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Kelly C

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Everything posted by Kelly C

  1. oh congrats on the girl!!!!! I went yesterday for my check up and everything is par for the course...I have to get another U/S and do GD test next time.
  2. thats really sweet. Our husbands turn to mush when they find out...lol We already have daddy's little girl stuff.
  3. Awwww Congrats Mrs Martin....Any names yet?
  4. oh mrs. martin thats a tough one. If you do find out theres always the chance for the slip up and you telling him....lets us know what u decide.
  5. you know what i dont know...we werent on a schedule and i didnt have a watch. you can stay as long as you want.
  6. this whole thing is crazy...Im glad you got your way. I too brought in my own florist and Photographer. So I didnt get the whole craziness.
  7. Congrats Barefoot bride!!! Cant wait to see pics. Mellissa, congrats...hope things are going well for you. Nothing exciting over here, which is good. Have my next appointment Wed. My back is starting to hurt and she plays kung foo fighting everyday after lunch but so far so good. Hope everyone is feeling good...
  8. Congrats Barefoot bride!!! Cant wait to see pics. Mellissa, congrats...hope things are going well for you. Nothing exciting over here, which is good. Have my next appointment Wed. My back is starting to hurt and she plays kung foo fighting everyday after lunch but so far so good. Hope everyone is feeling good...
  9. i used florenta... i was very happy
  10. But they dont start until 9am. We tried to get one for sunrise and had to pay a fishing bost to take us...
  11. Lisa, I believe Abby had hers at Pedregal Beach. And loved it. Her pics are great. Send her a PM...
  12. Lisa, Are you using a TA? If so its time for them to get involved. THey have connections with the RIU.. They can contact their sales rep and the area rep. And pull som strings. I am so suprised by this. Erika is very meek and mild when you meet her. She was going to let me bring Suzanne Morell on the resort, but I had to pay a day pass. My photographer traveled with us so I didnt have this problem he was a guest. Take a breath...try and relax and I would start forwarding Erikas emails to Riu corp. Let me know if you need to vent.
  13. We arrived on Tuesday with most of the guest. The wedding was on friday. The TA made sure that everyone was gone by Monday. We stayed until Friday. If the guest wanted to stay longer they went ealier. It was very nice to have the last days to out selves. But I loved the time earlier with our guest also. It was a noce balance.
  14. It depends on what time you are wanting to go. If its normal hours they run it $10. Otherwsie you should find someone you can trust and book ahead of time.
  15. Congrats!!! On the bright side you get another honeymoon.
  16. Bisha the bumb is so cute. Im not showing mine yet. I am one that just lloks fat everywhere. I will show everyone later. So I forget how much Placenta coverage do you have. Mrs. Martin they say they fast the heart beat means a girl. Never know. Okay, so heres my fun...I sneeze all the time and now I started peeing on myself. Anyone else? This is not cool. LOL
  17. I would do what ever makes you two happy. I am 5 months along now and my doc says no traveling at all at 7 months. I have plecenta previa total coverage and just found out so you never know what can happen. I am going to try and do a materinty photo shoot. I didnt get to do one with my first. And I was terrible sick with my first daughter and with this one I forget Im prego. So Christine there is hope the second time around.
  18. You can do what ever you want. I did get legally married before hand. At first I thought it would change things but once you get ready and put on your dress and get your hair done. It doesnt take anything away. Happy Planning.
  19. You can do as much or as little as you want. With a DW there are no rules. Relax and enjoy your wedding.
  20. Welcome to the forum! Happy Planning...
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