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Kelly C

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Everything posted by Kelly C

  1. Thanks ladies! I love her to pieces. Im glad I decided to have one more.
  2. I wanted to share with you a couple of pics of my weddingmoon baby. The best decision we made for the whole wedding. I just love her so much. Thanks for letting me share with you.
  3. Thanks Carly! Becareful thats the prize I came home with from the Sante Fe. LOL!
  4. Tlseege, dont worry eveything will be fine. I panicked right before I had both girls so i completely understand how you feel.
  5. There is a thread we started last year on the gazebo. There are pics in there. Really it sits on top of the swim up bar.
  6. Heide, congrats!!! Amy, I was thinking about the birthday invation you had for your son. Where did you get those adorable shirts and how did you get the b day invations printed. If you dont mind me asking. ok what url am I supposed to copy from photobucket to get them to post? I have totally lost my mind.
  7. Mrs Martin, you are so silly you look great. All baby.
  8. Hey girlies, wanted to check in. Company is finally clearing out I completely know what Summer is talking about. Dh has been on vacation tomorrow is his last day. Then it a week of just me and Miss Kerrington. I really looking forward to it. And I finally can drive myself places. I go for another check up for me incision and Blood pressure check on wed. Kerrington had her check up last monday and she is doing well. Upto 7 lbs 9oz. So almost back to birth weight. My little peanut is a good baby also. I have to wake her up every three hours during the day and 5 hrs thru the night to eat. I really have heard her cry since she was born. She is that good. I was trying to update my signature with a new pic but I cant get photobucket to load it on. Maybe Im copying the wrong one? Any suggestions? I have added photos in a while. Congrats to all the new mommies!
  9. I had the steak, but our guest ordered off the menu. I did not have to select for everyone. They had their own choice.
  10. I cant help with the picture questions. We brought our own photographer. As far as a Mic we didnt have one. There were 30 of us. We had the first seating in the steak house on the terrace. That way no way else was there until the end. We had no problem hearing each other.
  11. Amy, Congrats on baby #2. My little Kerrington was baby number 2 for us. Angel, send good labor love your way... Bisha-Yes, they had a company called Bella Baby come in and take pics if you wanted. My neighbor just delivered at the same hospital 3 weeks ago. So I knew that they did this so I was perpared. Hubby, is beside himself with the new love in his life.
  12. thanks ladies she is a keeper...
  13. summer she is so cute, what a big girl... im typing one handed so i will eleborate later but wanted to check in... Kerrrington made her debute tuesday at 12:31 pm. by c section. I didnt get to see her for 3 hrs after they got her out because she was breathing fast. They gave her sirfacton to open up her lungs. She is fine now but is was scary. They kept on me about my BP was up even after delivery and I told them theirs would be too if they didnt get to see or hear their baby for 3 hrs.... Anyways all is good peditician says shes perfect I told her I thought so just wanted to hear it from her. LOL. Were coming home today. I cant upload pics here at the hospital but there is a website you can go to and see her fist photo shoot. Bella Baby Photography username and password 0623kerringtoncissell (all lowercases one word).
  14. I have to tell you girls Im REALLY excited about Kerrington making her debute tomorrow. I wont be home from the hospital until friday so I will post once I get back. Say your prayers for us...
  15. Well I had my appointment this morning and the Bp is still on the rise....150 over 90. So he had scheduled a C section for Tuesday at 9:30 am. We have to be there at 7:30. I am so excited there is a light at the end of the tunnel. He told me to take it easy over the weekend and try and hold out until then. YEY!!!!
  16. Wholly cow! I cant believe its here already. I remember when you first started ur planning here. Congtrats! And have a BLAST!
  17. oh Summer that sucks! Start doing all the remedies to put you in labor. Just got home from the doc. BP is 140 over 90 so still crappy. Tomorrow is my last day of work. I have to go back to the doc on fri for more test. He said as soon as the protein shows up Im done. If I make it to monday we are doing another growth scan he thinks shes probably around 8lbs already. Yikes! I will let you girls know what happens...
  18. The palm idea is really pretty. I used a chuppha from Florenta. I think it was about $400. That included set up and the fabric. I loved mine.
  19. Congrats! Everything will be great. Enjoy every minute. It goes by sooo fast.
  20. well doc called and said my blood work is good...but I am still so swollen and the bp is still high. So I have to go back in tomorrow for more testing. I think this is going to be a day by day thing. I do believe that we are going to have to have a heart to heart about taking out of work. I think Im at my witts end with it...I will let you girls know tomorrow what happens.
  21. Yari, good luck on your previa. Mine went away so hopefully yours will too. Why are they wanting to do the screening so early? They started mine 3 weeks ago once a week. reluctent bride, congrats! Im having a weddingmoon baby myself. Angel, congrats on your two weeks. At least the unknown is now a known. I hate suprises. As far as I go. Well as usual never a dull moment. I had to go back in for more blood work yesterday. Im not spilling protein yet but my blood pressure is up to 146 over 86 again. My hand and feet are soooo swollen. They hurt. Doc is trying to get me to friday. That way I will be exactly 37 weeks. Im going to atleast try and work half days until its time. I really want to save my leave for when Kerrington is here. I will let you girls know this afternoon what the docs has to say.
  22. it looks like the girls answered the questions while I was at work today... They say it can be 2 days 2 weeks whenever she decides. The girls at work today think I have dropped, but honestly I dont know anymore. I know that it feels like a bowling ball between my legs. LOL. My boss said to me before I left he didnt think he would see me monday. But to be honest my doc is not on call this weekend so Im going to try and take it easy until sunday. Danielle, Is Kerrington Danielle taking after her name sake or her father? LOL
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