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Posts posted by Jacqueline

  1. I just got this text message from a friend and I had to forward to you girls. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did wink.gif



    God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED - To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be. Dear God: The lady reading this is beautiful, classy and strong, and I love her. Help her live her life to the fullest. Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations. Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most, and let her know when she walks with you, she will always be safe. Now you're on the clock!!!! In 9 minutes something will make you happy. But you have to tell 9 sisters you love them, including me. Go!!! Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain!

  2. he is really hard to cook for because he gets on his health kicks. (right now he is on one b/c maui is coming up) im a girl who likes to eat and by that, i dont mean un healthy foods. ..i eat my meals during day, lighter ones and for dinner i like to fricken EAT. and he is such a rabbit with his salads and wraps, and tuna. that is fine and good, but they are just lunch foods to me, not DINNER. im going to tell him casually tonight and update u all tomorrow on how it goes hahaa.

  3. hahahu u guys are great, thx for the quick reply's.


    yes i thought it was rude too! i swear its cuz he's a moma's boy and she does everything for him. LOVEEE her though, that wasnt a stab at her.


    if he ever does this its not a completely diff meal, he wont expect me to make him pasta if i have a pork roast in or something. since im making chicken it can be cut up into pieces and made into a wrap. BUT i still think thats rude. he is lucky im making dinner that f'er.

  4. i want to see what you guys think, b/c maybe im just a b*tch. mind you, this has happened a few times.


    today i asked fi to take out chicken when he stopped home for lunch. he said ok and asked if we were making wraps for dinner. sometimes i'll season chicken up and cut them up and we make chicken wraps, he could live off them but i get sick of them. i also didnt have that in mind for tonight. so i said no, i was planning on making chicken and rice or something with some sides. well he texts me back and says "ok i will have a wrap". .. ummm really? is it me or is that rude to expect me to make two different meals? he has done this before & sometimes i just do it cuz i dont mind and sometimes i tell him to kiss my ass that im not a chef working at a restaurant- eat what i make or make it ya damn self.


    its like, does he think im going to make him and my kids (when we have kids that is) all diff meals b/c they dont want what i make?? kwim??


    does anyone ever deal with this? i think its rude and not sure how to tell him nicely.

  5. i'd try calling the spca near you, and see if they have a vet that comes in, or they can possibly recommend a place to you. tell them your situation about the funds, they will be more than happy to help. i dont think our website has all their info either, but on certain days though they gives shots and have a vet there. keep track of whats going on too, its good to keep a record just in casey!!


    good luck and keep me posted on the lil baby. do you have any pix? k

  6. im so glad he seems okay now. but id def keep a close watch on his every move just in case. it could be the start of something, you just never know.

    since he's still a baby, are all his shots up to date? when will he go in for his next checkup visit? maybe call and make a ck up visit, they normally are not so expensive.

    when you get there mention his behavior. or if u just want to call, ask if they have payment plans in case this happens again you can take him no question and they can put you on a payment plan. hope everything stays good!!

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Raeka View Post
    I'm loving that song right now too. Now I just want to hear it. The beat is sick (sick in a good way :P) . Jaq do you have her CD? I think it's OK I was kind of expecting more... but it works.
    no i wanted to get her cd, but have not yet. BTW, its nice to hear someone else out there still buys CD'S!!!! a lot of people make fun or are in just shock that i buy cd's still. i dont have nor do i want an ipod or anything funky. i like my cds, and they better not stop making them. lol
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