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Kelly C

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Everything posted by Kelly C

  1. Lisa, I would sit her down and make it crystal clear of your wishes. My girls asked me what I wanted to do and then they planned fun stuff within that. She should deffinetly respect your wishes.
  2. Welcome to the forum! I did a review on the Santa Fe. If you cant find it just PM me and I will help.
  3. I used Criss there and never had any breakdowns.
  4. Mo, congrats he is so cute. And of course a son would be born on superbowl sunday for his daddy. LOL. Thats cute they are already boding. I do love this time. when they just lay there. They are little pooping peeing paper weights. And are so easy.
  5. Your more likely to get a false negative than a false postive. So if you take another and you are join us over at momies to be thread and let us know.
  6. Thanks ladies. The more it sinks in the more I get excited. I did swear I thought it was a boy. I laid there is shock and said REALLY. hehe Kaylee, there is still room the the new mommies club...
  7. I have a going away party before we left and gave the OOT bags then. People loved them and they got to carry them for me. So all I had to bring was wedding asnd reception stuff. 2 extra bags. I id press the red light got stopped. They saw me carring my wedding dress and sent me on my way. So I dont think you will have any problems.
  8. Thanks Girlies! Now I get to go register for Pink things.
  9. Welcome to the forum!! You more than welcome to look at my pics on my photographers myspace account. Look at the slide show for Kelly and Paul. MySpace.com - The Wedding Photographer - 46 - Male - St Louis, Missouri - www.myspace.com/fotou Good Luck
  10. Thanks girls, Yes Kerrington is her name. And Danielle is going to be her middle name after my father that passed 3yrs ago.
  11. I have to agree with Kaylee on this one. The first leg of check in for us has always been long. I would play it safe than sorry.
  12. I wanted to share with you girls. We are having a weddingmoon baby and we found out the sex today. IT'S A GIRL! KERRINGTON DANIELLE
  13. You girls are funny. Sorry its so late. I just got home home. ITS A GIRL!!!! Kerrington Danielle
  14. Oh I am so excited. I cant believe its already here. I think Im having a boy. But I guess I will know for sure tomorrow.
  15. Soooo anyways... Congrats MO. Shea it will be soon hang in there. I cant wait until tomorrow morning. To find out what Im having. YEY!!! I wont be able to post until after work, but I promise I will.
  16. That will be exciting. We are finding out the day before hubby b day. So an early present for him. Both of our mothers are going with us to find out.
  17. Angel you are a brave soul. Im a big chicken and getting the good drugs.
  18. That stinks. I cried. LOL. I got induced with my first. It was long I wont lie, but The first half you dont do anything but watch TV. I went in a 11am they broke my water at 6pm. Got an epi around 8pm. Slept on and off thru the night, cus the nurses wake you to check you. And I had her at noon the next day. For me it was easier than the 10 months to get there. Angel, when do yu get to find out for sure what your having? We go on Thursday morning.
  19. Oh, I definantly like so. But I wouldnt call it sag. LOL Your dropping...I cant believe you havent had the baby yet. How log did they say they are going to let you go overdue? My doctor will be sick of me by then and want to get rid of me. With my daughter I got induced the day before her due date.
  20. Here is the one I made. And I used it for my someything blue BFS2 This is the pattern I followed. It was easy once you it one done. I made them for all the girls.
  21. Kelly C


    Welcome to the forum Jamie!
  22. Congrats! I would love to see your pics too, but they are not working for me either.
  23. no suzanne is very incontrol of everything. She will definetly tell you how to set it up. I paid $100 toward whatever service the BM wanted. And that was their wedding gift.
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