Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Hi all,
I missed my period this month, so I just took a pregnancy test last night (well, I actually took two just to make sure) and it was posotive! I'm still in shock and feeling very emotional about it. I didn't think I would get pregnant this fast!?!? But, I'm really excited!!! It's just that it's still very early and I just hope everything turns out well. I'm thinking I'm a little less than 4 weeks. I made an appt today to get a pregnancy test and my doc's and to get checked up.
I'm having a lot of cramping, is that normal? Normally, this is when I would be on my period, so I'm guessing that may explain the cramps. I did notice out-of-the ordinary stomach cramps (very minor ones) from the very beginning, so I hope this is just part of the pregnancy and nothing bad. But I already have noticed my boobs getting swollen and extremely sensitive! And, I can tell I've been extra tired lately.
Any way, I'll keep you all posted!
I know the feeling we got prego on the weddingmoon. I have some crapping to. My doc says no big deal as long a your not spotting. She told me to take tylenal and have daddy rub my back. She said its the uterus contracting. Vey excited for you. Let us know what they say.