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Everything posted by lucy106

  1. I competely agree, I tried some of the Victoria's Secret scents but they just didnt do it. So a big bottle of Happy was just purchased, ha! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
  2. Oh great thread! Thanks for the idea I cant wait to see what previous brides say! My FI loves Clinique Happy so I was planning on wearing that but I may have to change things up for our special day.
  3. Glad you found us!!! You will soon find this forum is easy to navigate and also and addiction!! Happy planning!
  4. Absoultely beautiful! Cant wait to see more pictures with you starring as Cinderella! Very nice!
  5. I have flown on this airline from Chicago to Tampa but never internationally. It was just fine for that flight. I mean no frills but no problems either. I always find with those reviews there are always some that are no good. Some people always need to complain. I doubt a military base would allow a plane to land on their runway these days but who knows.
  6. You are so right this forum is so fantastic and so are the people on it!! Glad to have you with us!
  7. Welcome! That is so exciting to start planning! Congratulations! Glad to have ya!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by kristi Is everyone getting married before they leave home and having a non-legal ceremony? Just wondered if it's alot easier.. We are doing the legal ceremony in Mexico. Yes it costs a little more and yes its a little bit more work but we wanted it all to be there! Guess its just all personal preference.
  9. Holy crud that is so rude of your FMIL! Secrets Capri was was avl for about $1800 for that time period.
  10. Ha too funny! I love the guy throwing the poop in the fan, makes me laugh every time. Ok I guess I sound like I am 5.
  11. Beautiful! Thanks for the pictures! I only take mine off to put lotion on. Other then that I love looking at it as much as I can.
  12. If you want to PM me your email I can send it to you when I get home tonight. I have the list the congierge sent me a month ago. I can also try to post it later tonight too but the file is quite enormous.
  13. lucy106


    Welcome welcome! Congrats on chosing a DW and congrats on finding the forum! You will get so much great info! Happy planning!
  14. lucy106

    Hi :-)

    Welcome to this awesome forum! You will find so much great and helpful information here! No need to be afraid to post, there are tons of fun and hilarious topics!
  15. I have been looking for info in previous posts but cant find it..did any of the past or are any of the future DC brides doing that intimate dinner for two option? If so any idea the cost? Also...how do you/did you get the oot bags distributed? Did Daniella or Claudia help? or the concierge? Thank you all as usual!
  16. lucy106

    Hi :)

    Congratulations! Welcome to the forum! There is so much great info so enjoy!!
  17. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!! Hope all of your planning goes well!
  18. I have been to St Lucia and stayed at Sandals Regency. St Lucia is gorgeous!! Especially if you are a diver, the diving was great!! We didnt pick St Lucia because there are not many flights to and from and not as many lodging options. But St Lucia is marvelous!
  19. lucy106


    Welcome Kate! Congraulations on your wedding! You will love this forum and soon find it an addiction!
  20. lucy106

    Dreams Bride

    Welcome to the forum! You are getting married 2 days after us at DC!! Woohoo!! Congrats! and yes you paste your ticker in the edit signature box. There should be a thread about sigy help if you can search that to help ya out.
  21. Welcome to the forum and thanks for joining us!
  22. What a sweet story! That is so special to have your grandmother's diamond from her e ring. Congratulations!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 I've been on two Carnival cruises and while the alcohol is not free, you can "pre-pay" by purchasing bar coupons in advance. I took a "girlfriend's getaway" cruise and purchased several coupons for my friends as a gift. Check the Gift page on the website. We used them throughout our cruise. Carnival Cruise Lines - Gifts & Services Oh sweet I had no idea there was the pre-pay coupons. Thanks for sharing that!
  24. Very awesome! Thanks for sharing your great find!
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