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Kelly C

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Everything posted by Kelly C

  1. Welcome to the forum! Absolutly you can find some place. We booked ours 6 months out. As long as your felixable with what day you get married you should find lots of things. By the way there are some great TA on here that Im sure could help you.
  2. Kelly C


    Welcome to the forum!
  3. We stayed an extra week so by the time we left they were on their last leg. Please a tip...If you lay them in the sand for pics that side will turn brown. Mine did. The rest of the week I just kept them in a glass of water on my night stand.
  4. Thanks Lizz. I am going to mention it to my Dr on the 2nd. its absolutly misarble. I hate being like this and I find its worse at night when Im getting tired. Everyone pisses me off. I had serious road range the other day going to the mall. People were driving like idiots and it was making me crazy. Thanks for the support. I'll let you know if my family disowns me or not.
  5. Not sure on how long...It such a whirlwind. maybe 20mins. We went back down the aisle and then back up the side of the chairs and did a champagne toast and pics with the group of guest.
  6. We paid about that when we stayed at Jallisco in Nov of '06. That was for 7 nights. Our guest paid 2200 a couple for Riu Santa Fe this Oct.
  7. I would check with your insurance. They have a list of aproved counslors in your area. Sometimes you can go on there website and check them out.
  8. Oh Kaylee, Im so sorry about your grandpa. And my hubby is the same way. So I know how you feel. It sucks. He will get over it he doesnt have a choice. But it sucks he making it last for so long.
  9. Everything said is quite normal and I think we all have experienced in some way. I agree with Deb and I said the same thing to my hubby. If he didn't go get the gifts they got nothing and left it at that. My girls were taking care of. he did eventually go get them. The weekend before we left and I didnt give a hoot.
  10. I had a party at my house the Saturday before we left and gave them out. That way people got to meet each other before we left. It wasnt anything fancy. Just mexican aps and Margaritas. It was alot of fun.
  11. Ok, is anyone else a hormonal mess? I called my mother Thursday bawling my head off. Asking her what wrong with me. I have no patientances and cry at a drop of a hat. I dont know what I did on wednesday, but the next morning i couldnt get my wedding ring on. Its too early for that. She just laughed and said "oh honey ur just pregant". Glad she got a good laugh. This is not cool. All of a sudden this week I have blown up. I can really see it in my face. Sorry girls needed to vent to others that are in my situation.
  12. Oh Jen, Sorry your going thru this. Try to stay positive. They say your more likely to have a false negative than a false positive. Good Luck keep us in the loop.
  13. Kelly C


    Welcome to the forum Kelly!
  14. It kind of crazy...I am prego and 37. They call me advanced materal age. RUDE! THey are having me do alot more test and ultrasounds than I did when I had my first at 27. THe risk are higher for birth defects and they say it can be harder to get prego after 35. Which in my case was not harder. I got prego on the first try. I dont think age matters, it is when you are ready.
  15. I have to tell you girls becareful what you wish for. I had the oppisite. Mine had an opinion on everything and I couldn't get anything done. I actually had to start a thread on what to do with a FI that has an opinion. This help me get thru it without really hurting him. LOL. Good luck ladies.
  16. Im so sorry to hear that. Im glad no one was hurt. Try to have a good holiday.
  17. Dana, Where are you getting married? I went to her and I really wished she would have come to the resort.
  18. Well....I got prego on the weddingmoon. But I went off the pill about 6 months prior and started taking prenatal vitamins. So the first month we tried I got prego. I would start your prenatals now ( u can get them anywhere) so your folic acid is up when you are ready. With my first child which is now 9, I went off the pill and got prego right away too. No preplanning that one. Good luck! let us know.
  19. I hope so. Im also starting to get the pregancy brain. I was standing in the grocery store and didn't know what I was there to buy. It was pretty scarry. Maybe make yourself some good cds to sing to on our commute.
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