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Kelly C

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Everything posted by Kelly C

  1. Welcome to the forum!
  2. Yey!!!! Welcome to the club Samantha.
  3. you have to go into plaza menu, then into the plaza main. It under user options. It cost 2,000 points. I started banking point 500 at a time to earn a little interst to help with the cost.
  4. Very cute. Love the color. I would be worried about the sweat part also?.?
  5. Edna, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out for you.
  6. Yep. We are getting legally married here first. No one but our parents will know. We are going to use the mexico date as our anniversary.
  7. My WC has been great. Today we emailed back and for 3 or 4 times today. So I'm not worried. I'm so excited for you! If anyone needs it I have a copy of the ceramony and sand ceramony from the minister.
  8. They are both gross. The neighbor kid eats PBG and turkey. YUCK!!!!!
  9. We are having a couples shower for FI side of the family on July 26th. It was supposed to be a suprise. But FI sister told on herself. My girlfriends are having one for me Aug. 13th and Bachlerette (SP?) party is Sept 16th. Girls trip to the wineries.
  10. Kelly C


    Welcome to the forum your future daughter in law sure is lucking. I wish someone was making my oot bags.
  11. Welcome to the forum!
  12. Kelly C


    Welcome to the forum!
  13. Which Palace are you looking at? Welcome happy planning.
  14. Kelly C

    newbie post

    Welcome to the forum!
  15. Welcome to the forum!
  16. Welcome to the forum!
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