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Posts posted by Jacqueline

  1. Im going to have to really look into this and find something. Lately my lil kitty has been sick and maybe b/c I gave her the Science diet. I have a fat cat though, about the size of a mini horse (k not really) but they seem to like the canned better. I'll have to search. I'm glad I started this thread.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Erika J View Post
    That is what I thought but our vet said they were all pretty much junk. He recoomended some natural foods from specialty stores, Nutros from Petsmart or His vet food which i think was science diet, but it was a system of numbers and letters. ( sorry I cant remember better).

    We ended up doing Nutros route becasue we have one by the house and it was way more convenient than trying to buy food with in the vets hours. It is like $39 for a 40lb bag for dog food. I hope they do not do animal testing ??

    NUTRO® Premium Pet Food for Dogs and Cats
    I used to work at petsmart a few years back when i was in school and they had a brand and i can not remember it for the life of me, but i do think it was the nutros. i wonder if i should go back to that. i fed that to them for a few months, but went back to iams. is it a white bag some has purple writing and some has like a teal color writing?
  3. I didn't like how Charlie stood up to Heidi and got in her face and how Spencer just sat there and let him do that to her. That girl Stacie is the biggest ditz, she needs to find her own man. The show makes you think Heidi is actually going to walk away from that loser finally but next weeks episode they show her in a wedding dress sooo - nope. She sticks by him once again. I'm surprised LC got Stephanie a job, thats going to back fire BIG TIME I think. Ohhh and the drama next week, I cant to watch next weeks with A and Brody & his gf!!!!

  4. I selected "I am religious but don't often go to my place of worship". I have a very strong faith in God. I won't say anything bad about the Catholic religion, b/c that's who I am and who my family is, but along the way I have had some feelings toward my parish (I can't speak for other parishes) as far as their "rules" and to live "by the book". Lil stupid things that shouldn't define you as a person seemed to do just that. Times have changed though so it might be diff now days. We all bleed the same so as long as we are good people, that's all that matters at the end of the day. Like, I don't go to church as often as I should but like Carly said, I choose to pray on my own time most of the time. My sister has a new parish the last 2 years or so and has said they are not like our parish growing up so perhaps I need to find a diff church that I like...and I will in time. My faith in God has def helped me through some tuff times so can I get a AMENN! ;o)

  5. Soooooo I had my surprise bridal shower this past Sat at my sister's house! It was great, my sister and BM's did such a great job, everything they did was so thoughtful and I couldn't have asked for a better shower or bridal party. I went to my sisters house, in the back of my mind thinking it could be my shower but I didn't tell her that, I would never want to ruin that for her or anyone else who put so much effort into this ;o) Anyway, they had a great menu with the help of my family and friends, yummy cocktails, decorated the house great, my cousin made homemade candles with Joe and my name on the lid for the favors, the cake was so pretty, it had the peacock feather design from my invitation on there. The girls got me and Joe a digital frame with music down loaded on it, a cute photo album for my Maui pix, a peacock design wine glass, and of course threw me the best shower ever. My mom got me really pretty lingerie, a honeymoon suite at a hotel nearby, & my fine china (along with my MIL), my mom AND sister made me an awesome recipe book with all types of recipes in it. They used a really funny picture of me from grade school on the cover making cookies sitting on this butcher block we had in our old house growing up, it was hysterical, my bangs are all teased. lol And my sister made me the cutest most creative scrapbook I think I ever seen, it was so adorable. I also got a lot from my registry and other cute gifts that were not on my registry, so I made out very well! I'm so lucky ;o) A bunch of us hung out there after and just had such a great time drinking, laughing and telling funny stories. I didn't want the night to end & I can only imagine thats how I'll feel on my wedding day too.


    Once I get pictures from the shower, I will post them. I apologize in advance though b/c I didn't have my camera, and those who took pix take a while to send them to me so I'll try my best to get them up. If not I will take pix tonight of stuff and post them. Carly, I dont know if you have any, ?? If you do send them my way first, thanks!!!

  6. we watched a movie last night and i am still thinking about it, it was "the boy in the striped pajamas". it's about the nazi's and the concentration camps, absolutely heart wrenching. although its so sad and makes me sick to my stomach what happened to those innocent people, its a def must see movie. be sure to have tissues ready.

  7. umm W-O-W i lovee those shots, u look drop dead gorgeous, i am not even kidding. he will love them. i so want to my my shots done.


    i was curious, how does that tuxedo lingerie fit? i THOUGHT about wearing that with short blk shorts but wasnt sure if it was not taht type of shirt in person. i think i have a shirt im wearing to my bach party now anyway but thought id still ask...

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