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Everything posted by lucy106

  1. Thanks guys! As usual you are making me feel a lot better about all this!!
  2. So because of my recent need to leave my job on a disability I am going to be without insurance. COBRA would cost $500 per month so we have decided to go ahead and just have a legal day here so I can get on my FI's insurance before I leave my job. Because we are both police officers one of our favorite judges has said she would do the ceremony in her chambers. So.... I feel very guilty that this has to be done because of me. Does it make the DW day any less special? We really arent going to tell anyone (if I can keep it in) I guess because I dont want our DW to seem fake to anyone, did anyone feel this way? and lastly is it dumb to get dressed up because it is in the judge's chambers and if I do get dressed up, what is appropriate to wear, especially since it is just us? I mean can I get my hair done, or is that dumb? Ugh I mean I am excited to be his wife but this isnt how it was suppose to be!!! I dont want 11/08/08 to lose the emotion!
  3. http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/...eforeyougo.pdf page 48 of this document has some information on medications... it tells you how to carry narcotics...
  4. I have also carried narcotics out of the country and it never was a problem but I never really thought about it either. I wonder if there is anything on the US or Jamaican customs websites....
  5. Too fun!! Bet you guys had a great time!! Thanks for sharing those!
  6. Welcome to the forum! I guess it depends on what you are looking for in a resort... all inclusive (AI), kid friendly, close to the action, etc
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Well lady, I haven't been posting on this thread much because you guys are all doing so good I feel like a slacker. I finally got FI to go look for his outfit and the groomsmen. We got the guys some linen drawstring pants at JCPenney's for $68 for 4 pair!! Pretty good. Now we just have to see how they fit. Also got FI a jacket. Still need to find a nice white shirt to go under. Also found these lt tan palmtreets imprinted shirts for the guys but not sure if it's too much tan. I think we really need to find white shirts for them too..what do you thinK?? The pants are darker. Wow you found an awesome deal on those pants!!! Without seeing a pic the shirts do sound like a little too much tan. How about a colored shirt so your FI sticks out as the groom in white?
  8. Tara those tanks are awesome!! I need to find some iron on "bride", "maid of honor" etc... I have been dying for some of those shirts but they are so expenisve so maybe I will DIY those! Where did you get the letter?
  9. You are very daring!! I mean all the ladies I have seen (and a few VERY brave guys) are so intense! and they are all just changing right there in the aisles so to save time maybe wear a sports bra and spandex or a strapless bra and spandex. How about buying or renting walkie talkies?
  10. That is really pretty, I like the detail that goes down it!
  11. Welcome to the forum!! Do you know where in Vegas yet? That will be exciting!
  12. lucy106


    Welcome Kati! Happy planning!
  13. Welcome Laura!! Are you looking for an all inclusive? Kid friendly?
  14. Those are cute and what a bargain!! Let us know when you get them if they look as good as they do in the pic!
  15. OMG Martha!! That is fabulous!! Congratulations and have a wonderful time! I hope your wedding is all you ever wanted!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson The beading isn't actually that bad. I told FI and I don't know if he thought that we were going to put big bright beads in the shape of smiley faces or what, but he didn't like the idea of it. Then I told him that if we spent the $1200 for my dress and $200 on Hailey's from the store, it would have all the beads on it. Instead we got them both from ebay for a grand total of just under $300 for both dresses with shipping included. Therefore there were not all the beads on it. We are just tacking the beads on to the design on the coloured part of the dresses, so it really isn't hard! You have any pics? Sounds like a great deal shut your FI up real quickly!! Ha! Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson Yeah, I just noticed that I am a senoir member!!!! I was wondering when that was going to happen. Anyone know what the next level is? And when? Congratulations!! I think it is VIP then elite. Anyone know it that is right?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill I would also email your ceremony to claudia, so that maybe she can get it to the officiant ahead of time. Thankfully I did manage to get a response from Gaby that she got it when I sent it to her.
  18. Well I was half way decent today. Had to have my Saturday sbcucks (the furbaby go through the drive thru every Saturday after her school, its ritual), then had a few small pieces of pizza ( I know not great but usually I would eat 6) and then had a salad for dinner. So considering it is the weekend that was pretty good for me. This weight loss stuff sucks!
  19. BLESS BDW!!!! I think I am just dying for my really long hair back or something. As soon as I saw the back view I was like, yikes but you guys have confirmed it!!!! and thanks Kathi, we love our walls too, ha!!!
  20. So I am at home getting ready to go out with the girls. I just cant decide so I need your help. Does this hair piece look totally fake or too much? Is it awful? PLEASE BE HONEST!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill yes it was, I actually put together our ceremony on my own, but they do have a standard one as well, they still do the vows and the rings, etc... and they have a certificate that you sign too. Speaking of which, I have no idea where ours is?? Ok awesome thank you! I had written our ceremony before we had determined we were going to have to get married before hand. So I was hoping we could use it still.
  22. For the DC brides who got married before going to DC, was the ceremony still the same as the legal one? Did it have all the elemets, rings, vows, etc? Thanks all!
  23. I totally agree!!! It really is an addiction!! and BTW I love your "dressing up for boom boom", we agree our theory kind of is its coming off anyway, ha!!
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