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Everything posted by lucy106

  1. Ha! No I am afraid us mid-west gals are SOL when it comes to that. But they do cruise out of New Orleans or Miami or Ft Lauderdale which is a manageable drive for some (personally I hate long drives like that). and I hear ya about smuggling I'd start crying if I got caught and I always do!
  2. Welcome to the forum! You will find tons of great info here!
  3. I would definitely recommend you find the biggest and newest ship possible to avoid the sea sickness. I was on a tiny ship and it was awful but my FI went on a trip on a large boat and said you could barley feel it. The last day sticker shock of the drinks does suck. On the cruise lines I have experience with (Carnival and Royal Caribbean) the pop is included but the alcohol is not and no pre-pay options. Some people smuggled hard liquor on and then used the free pop to make their own mix drinks.
  4. May be a great question for a travel agent to either answer or get the answer for you. Personally I would think they would be fine since Secrets is a chain and all. I would guess/hope their WCs would come from other resorts and would know what they are doing.
  5. Congratulations and thanks for making us all feel better! Cant wait to see your pics!
  6. I would definitely incoroprate them. Maybe you could tie a short synopsis of your engagement to the bag so people understand the symbolism.
  7. I just love how trashy they all are...although thinking about it so is he. Love their attempts at the burlesque dancing. Yikes!
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! How about a mariachi band for the cocktail reception? A lot of us are fans of the ol' ipod idea if you are having a smaller group.
  9. Glad to find out I am not the only one out there who loves that show. It kills me! Thanks for letting us know about the episode. They re-run those so often I am sure I will catch it since I missed this one!
  10. The author claims to understand TTD but in reality I think she has no idea. TTD pics are so intimate and sensual! An ignorant article IMO. And yes I am TTD and I cant wait!
  11. Welcome to the forum! I am a DC bride and I live just a little ways from you (assuming you mean Arl Hts, IL). You will find tons of info on this forum. Welcome!!
  12. So beautiful! You hair is such a gorgeous color! You look fabulous! Congratulations!
  13. Congratulations! May all of your wedding dreams come true! Cant wait to see pics and read all about it! Have a fabulous time and enjoy each other!
  14. I only see one pic...is the other dress in another thread?
  15. We arent registering there but I bet you could register for everything from gardening supplies to storage stuff to vacums to paint or even gift cards. I could go crazy shopping in there! Hell I'd probably register for some light bulbs! Ha!
  16. lucy106


    Welcome and congratulations! You have found an awesome treasure of information!
  17. That looks beautiful you skinny minnie! Congrats on finding the dress of your dreams!
  18. lucy106

    New member

    Welcome to the forum! Hope your planning goes well! Congratulations!
  19. lucy106

    Hi Girls

    Welcome to the forum! Congraulations! You are gonna find a lot of info about Jaimaica here. Happy planning!
  20. lucy106

    new to forum

    Welcome! You will find a ton of info here! How romantic, how long have you been married? Happy planning!
  21. Oh my gosh I am so sorry to hear your friends suck!! But totally throw yourself a party!! You deserve it!!
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