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Kelly C

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Everything posted by Kelly C

  1. Ripcat, I think you will be very happy with your choice. Congrats, one thing to mark off list. By the way Erika was going to let me have Suzanne come on site, but Suzanne was booked so we went to her. No biggie. But wanted to let you know.
  2. Oh Kaylee, I have to admitt when I say your post at first I was really excited that you might be prego with us. I dont think at least with me, there is a prefect time. There will always be something going on. So you just try to prepair and go with it and dont look back. With me it was now or never. Im 37 and did want to have anymore any later. And hubby doesnt have any children so we agreed on one right away. Good luck to you and Doug. You can atleast start practicing. Lets us know.
  3. I dont think so. It will help to keep the occasion casual. Sounds like alot of fun.
  4. My mom used my card while we were all there. She just used my room number to get the discounts too. hehe
  5. I have had a card for a couple of years now. You do get some pearks while your there. You can use it in the gift shop and at the spa. It comes in handy. I dont normally book thru their website, we got an upgrade on our room just because of the wedding. But once we got there I gave them my number so I would get the points.
  6. There are some girls that got married there pretty recently. THey should have their reviews up under the sub forum. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ht=Palace+cabo http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ht=Palace+cabo Here a couple to get you started. I know there are more out there.
  7. When I had morning sickness I read some where to eat peeled apples. It worked for me. But dont eat the skin that will make u sick. Too rough on the tummy.
  8. I got mine from esty's from a seller named mikiye. They were really pretty. opps double post
  9. I got mine from esty's from a seller named mikiye. They were really pretty.
  10. You know, things have changed for me too. I cant eat meat. Like steak, a hamburger, chicken. Pieces of meat. I even tired to eat a filet a my moms last week. To make her happy. I got home and threw it up. So the doc said dont eat it. Eat other protiens. Is it something like that? Do you think maybe its you vitamines? I take mine at night before bed. Cuz with my daughter they made me sick all day. But I do have a girlfriend that is having twins that gets night sick. I think everyone is different. Let us know what the DR. says.
  11. Wow! Sounds Absolutly stunning. You pics are beatiful. You made a beautiful bride. Congrats!
  12. Welcome to the forum!
  13. Its what you want to make of it. We just had our immediate family. None of the other guest new. In MO. I had to call the court house to schedule a time. We went in with the judge and he read the vows. We signed papers and were done. Not sure about your state. You might want to call your local county court system and ask. We had to apply for the license a head of time.
  14. I got mine at target. But I dont remember how much they were. We didnt get the giant ones.
  15. Welcome to the forum! Happy Plannig.
  16. I order 3000 silk flowers and brought them. There was enough for the aisle and the reception tables. I order my flowers from florentna and she gave me a bag of free rose petals we used for hubby and I table.
  17. Great review. Im so glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.
  18. Congrats Jen! I had to see a specialist, but Im 37. I did the prelim test all came back neg so I have be released from their care. Bisha, yes and the hair on my legs is growing like crazy. Shea, In the state of Mo they dont really give you a choice on Vaccines. THey have to have them to go to school. I really did want my daughter to get the chicken pox vaccine. Cuz face it we all have had it and are fine. But they made me give it to her. I had my check up wednesday. All is good and I get to go back on the 5th to find out the sex of the baby. Very excited. Little early present for hubby. his b day is the 6th.
  19. The one and only is incredicible. I told hubby that I want an aniversary there. We couldnt afford the wedding there. But I surely want to try it myself.
  20. I didnt do mine so far out. So things may be different. But I heard from Criss right away. If she was going to be tied up for a couple days or go on vacation she always let me know. So what I am thinking is the time frame.
  21. I havent decided what I am going to do with this one. I am thinking of getting waxed now because Im doing the water arobics class and I m getting tired of shaving. With my first baby I shaved my self the hospital did nothing.
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