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Kelly C

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Everything posted by Kelly C

  1. In the begining those were my two choices also. Both are wonderful. Moon is a little farther out and Dreams is in the heart of Cancun. I was going to do Dreams for the convenience factor. But only changed because we got engaged in Cabo and love it.
  2. Welcome Jennifer to the forum!!! Happy Planning
  3. I sure hope, but as soon as i think I'm making head way something else pops up.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by 2008bride Hey Ladies need some help... 1) Does anyone have pics of the gazebo? I thought I saw some but can't seem to find them. FI is asking question. 2) Who did or going to use for hair and make up? FYI there is a recent bride here in Stl that got married there and she didn't have to pay for hardly any extras. She did the smallest package and had 20 ppl. she said they had enough cake and campange for everyone. And did have to pay for chair bows. she has a review on tripadvisor. I have spoken with her and says Erika was great to work with. And did everything when she got there and had no problems. Maybe Palace brides could help me.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by 2008bride Hey Ladies need some help... 1) Does anyone have pics of the gazebo? I thought I saw some but can't seem to find them. FI is asking question. 2) Who did or going to use for hair and make up? FYI there is a recent bride here in Stl that got married there and she didn't have to pay for hardly any extras. She did the smallest package and had 20 ppl. she said they had enough cake and campange for everyone. And did have to pay for chair bows. she has a review on tripadvisor. I have spoken with her and says Erika was great to work with. And did everything when she got there and had no problems. Maybe Palace brides could help me.
  6. I was wondering the same thing. Can't find it anywhere.
  7. Im not wearing anything to fancy. Just a casual type of open house. Our photographer is putting our pics on a dvd loop for us to show. were are not videoing. Is that even a word.
  8. Not sure...I am a bit busty so I ordered for that and I could still spin around in the dress. Even with it completely laced up in the back. they are great about giving your a return code as long as you call within the three days so i would just go with your best instincts. Or may ask who ever is going to alter it what they think. My girl was on vacation when I ordered mine. When I called her to tell her how big it was and asked what to do she was like OMG! That is way to big.
  9. Nadia, your getting married the day before me next door. We will have to meet up! Those are questions i have also...
  10. Love the eyes Abbie!! Hey I have to ask. Where are you getting married? On the beach or Gazebo. And are you doing your own hair and make up? These are my latest delimas.
  11. This the one I picked out. i actually got it at Macy for $58. Dillard has it on the web.Product: B. Darlin Ombre Halter Dress
  12. Well one more things off the list. I'm so excited. They are different but I think they will look great with the water. The pics doesn't show it real well but the bottom of it is actually royal purple. Product: B. Darlin Ombre Halter Dress
  13. I ordered mine from Bridalonlinestore. It was beautiful but two sizes to big. So I had to send it back. They were out of stock of the size I needed to I have to wait until July for it to ship. No big deal. they are knocks offs but for me thats no big deal. I plan on doing the TTD so if something happens to it I wont freak out. The comany is in Cinn. OH. They have a distributor in Kentucky. Oh buy the way I got the "Haley"
  14. We did get ours at Macy's. I didn't see the orange ones at the store. That would be cool though. I wanted something different also. And something they would be comfortable in. I think I am going to have them wear foot jewelry or purple flip flops. the bottom of their dress is a royale purple, the picture doesn't show it very well.
  15. You girls would be so proud of me! We got the brides maids dresses today. YEH!!!!! The first store we went to. I have pics on my camera as soon as i figure out how to get them posted I will. And they were only $58. We also got the earings and bracelets. Product: B. Darlin Ombre Halter Dress I tried the website from dillards. let see if it works?
  16. Kelly C


    Welcome Vicki Happy Planning
  17. Welcome Heather Happy Planning
  18. I love your new dress. Things happen for a reason. As my mother likes to remind me every day.
  19. Kelly C


    Welcome happy planning
  20. Kelly C


    welcome kris happy planning
  21. i really like the strapless. myself being a busty girl understands. i had to go strapless also. The girls just go crazy big in halters. LOL!
  22. I didn't send out invitation to close friends and family because they already new and booked. We sent out the rest as an announcement to extended family and said that a AHR will be following our return and with specifics. That way no one got their feelings hurts and the parents got to let their friends and family know.
  23. I stayed there probably about rem years ago. It was okay then. Sorry i'm not much help,
  24. Welcome to the forum...happy planning
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