I have been avoiding reading this thread because of my own medical issues and I was worried I would begin one of my pitty party crying fits.
First of all, Jaime I am so sorry for what you have gone through with the doctors and the pain. I can completely empathize.
Secondly, I dont understand why illnesses and injuries have to always happen to me, as you said you are tired of being sick.
I am 30years old. I was diagnosed with having a tumor on my pituitary gland 5 years ago. My endocrinologist told me if it was even at all possible having my own children would be a chore. My husband at the time informed me I was "broken". I was crushed by all of this. I have to go yearly for an MRI of my brain, twice a year for blood tests, and take a pill ever night. Thankfully now my FI is so incredibly supportive!
I had shoulder surgery 3 years after being hit by a car at work ( I am a police officer). This year has been the worst, I had back surgery in May 2007. That didnt work. So I had to have a mulit level spinal fusion the end of November. The day before I was dishcharged from the hospital I complained of leg pain. I was told that was normal. Three days later the leg pain continued to worsen, I called the doctor's office. They told me I must be low in potassium so eat bananas. The next day I couldnt breathe and had chest pains. Thankfully stubborn me finally listened to my FI and we went to the ER. I had a blood clot in my right long and another one in my left leg that went from my upper thigh to my ankle. I was hospitalized for another 4 days. When I was discharged I had to give myself injections in the stomach for 3 weeks. Now I go once a week for blood tests as they try to get the right amount of Coumadin (blood thinning medication) in my system.
So trust me my thoughts are with you and there are people who understand what you are going through. I have been there...I have tried to go to work but ended up crying my eyes out in the car because I was too dizzy to drive or in too much pain.
I hope and pray for you that you get a great resolution!!!!!
P.S. Sorry for blabbing!!