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Kelly C

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Everything posted by Kelly C

  1. I hope so. Im also starting to get the pregancy brain. I was standing in the grocery store and didn't know what I was there to buy. It was pretty scarry. Maybe make yourself some good cds to sing to on our commute.
  2. Jessy, everthing will work itself out. I cant believe I got pregnant on the wedding moon. Things happen for crazy reasons. I took my test earlier than I was supposed to and it should I was prego early. After I took it the morning sickness went away. Now im starting to get the sleepies around two three oclock. Otherwise all good here.
  3. Alot of us did that. We got legally married here and didn't tell anyone but our parents and did a symbolic there. No one knows but the girls here.
  4. here is the link to the one I did. Hope it helps. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t28425
  5. Welcome Candice, Cabo is a very beautiful place where ever you choose I'm sure you will be very happy with.
  6. I know this is crazy. My mom just called me at work to tell me what was going on. The world could end and I wouldn't know it if I was at work when it happened.
  7. Oh my goodness sister, you did have quite the scare. Im so glad things are ok. They had to do a internal ultrasound on me also. it was a little strange. We couldn't hear a heartbeat but could see one. I have been telling our parents here is the picture of your grand tad pole. lol
  8. welcome to the forum. You find some great help here.
  9. Very cute. Congrats on the new blessing. How far along are you? I had no idea.
  10. We tipped ours as well. I gave it to her with a card after the wedding. We gave her $50.
  11. Welcome to the forum! We actually got engaged there last year. You will be pleased with the resort. I only saw one weeding there the week we were there.
  12. Depending on the state you were born, you can go to the dept of health and get a copy immdetialty. I had to do this one morning before leaving for a cruise. I had a sweet little toddler play hide and seek with it.
  13. Totally do it!!! It was the best pics we got out of the bunch. And was so much fun. At first I was alittle nervous and then warmed up and had a great time.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Hi all, I missed my period this month, so I just took a pregnancy test last night (well, I actually took two just to make sure) and it was posotive! I'm still in shock and feeling very emotional about it. I didn't think I would get pregnant this fast!?!? But, I'm really excited!!! It's just that it's still very early and I just hope everything turns out well. I'm thinking I'm a little less than 4 weeks. I made an appt today to get a pregnancy test and my doc's and to get checked up. I'm having a lot of cramping, is that normal? Normally, this is when I would be on my period, so I'm guessing that may explain the cramps. I did notice out-of-the ordinary stomach cramps (very minor ones) from the very beginning, so I hope this is just part of the pregnancy and nothing bad. But I already have noticed my boobs getting swollen and extremely sensitive! And, I can tell I've been extra tired lately. Any way, I'll keep you all posted! Congrat!!!! I know the feeling we got prego on the weddingmoon. I have some crapping to. My doc says no big deal as long a your not spotting. She told me to take tylenal and have daddy rub my back. She said its the uterus contracting. Vey excited for you. Let us know what they say.
  15. my morgan is 9 and i think maureens is 12.
  16. Maureen, My Morgan has gone back and forth on if she wants a sister or brother. Mine is the only grandchild on both sides, so she alittle spoiled. I was alittle worried myself its been so long since I have done this and so many things have changed. Pretty soon they aren't going to let us eat anything. HAHA. I love baby TJ's name so cute. We are thinking out of the box a little. My father passed away two years ago so some how I would like to incorparte his name in some how. He was Daniel Manton. So we are thinking... MacCarten Danielle, Kerrington Danielle for the girl names and Ashton Manton for the boy. I really like the Kerrington for the girl, hubby isn't so sold on it yet. I guess will figure it out.
  17. Maureen, what names have you chosen? I also have a Morgan she is 9yrs old. Is yours as excited as mine?
  18. How cool... I have to say I hope I am half as beautiful as you before I deliver. With my daughter 9 yrs ago I was the stay puff marshmellow women. LOL
  19. Right away my pants are tight, but I haven't gained any weight. Im hanging on the part of no weight gain yet. But I did have to go buy a couple pairs of new pants for work. UGH.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by GeminiLibra I am so excited to be a part of this forum. We just found out that I am 4 weeks pregnant!!! We were married Nov. 15th (what a wedding present!!) and didn't realize we would get pregnant as quickly as we did, I was pregnant for the wedding and I didn't even know until yesterday! We are so happy and I can't wait to be a Mommy! It's a bit early to tell friends and family but I feel like I might burst if I don't tell anyone so here I am. Congratulations to all of you! Congrats!!! Let us know your due date when you find out.
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