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Everything posted by Jacqueline

  1. aww that is so nice, congrats! i didnt get many pix from my surprise shower either ( but im glad the memories will be there for you! yay!!
  2. hmm i have to say i think this is all prob blown out of proportion, and maybe i feel that way b/c im a fan of the show. there are things in my own life that are blown out of context, i hear false accusations all the time within my friends and family, so god knows how it must be for celebs kwim? and if these stories are true, i hope they do work it out for the kids and themselves. its almost like people WANT them to fall down, but not sure why, b/c kate is a b*tch, ?? thats just stupid. i havent watched the show like i used too but saw a few episodes recently at their new house, and omg how cute are the puppies and i cant believe how big the kids are getting. they are so darn cute!
  3. awwww i love them, you look gorgeous!!! such a pretty dress, i love it!!!!! great photos, thx for sharing!!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Dreamy101 Answer: ACE VENTURA Next Quote: Five Santas walked into that Tomahawk, Rudy. That's what the witnesses'll say. So we gotta have five hmm is it RUDY Next- "..looks like two pigs fightin under a blanket..."
  5. omlord, these two are fricken comical. never a dull moment with these two.
  6. love the sleeve sgtpepp and i love the story you told that goes with it.
  7. btw i think its such a sweet picture with him standing by his mommy, awwww
  8. i love the name! carly get one!! i will visit you more often! ha im kidding, but u know if u had a farm id be at your house! GET A DONKEY! i would be like "carrrrr i found like 5 kitties and i cant keep them, can they live in your farm houseee", "carrrr i found a horse, can you keep him at your farm house", "carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i found a skunk can you keep it at your farm houuseee", "carrrrr..."
  9. oh- im glad spender shaved his facial pubics for the occasion!
  10. tammy host- you needs to gets the details! and pictures if your sil will give them to you! haha do people need to sign stuff to promise not to post pix of them, ?? i was thinking it was all made up but since your sil went it must be true! wtf! brody looks skinner, no? i feel like the last few ep's he has look thin. not bad but just thinner.
  11. cute thread i will have to take some and post ;o)
  12. i like the dress too! but remeber -ITS ALL HOW YOU WEAR IT GIRL! be confident and you will be super sexy in it, kwim? own it! lol dont sweat it!
  13. Sorry I'm late but YAHOOO congrats!!!!!!!!! I hope it was wonderful and Im sure it was!
  14. How wonderful! I wish you the happiest day ever, I know it will be beautiful! Happy wedding day, congrats!!!! xoxo
  15. OH MY CUTENESS I want one. aww i really love himmmmmm, thx for sharing. i love that your parents have donkeys and horses. whats the donkey's name on shreck?? name him that? or like d said, something that reminds u of your cuba trip. or name him a human name, i think tahts funny and ecsp with a donkey. how about robert, timothy thomas, jose, benjamin. lol i dunno.
  16. oh yes, sarah is getting married, aw tahts gr8. tell her i said congrats and lots of luck!!! i think its nuts that lisa and seth hooked up... haha they used to play in the mud together its so cute.
  17. YAY thanks chickas!!!!! OH MY SHELLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the heck are YOU?? So excited??
  18. awww im so sorry ( i wish u the best and dont worry anymore it will all work out and you two have each other! i hope the hotel gives u $ back!!
  19. amanda- aw i will try to get some up so u dont have to download but my photo bucket is acting up but ill try! katrina- lisa is a piss, shes taking gifts up at the ceremony. what will u see her for?
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