) & David Lee - July 20th, 2008 August 2008 Amanda & Michael - August 20, 2008 September 2008 Kathi & Ryan - September 7th, 2008 October 2008 Stacey & Ely - October 14th, 2008 Laurine (dancingdolphin) & Jim - October 26th, 2008 November 2008 RJ & Stephanie (lucy106)- November 8, 2008 Trish (flygirl) & Matt - November 9, 2008 Kristi & Neil - November 10, 2008 Samantha S & Damon - November 20, 2008 December 2008 Brianna & Danny - December 6, 2008 January 2009 Kristy & Mike - January 16, 2009 Michelle & Steve - January 18, 2009 February 2009 Reilly (soon to be Mrs. Glasser) & David - February 23 March 2009 Angel (Angel) & Sanford - March 1, 2009 April 2009 Lyndsey (lynds) and Nick - April 17, 2009 Diana (dc22173) & Anthony - April 25, 2009 May 2009 Jaymie & Ales - May 4, 2009 Jenn -Jenn3878 & Mike - May 8, 2009 Kelly & Joe - May 13, 2009 Marie (hartyt509) & Scott - May 15, 2009 Lisa (mummergirl) & Tom - May 28, 2009 June 2009 Jen (simbasim) June 13, 2009 November 2009 Jodey & Simon - November 12th 2009
  22. Tough to chose between #1 and #2 but I decided on #1 because I liked the simplicity of it.
  23. Oh I love that FG dress!!! Absolutely adorable!! No placecards here, sorry. Maybe if you take a break from that project your interest will get renewed in the idea?
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