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Posts posted by Jacqueline

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by itsfinallyhere View Post
    Oh you girls are absolutely horrible. My FI is ready to ban me from this site, but like an addict I can't resist. I loved what each of you had to say and was touched so much I could not stop crying it was all so beautiful! And of course FI thinks there is always something wrong when I cry but I seem to cry about a lot of things. And let me tell you, each of you of needed a tissues to themselves. I cannot wait to add my own addition! Thank-you for the inspiration.
    aw you're so cute.

    i teared up too reading these ;o)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jerseykitten View Post
    I loved Girls Next Door, and even though Kendra could be annoying and isn't the brightest, I liked her because she came from nothing and got a big break from Hugh. She never tried to act like more than she was like Holly (who REALLY annoyed me). She also worked hard to get that bangin body...hopefully she won't forget the baby somewhere!
    thats a good point, she stayed true to who she was so she def gets points for that!
  3. ha omlord...i watched parts of the show, it was ok. my fav of those girls was always bridgett, kendra was my least fav.


    wow i cant believe shes preggers. she didnt even know how to food shop, and now she is going to have a baby and all the responsibilities that go with it?! i hope it all works out and im sure it will. time to grow up kendra!

  4. TBH I never asked him how much he weighs, nor has he ever asked me b/c it never came up or care i guess.

    Once in a blue he'll mention that maybe he lost or gained some lbs (he goes to gym and weighs himself, I do not) but that's it.


    It's a shame your FI feels that way, that he can't go to pool parties or be seen in bathing suit :o( Life's too short for that tell him!

  5. edsrosa, thx. i will try that!! i dont recall getting emails saying that, howeverrr i never read the emails all the way through so ? but if that is the case, that sucks dont it!? you pay for the account to remain active but ey they expect you to pay for pix to be printed in order to get certain privileges too. it's only $5 but still. i will see if that works though!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
    Wow Jac, you're a gorgeous bride!! I love every single one of those photos. I love the ones where you're laughing (esp. when your bms are helping you with your dress - that's so cute!), but there are some really pretty, dramatic ones too! They're all great!!

    And umm... if you have more on FB, then you should post them here too please!!! cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif
    haha maybe i will add some tonight or over the weekend. i didnt want to bombard with pix b/c they are all pretty much the same so i just grabbed my fav's
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